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- with the gaps varying wildly = at varying degrees

chênh lệch / mức độ đa - There was a disparity in terms of AA
dạng - saw / experienced drops of varying degrees [giảm với nhiều
mức độ khác nhau]
- with figures varying widely from [data] to [data]
- increase / decrease by varying degrees
thêm data vào bài với - with respective figures being around + [data] => thêm số
“with” liệu
- with the figure reaching / increasing to / declining to +
[data] => thêm số liệu cho bài có trend
diễn tả trend / pattern - The pattern for AA was slightly different with + [noun
khác biệt phrase]
- AA bucked the trend [khác biệt với xu hướng phổ biến]
- There is a stark difference with regard to AA
diễn đạt sb hứng thú / - express their interest in AA
thích sth - people / those keen on AA
- interest waned slightly / remarkably among AA
diễn đạt soán ngôi – AA là - AA made up the largest proportion in ___ / was the most
nhất sau đó bị thay bằng popular…, but that shifted towards BB…
BB - AA overtook BB to be the top preference of sb
diễn đạt popularity - the most popular ... >< AA experienced far less popularity
- gradually weaker preference for (trở nên ít phổ biến hơn)
- AA [was the only one which] failed to decline in popularity
at any point (diễn đạt tăng dần đều, không giảm)
diễn đạt xu hướng cho bài - [người ta càng già càng ít làm gì] age was an indicator of
có age groups lower participation in AA = As people age, they are / were
less likely to …
- AA was remarkably less / more common among the older
age groups = AA gained slightly greater / less popularity
among the elderly / the older age groups = interest waned
slightly / remarkable among AA group.
diễn đạt cho bài có sự - the level of participation
tham gia - [cinema/club] attendance = attendance rates
- attended something = participate in something = engage in
diễn đạt xu hướng nhiều - follow no predictable pattern
biến động - a volatile = an unpredictable pattern
- changes to/in AA were [less / more] predictable
khoảng cách khác biệt - the gender gap diminished / grew / was narrowed / was
giữa nam và nữ [gender widened
gap / gender differences] - the gender gap was negligible / noticeable
- the disparity in terms of the figures for AA and BB was huge
/ noticeable / significant
- dùng female / male counterparts
diễn đạt [data] gần bằng - AA and BB were comparable
nhau - AA and BB were on par, …
diễn đạt cho bài về - give positive feedback to [sth]
“feedback” - be (very/quite / completely) satisfied with
- be/feel unsatisfied with = feel/be dissatisfied with
- be very pleased
- rate sth as satisfactory
- be happy about sth
- consider themselves to be happy / very happy
- consider sth helpful / less helpful
- the level(s) of satisfaction among [đối tương] towards AA
in terms of [mặt nào đó]
- be far less helpful
- Opinion regarding XXX was far less / largely divided

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