Writing Guide

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First find related kws

● Related keywords: keywords that have same intent as main kw: in other words if you put
those keywords in title instead of main kw user will still click it….pick kws as per number of
products…for 10 products pick 10 kws

Title (H1)
● It should contain main kw + related kw (any to make sense)
● Just use h1 here
● Use related kws in the title also
● Title can be use in the start recommended by shanawar
● Title can be used after the second paragraph recommended by ammar

It should contain main kw of article

Here you can use 2 paragraphs recommended by ammar or just one paragraph recommended
by shanawar

1st Paragraph: for user

3-5 sentences at least, not just a single line, the main use of this para is to retain (to make him
stay ) the user.
for eg: are you looking for the best headphones for music? or you can say, tired of useless
headphones which have distortion or bass, don't worry we got you covered with our perfect
quality headphones reviews with the best clarity and canceling the outdoor noise ps: one of
them is waterproof 
Poor paragraph symbol: if you are looking for best headphones (use this line in the end) ….. it
doesn’t retain user…

2nd Paragraph: for meta description (it avoids Google penalty)

● This paragraph should be most obvious ( we are writing this for google because 90% of
users will skip this)
● We must need to put our main keyword in this paragraph once, you need to tell why did
you tested these products, add some of the celebrity names if he/she has tested them, and
make them believe that they also recommend such.
● Maximum 5 sentences in this.
● Google might pick it as your meta description.

Another Title (H2) can be used here also recommended by ammar

Heading (H2)
Heading is made in two ways
● If your main kw is singular and also has plural version then use kw that has more volume in
main title and kw with low volume in this heading and use some digit to make it natural like
10 best headphones. Reason for doing this is it helps you in feature snippet.
● If there is no difference between Search Volume of S or without S then put the second
keyword which has the highest intent related of the keyword for eg: best musical
headphones. this should be H2 (can also be H3)
If related keywords rank which have the same intent, then because of this you'll get traffic
because of the low competition keyword, and because of that your whole article will rank.

You can use table here recommended by ammar as table is a HTML element measured by
google. Tables are use for comparison of product so it will depend on niche


Paragraph recommended by shanawar

3-4 lines are more than enough.
Main kw should in first 100 words of your paragraph.
Should tell about you are expert, add lines like we have highly qualified experts, editors,
experience reviewers etc.
Paragraph last line should engage the whole content like user should read further. You can add
lines like explore theme products and you may get discount on these / get the tested products
by us down there.

Main Picture/featured image

Maximum size can be 800 x 400
Search on google, best product.
Write your website address, name, main keyword on image.
You can go to YouTube, search main keyword, play video featuring the item, keep video full
screen and take screenshots.

You can go to amazon, copy any image, use water mark of yours and use it.

You can adopt 3 ways while writing here.

1. You can start with h2
2. top picks before h2 (best way)…top picks has product list with links and 1-2 lines about
3. Only comparison table heading h2 which is “list of main kw review”, paragraph as
mentioned below under second heading, start writing products (h3)

The main keyword (h2)

Here you will discuss on what bases you have selected the products, how many products we
tested, what strategy we adopted.
One or two paragraphs will do.

Product writing by shanawar

● Product H3- Best feature

For example
Headphone; Best for music


● Product H3
Best feature

● Pros and cons of product

● 3-4 lines 2 paragraphs about the product

Product writing by ammar

● Product H3- related kw
Headphone; Best for bass

3-4 Paragraph for Product Review

● You can write many paragraphs (without headings) here because there are many factors of
any type product like quality, durability, weight, color, and etc.
● Write for the user means focus more on performance talk not just specs. For example, user
don’t want to read that mobile has 2000 mAH battery, they want how much it gives calling
hours, music hours, gaming hours etc. You can get this information from YouTube, amazon
reviews, amazon page.

Product selection criteria

● common product from competitor should be number 1
● second product should be of high price
● choose product from featured snippet
● Take product from top three competitors
● Select a product from competitor and go to amazon via the link on site
● Check rating , minimum 4
● If rating is poor, search another seller of this product and select the product based on
● If product not available then search the product on amazon and get the link of all sellers
● Average Rating above 3.5
● Should be at least more than 100 reviews. You can compromise here.
● High Ticket (expensive) Product: You can compromise on the availability of products and the
number of reviews.
● How to check if the product is available on Amazon? Put Zip Code: '10001' for New York, if
in stock then put it in your article.

Product Requirement (bolded kws)

It depends on niche to niche so it is optional. If the niche is headphones then what will be the
product requirement?
So here specs will come. You can write like this:
● Battery mAH: 4000
● Net Weight: 1500gram
● Color: Black
● Type: Beast
● Enclosure: No
● Wireless: No
● Mic: Yes

● You can embed youtube video here

● You can add charts, graphs here.

Pros and Cons

Pros: Write the best quality of that specific product in pros.
Cons: You know about it
The ratio of Pros & Cons should be 4:3 or 4:2 or can be the same, not a hard and fast rule.

One Last Paragraph:

This paragraph is best and very important for the conversion of the user, here you discuss the
best part of the product to attract the user to buy it and click on the button. Discuss the most
important feature here.

Best Button title: “check recent customer reviews”
Or you can give titles like check price, buy from amazon, check price

Buying guide (h2 recommended by ammar or H4)

Here you will tell what features are considered while buying
You will tell for what purpose you should buy
What is Buying Guide?
When you go to buy some product, so you ask the salesmen about his specificity, price, quality.
Those factors which help you in buying the product will come in Buying Guide.

-Buying Guide is necessary because when a user will come and he doesn't know what to buy so
you guide him accordingly to his needs. For eg: if he needs a headphone, so you'll ask him for
what use, maybe he wants it for gaming or music or maybe he wants a built-in mic too!
Point 1
1 paragraph
Point 2
1 graph

Faqs (h3)
● “Main keyword ? ” search on google, choose faqs from google search

● Questions should be bolded

● One parapgraph: Write your overall experience first if it was hard for you to find a product.
● Then write your (editor) picks: just enlist product
● Give each product an ID link so user can click on it move upward in a page instantly.

Here add line like if you have suggestions let me know thanks.

● You can use aawp plugin for article checks.
● Write buying guide as whole for all product at the end of the article.
● Main kw should be h2.
● Never use words we, I etc. more than 4-5 times
● Content coverage from low kd to high kd
● Do internal linking with main keyword of article you wanna rank.
● Never use a ranking keyword of a ranked post for anchor txt of a link either internal or
● Internal links must be do follow.
● Make meta description of each article separate, also use main kw in it
● External link (do follow) should be given on downside of your article, search kw on googles
and copy link of first website but never use your main keyword against external linking
● Conner stone content should be turned on main post so you can show it on homepage.
● Micro stie tags and categories should be no index.
● Macro site: tags no index, categories index.
● You need to write different things, different lines, make things random, add infographics,
add images in a few articles, add few embed videos in some articles, add tables in some
articles. Playing with videos and images would be okay. but don't duplicate the same thing
again and again in all articles and if you follow all these steps you have guaranteed ranking.
There should be variation in all articles, something unique in every article. If all followed you
crossed Dec 2020 Update!
● Give support to your affiliate article by informational articles.
● You should use graphs, pictorial data, charts etc of the test material. It’s a good ranking
● You can check spun content by check the sentence structure, flow.
● Max out bound links from an articles are upto 5.
● https://yoast.com/research/real-time-content-analysis/ use this link to rectify your
mistakes. Try to keep content assessments green points
● Write at least one paragraph that gives contextual meaning of whole article.
● Use google alerts to get anything new coming in the world
● Php curl scraping to fetch anything
● Keep headings capitalize.
● I used this, from my experience, use this kws 3-4 times in each article to pass google
● Try to use youtube screenshot for product as it feels good for user and build trust confirmity
that you have used it.
● Use main keyword as alt text for featured image and use product name plus tags for
product alt text
● no images should be take from the customer uploaded amazon images in review section
● use linking keywords useful site to find is smart-words.org


● Interlinks the post to article
● Interlink the informational article with each other via informational kws
● Also do off page of article
● Minimum volume of informational keywords should be 400-500

How to find the informational keywords?

● Ahref link explorer: explore the competitor site with filters of position:15, word count:3 and
best/review in url filters
● Ahref question method
● Ahref content gap: choose your site if ranked or any site with low da and one high da site,
then check the content gap
● Use sites like quora

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