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MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)


In this module, you will learn and understand about You are reading the Oral Communication – Grade 11: First
Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Quarter Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on “Significant features of
Strategies to Avoid Communication Break Down effective and intercultural communication” (EN11/12OC-Ia-3)” as written and
II. LEARNING OUTCOMES found in the K-12 Most Essential Learning Competencies.
Learning Competencies/Learning Outcomes/Objectives The use of Teacher-made Educational Module aims to

At the end of this module, the learners are expected to: surpass the challenges of teaching in a new normal education set-up.
Through this module, the students are given independent learning activities,
1. explain each effective communication features;
which embodies in the Most Essential Learning Competencies based on the
2. distinguish the important features of an effective communication and
K-12 Curriculum Competencies, to work on in accordance with their
characteristics of a good intercultural communicator;
capability, efficiency and time. Thus, helping the learners acquire the
3. differentiate the various features of effective communication;
prerequisite 21st Century skills needed with emphasis on utmost effort in
4. reflect on how each features of effective communication affect the
considering the whole well-being of the learners.
communication process
At the end of the quarter, you will represent your school as a
5. create their own fictional country reconsidering the characteristics of a
participant for the upcoming Culture and Arts contest under spoken poetry
good intercultural communicator with the theme “(To be announced prior to your PT week) motivate and
inspire your fellow Filipinos.” You are task to submit your own piece and
HOW TO LEARN FROM THIS MODULE? recorded performance. This task aims to motivate and inspire your fellow
Filipinos during these times.
Here is a simple guide for you in going about the module. We do hope that in using this material, you will gain ample
1. Read and follow the instructions very carefully. knowledge and skills for you to be fully equipped and ready to answer the
2. Take the pre-test (the number of items varies depending on the topic) to demands of the globally competitive world. We are confident in you! Keep
determine how much you know about the lessons in the module. soaring high.
3. Check your answers against the correct answers provided at the last page of
the module.
4. Be very honest in taking the test so you know how much knowledge you
already have about the topic.
5. Perform all the activities, as these will help you have a better understanding
of the topic.

6. Take the post-test to assess how much you learned in the module.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 1| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

and seeking a solution rather than ranting and raving:

a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
10. I treat others respectfully even when I strongly disagree or are upset with

Direction: Take this short quiz to identify your communication strengths them:

and weaknesses. a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never

11. I refrain from using absolutes like “always” and “never” when having
1. When communicating with others, I adapt my message, style, and tone to my disagreement or argument with someone (e.g. “I’m always the one who has
audience, taking into account the situation: to fix things” or “You never care about my feelings”):
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
2. I pay attention to the non-verbal signals I’m sending to make sure they are 12. I try to avoid spreading or participating in gossip:
consistent with my words: a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never 13. If I think I know what someone is going to say, I finish their sentences for
3. I demonstrate that I am listening by nodding or saying words like, “Yes,” “I them:
see,” and “Uh huh”: a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never 14. I fidget and look away a lot when I get bored with a conversation:
4. I can read another person’s mood by watching their body language and facial a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
expressions: 15. I stop listening and tune the person out when their views are different than
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never mine:
5. I maintain eye contact with the person I’m conversing with: a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never 16. I’m quick to offer solutions when someone is telling me about their
6. I try to understand the other person’s point of view by asking questions and problems:
repeating back what I think they are saying: a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never 17. I try to think of a good or clever response while the other person is still
7. I try to show empathy and compassion when the person I’m speaking with speaking:
gets emotional: a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never 18. I try to make the other person to see my point of view at all costs:
8. I show I’m engaged in a conversation by asking meaningful questions and a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
giving positive feedback to the person or group I’m with:
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
9. When having to deliver correction or criticism to someone (e.g. a child,
significant other, or employee), I stay focused on identifying the problem


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 2| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

19. I try to use fancy vocabulary words and jargon so people know I The speaker shows courtesy in communication by respecting the
am intelligent: culture, values, and beliefs of his/her receivers. Being courteous all the time
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never creates a positive impact on the audience.
20. I assure that every information that I am giving is clear and exact:
a. Always b. Often c. Sometimes d. Never
V. DISCUSSION 6. Clearness in communication implies the use of simple and specific words
Features of an Effective Communication
to express ideas. It is also achieved when the speaker focuses only on a single
In their pioneer book Effective Public Relations, Professors Broom, Cutlip,
and Center (2012) list the 7 Cs of Effective Communication. The list is objective in his/her speech so as not to confuse the audience.
widely used today, especially in public relations and advertising. 7. Correctness
(Tips to Avoid Communication Breakdown) Correctness in grammar eliminates negative impact on the audience
1. Completeness and increases the credibility and effectiveness of the message.
-Complete communication is essential to the quality of the communication
process in general. Hence, communication should include everything that the
receiver needs to hear for him/her to respond, react, or evaluate properly. New Lesson (Bagong Aralin): Intercultural Communication.

2. Conciseness MOTIVATION:
Conciseness does not mean keeping the message short but making it direct or Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, accomplish the following tasks.
straight to the point. Insignificant or redundant information should be Do not pass this task to your teacher. It will only serve as your reference for
eliminated from the communication that will be sent to the recipient.
some activities in the future.

3. Consideration
To be effective, the speaker should always consider relevant information about 1. List down 5 words/phrases that you know in Spanish, Korean, Thai,
his/her receiver such as mood, background, race, preference, education, status, Chinese and Japanese with its equivalent meaning in English and Filipino.
needs, among others. By doing so, he/she can easily build rapport (good 2. Translate “I LOVE YOU” in 10 different Languages.
relationship) with the audience. 3. Choose 5 countries and research for their greetings etiquette, religion,
dining etiquette and some red flags or unaccepted stuff in their cultural
4. Concreteness
Effective communication happens when the message is concrete and
supported by facts, figures, and real-life examples and situations. In this INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION
case, the receiver is more connected to the message conveyed. -happens when individuals interact, negotiate and create meanings while
bringing in their varied cultural backgrounds (Ting-Tooney, 2009).
5. Courtesy
-for some scholars intercultural communication pertains to communication
among people from different nationalities (Gudykunst, 2003).


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 3| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

-still others look at intercultural communication as communication influenced

by different ethnicities, religions and sexual orientations: 1. Avoid stereotypes
2. Do not talk down on younger people and the elderly.
Ethnicity-the fact or state of belonging to a social group that has a common
3. Be sensitive to the religious practices of others.
national or cultural tradition.
4. Be polite at all times; do not belittle people you perceive to be on a
Examples: Ilocano, Bicolano, Tausug, Maranao, Kapampangan,
lower social class than you
Maguindanao at Cebuano.
Religions: a set of beliefs about God or the supernatural. Ex: Christianity
Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown
Sexual Orientation: refers to the gender (male or female) to which a person
Communication is a process of exchanging thoughts, ideas, and opinions in
is physically and romantically attracted.
order to connect with other people. Its goal is to achieve a clear and effective
-both interpretations show that intercultural communication takes place when
understanding resulting to good relationships in the community. However,
people draw from their cultural identity to understand values, prejudices),
there are times when this goal is not reached due to certain factors. When this
language, attitudes and relationships. -moreover, intercultural communication
happens, there is communication breakdown.
can be seen as a bargained understanding of human experiences across diverse
societies. Various Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown
Simply put, intercultural communication is the sending and receiving of
Communication breakdown may at times be inevitable but as a sensible
messages across languages and cultures.
speaker or sender of the message, we could avoid this. Understanding the
concept of communication breakdown and its causes, will help us realize that
failure in communication may be avoided through certain strategies that we
could adapt.
1. Flexibility and the ability to tolerate high levels of uncertainty.
2. Reflectiveness or mindfulness. Here is an article entitled 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by
3. Open-mindedness. Ronnie Peterson.
4. Sensitivity
5. Thinking creatively Recognizing the barriers or obstacles to effective communication is
6. Politeness important in order to avoid communication breakdown. Here are some of
7. Tactfulness the barriers that may cause communication failure.
NOTE: In relation to culture, other elements such as gender, age, social
Physical Barriers are the natural or environmental condition that act as a
status, and religion must also be taken into consideration when
barrier in communication in sending the message from sender to receiver.
communicating to others. Refrain from showing bias when talking
someone by following the tips:
1. People talking too loud.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 4| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

2. Noise from a construction site Semantic noises are the “alternate meanings aroused by a speaker’s
3. Loud sound of a karaoke symbols,” This idea means that a word may have another meaning in
4. Blaring of jeepney horns the minds of the students. This is affected by the language in which they
Psychological Barriers are called as mental barriers. These refer to social and grew and the culture in which they are exposed.
personal issues of a speaker towards communicating with others.
Examples: incorrect grammar, using excessive technical jargons and using
1. trauma idiomatic expressions.
2. shyness, lack of confidence
3. depression , fear, stage fright Examples: confrontation with a friend, fear of speaking in front of the class,
racial prejudice and many more.
Cultural Barriers pertain to communication problems encountered by
people regarding their intrinsic values, beliefs, and traditions in conflict with
Various Strategies to Avoid Communication Breakdown
others. People’s culture affect the way they communicate and relate to others
Communication breakdown may at times be inevitable but as a sensible
Examples: different beliefs, traditions, and customs and manners of dressing
speaker or sender of the message, we could avoid this. Understanding the
Linguistic Barriers pertain conflicts with regard to language and word concept of communication breakdown and its causes, will help us realize that
meanings. Because words carry denotative and connotative meanings, they failure in communication may be avoided through certain strategies that we
can sometimes cause confusion and misunderstanding. Meaning of words could adapt.
and symbols also vary depending on culture.
Examples: difference in language, accent and dialect, use of jargons Here is an article entitled 5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by
and slangs.
Ronnie Peterson.

Verderber (1991) gives a similar idea of barrier when he classifies noise

5 Ways to Avoid Communication Breakdown by Ronnie Peterson
into three kinds: External, Internal and Semantic Noise.
Communication breakdown can cause issues or problems at home, school,
External Noises are the “sight, sound and other stimuli that draw people’s and community. There are so many barriers to communication like,
attention away from intended meaning.” physiological, psychological, cultural, and linguistics.
Examples: noise from vehicles, singing at the neighbourhood, visual aids in Sometimes some communication barriers are too difficult to solve and this
front of the classroom, the dog barking, the sound of airplane and many will lead to slowing the progress and efficiency.
more. Here are the possible strategies to avoid communication breakdown:

Internal noises are the “thoughts and feelings that interfere with meaning.” 1. Have Clarity of thought before speaking


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 5| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

Arrange your thoughts before verbalizing them this can help you
communicate much more clearly and succinctly. It's a better idea to say A smooth and successful communication transaction may result if we follow
something like, "I've got a few ideas here. Let me go through them one at a the strategies to avoid communication breakdown. Communication becomes
time. We can treat each one on its own merit." successful if and only if our communication goal is achieved, that is, an
understanding is reached and a relationship is built or maintained.
2. Learn to Listen
Here are some strategies to avoid communication breakdown (Quipper
As simple as it sounds, you’ll be surprised how many people out there don’t
know how to listen well.

Keep Focused
Not understanding those who you are trying to communicate with will lead
-One way of being focused is to put in mind the purpose communication. As
to a conversation fraught with misunderstandings. Don’t be afraid to ask
a speaker identify your purpose for speaking and as a listener find the
them to repeat or explain further in polite manner once you don’t understand
speaker’s purpose thru his/her verbal and non-verbal cues.
the point.
3. Take Care of your Body Language and Tone Speak Intelligibly
Keep your emotions in check, try to maintain eye contact, and adopt a Speaking intelligibly or clearly means using the appropriate speaking
relaxed tone when conversing with others. volume, pitch rate, proper enunciation, stress, and acceptable pronunciation.
We speak in order to be understood.
4. Build up your confidence by asking for feedback and observing
others Focus on improving your skills by practicing in front of those who you Listen with your Ears and Eyes
may feel more comfortable with. You can also ask those whose advice you Pay attention to verbal and non-verbal message. Effective communication
value to give you feedback and critique your communication style after a depends on what people say and how they say it.
Minimize Distractions
5. Communicate Face to Face on the important issues Look for a place where you can minimize distractions or noise like closed area,
Having that face to face dialogue means you can convey your point more empty room, or quiet places. Lessening the cause for confusion means giving
clearly, with your body language as well as your tone of voice. It can also help more room to focus and concentrate.
to clear up any misunderstandings or distortion of the message that could
occur through other mediums. Remember, becoming an effective Be Specific
communicator takes time and practice. Over time, using these strategies can Use simple and concise words as much as possible in delivering a message.
lead to better communication in your personal relationships, and more Being specific means being particular and direct to the point.
productive workplace environments as well.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 6| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

Do not Jump to Conclusions The Functions of Communication and Communicative Competence Strategies
in Various Speech Situations and the Principles of Speech Writing
Before you give your comments and judgement, be sure that you have listened
attentively to the speaker. Conclusions should be drawn after a thorough
analysis of point given or information received. Learning Competencies/Learning Outcomes/Objectives
At the end of this module, the learners are expected to:
Avoiding communication breakdown helps you to be an effective speaker. 1. identify the functions of communication;
2. provide and situate examples of communication functions;
Below are some strategies which you can use to avoid breakdown
3. apply the functions of communication;
communication. (Quipper n.d.)
4. identify the speech style used in the following situations; and
5. distinguish the speech acts in the following statements and sentences.
Helpful Expressions to Avoid Communication Breakdown
Strategies to Avoid Helpful Expressions V. DISCUSSION
What is Oral Communication?
-It is the process of expressing information or ideas by word of mouth. It is a
Use helpful expressions to gain time “Really” , “Uhmm”, “Uh-huh” , way of verbally transmitting information and ideas from one individual or
to think “Anyway” , “Tell me more…” group to another. It can either be formal or informal depending on the
purpose of communication.
Give positive remarks or comments “”Sounds good”
“I see what you mean” Examples of informal oral communication include:
Ask for repetition “Can you please repeat what you -Face-to-face conversations

said?” - Telephone conversations

“What did you say again?” - Discussions that take place at business meetings

“What did you mean, when you say

that…” More formal types of oral communication include:
- Presentations at business meetings
Check for understanding “So, are you saying that…”
- Classroom lectures
“So, what is your understanding of
- Commencement speeches given at a graduation ceremony

With advances in technology, new forms of oral communication continue to

develop. Video phones and video conferences combine audio and video so
that workers in distant locations can both see and speak with each other.
Other modern forms of oral communication include podcasts (audio clips
In this module, you will learn and understand about
that you can access on the Internet).


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 7| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)
Benefits of Oral Communication - There is high level of understanding and transparency in oral
- It saves time communication as it is interpersonal
- It is more effective as emotions are well portrayed - It is best in case of problem resolution
- The feedback loop is faster - The conflicts, disputed and many issues/differences can be put to an end by
- Verbal communication is economical talking them over

- The tone is easy to read. - Oral communication can be best used to transfer private and confidential

Understanding Oral Presentation

- An oral presentation is a short talk on a set of topic given to a tutorial or The Functions of Communication and Communicative Competence
seminar group. Strategies in Various Speech Situations
- The 3Ps are important (Plan, Prepare and Practice)
- One must focus on the needs of the audience The Functions of Communication
- Keep it simple a. Regulation/Control
Communication during Meetings
-Business meetings can maximize communication by taking different steps. -Communication can be used to control the behaviour of human beings and
-Prepare by choosing participants with care, providing advance notice and to regulate the nature and amount of activities humans engage in.
planning clearly articulated agenda.
b. Social Interaction
-Recap the meeting’s accomplishments and provide or recap actionable steps
-In their daily course of living, human beings develop and maintain bonds,
before concluding.
intimacy, relations and associations through communication.
Face to Face Conversations
c. Motivation
- Functions to motivate, encourage or inspire people to live better.
- When one person discusses his views, opinion to another persona and
exchange their views in the presence of both then it is called face to face
d. Information
-Functions to convey information/giving information.
- It is a discussion through spoken language and words on a particular issue
among the people to exchange their views freely and fairly with each other
e. Emotional Expression
- Facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.
Benefits of Face to Face Conversations
- Immediate response
Communicative Competence Strategies in Various Speech Situations
- Feelings expressed easily
- Suitable for discussion
- Less chance of misunderstanding
a. Intrapersonal


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 8| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

-Refers to communication that centers on one person where the speaker acts Types of Speech Styles
both as the sender and the receiver of message. “The message is made up
What is a Speech Style?
of your thoughts and feelings. The channel is your brain, which processes
-According to Martin Joos (1976), a linguist and a German professor, it
what you are thinking and feeling. refers to the form of language that the speaker utilized which is
characterized by the level of formality.
b. Interpersonal
-refers to communication between and among people and establishes
relationship among them. 1. Intimate
Types of Interpersonal Context -This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members
b.1 Dyad Communication or individuals. The Language used in this style may not be shared in public.
-A communication that occurs between two people. Examples: between husband and wife, boyfriend-girlfriend and parents to
b.2 Small Group
-Refers to communication that involves at least three but not more than twelve 2. Casual
people engaging in an interaction to achieve a desired goal. In this type of -This style is common among peers and friends. Slang, vulgarities and
communication, all participants can freely share ideas in a loose and open colloquialism are normal.
discussion. Examples: buddies, chats and emails, blogs, letters to friends etc.

3. Consultative
b.3 Public -This style is a Professional Discourse. Professional or mutually acceptable
-This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the is a must in this style. It is basically unplanned speech since the speaker
message before or in front of a group. uses the participation and feedback of the listener.
-The message can be driven by informational or persuasive purposes. Examples: Communication between a doctor and a patient, lawyer and
-In public communication unlike in dyad and small group communication, judge, teacher and student, counsellor and client and many more.
channels are more exaggerated. The voice is louder and the gestures are
more expansive because the audience is bigger. 4. Formal
-The speaker might use additional visual channels such as slides or a Power -This style is used in formal settings. Mostly in formal writings rather than
Point Presentation. speaking. It disallows the use of contractions and ellipsis.
-Speakers will also use vocal qualifiers such as lapels, microphones, speakers Examples: Speeches, pronouncements, announcements, researches,
and many more. academic papers and many more.
-Examples: Symposium, Seminars, Orientations, Meetings etc.
5. Frozen
b.4 Mass Communication -This style rarely or never change in time. It mostly occurs in ceremonies
-This refers to communication that takes place through televisions, radio, like weddings funerals and more.
newspapers, magazines, books, billboards, internet, and other types Examples: Lord’s Prayer, Preamble of the constitution, Laws, Bibliographic
of media. reference etc.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 9| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)

-You can also ask the help of others in choosing an appropriate topic for a
Types of Speech Acts
certain occasion or event.

1. Locutionary Act
-The actual act of uttering. (Kung ano ang sinabi at sinulat mo). 4. Narrowing down a topic
5. Data gathering
2. Illocutionary Act -The stage where you collect ideas, information, sources and references
-The social Function of what is said. (Kung anong gusto mo o mensahe ng relevant or related to your specific topic.
sinabi mo). -This can be done by visiting the library, browsing the web, observation or
conducting a survey or an interview.
3. Perlocutionary Act -The data that you will gather will be very useful in making your speech more
-The resulting act of what is said. (Kung anong Epekto nito sa pinagsabihan informative, entertaining and persuading.
mo). 6. Writing Patterns
- are structures that will help you organize the ideas related to your topic.
a. Examples
The Speech Writing Process
-In this pattern the writer makes a statement and then give examples to
support his/her statement.
The following are the components of a speech writing process

b. Process
1. Audience Analysis (AA)
-This pattern refers to a series of steps to be carried out in some order, for
-entails looking into the profile of your target audience. This is done to tailor-
example: How do you make coffee? In this pattern, the writer describes
fit your speech content and delivery to your audience.
the step by step process in making a coffee.
The profile includes the following information.
c. Cause and effect
-This pattern simply states the cause and effect of something. Example:
- Includes age, gender, educational background, social status, nationality,
Catherine became successful in life because of studying and working hard.
economic status and any information related to your audience.

d. Comparison and contrast

To compare two things is to find in which way/s they are similar.
- Time, venue, occasion and size.
c. Psychology
- Values, beliefs, preferences, needs and etc. e. Deductive manner
Explaining a topic from a general to specific manner.
2. The purpose: To inform-To entertain-To persuade f. Inductive manner
Explaining a topic from specific to general manner.
3. The topic
7. Outline
-Choose a topic that interests you. - Refers to a list that shows the relationship of your ideas.


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 10| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)
- Elements of an outline include; introduction, body and conclusion. whole based on content, delivery, body language, stage presence and
technicality. You can use Filipino or English Language.

Sumulat ng isang pasalitang tula tungkol sa nais mong paksa

a. Introduction
- The foundation of your speech. Your primary goal here is to get the at isagawa ito (video performance). Ang pagtatanghal ay dapat nasa
attention of the audience and present the topic or main idea of your loob lamang ng dalawa hanggang tatlong minuto. Ang sinulat mong
speech. The following are some strategies.
pasalitang tula at pagtatanghal ay maiibalweyt base sa naibigay na
1. Use a real-life experience and connect that experience to your subject.
2. Use practical examples and explain their connection to your subject.
The copy of your spoken poetry piece should follow the format below:
3. Start with a familiar or strong quote and then explain what it means.
4. Use facts or statistics and highlight their importance to your subject.
 Font - Times New Roman
5. Tell a personal story to illustrate your point.
 Font Size - 12
 Margin - 1 inch (all sides)
b. Body of the speech
 Single Space
- Provides explanations, examples, or any details that can help you deliver your
 Short Bond Paper
purpose and explain the maid idea of your speech.
- The body of your speech should only have one idea.

1. Present real-life and practical examples. Note: Submit your video performance on the gmail account or
2. Show statistics. messenger of the subject teacher.
3. Present comparisons.
4. Share ideas from the experts or practitioners.

c. Conclusion
- Restates the main idea of your speech.
- It provides a summary of the whole speech.
- Aims to leave with a memorable statement.

You are selected by your school as a participant for the upcoming
Culture and Arts contest under spoken poetry with the theme “Covid-19:
Matatapos rin ang Lahat.” Your coach requires you to submit your own
piece and recorded performance with the duration time of two to three
minutes (2-3 min). Your output and performance will be evaluated as a


PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 11| P a g e
MODULE 3: Significant Features of Effective and Intercultural Communication with the Strategies to Avoid Communication
Break Down WEEK 5 & 6(1st Quarter)
CRITERIA 8 7 6 5
Content Entire poem shows reflection and Poem shows some evidence of the Poem is basic and shows very little Theme is unclear.
expression of a particular theme. author’s reflections on a particular reflection on a theme.
Supportive ideas are relevant and theme. Supportive ideas are missing or
original throughout. Supportive ideas are mostly unclear.
Supportive ideas are mostly relevant and irrelevant and unoriginal.
Poem gives real insight into the original.
writer’s character and point of The poet’s feelings are not revealed.
view. Parts of the poem might be off-topic but
most of the poem expresses some depth
and insight.

Delivery A combination of appropriate and A combination of appropriate eye Inconsistent use of eye contact, Lack of eye contact, clarity, and
effective eye contact, posture, contact, clarity, and projection of voice, clarity, and projection of voice, tone projection of voice, tone and pace
clarity of expression, projection of tone and pace are used but without a and pace interrupt the flow of the make the reading difficulty to
voice, tone and pacing significantly smooth cohesiveness. reading. follow.
enhance the speakers’ words.

Technicality The video utilizes electronic or The video utilizes electronic or The video utilizes electronic or No use of electronic or
background music appropriately background music appropriately to the background music appropriately background music at all.
that shows effectivity and adds speech theme that shows effectivity but but is not effective and doesn’t add
emphasis to the significant points doesn’t add emphasis on the significant emphasis on the significant speech
on your speech. points on your speech. on your speech.

Body Language Excellent use of facial expression, Good use of facial expression, gestures, Some use of facial expression, Minimal use of body language to
gestures, and body language. Body and body language to enhance poem. gestures, and body language to enhance poem.
language adds meaning. enhance poem.

Stage Presence Excellent body language and eye Adequate body language and eye contact Body language and eye contact are No use of stage; body language
contact; great confidence being on with some stage presence. unsure at times; confident at times; reflects nervousness.
stage. little attempt to use stage.



PREPARED BY: JOE MARI P. VALDEZ 1P a g e | 12| P a g e

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