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Rapidly varied Flow

1.1. Introduction
One of the most frequently encountered cases of rapidly varied flow is the hydraulic
jump. The hydraulic jump has considerable importance in many practical problems and
will be treated in detail in this chapter.
The most important application of a hydraulic jump is in the dissipation of energy below
spillways, weirs, gates etc. so that objectionable scour in the downstream channel is
prevented. It has also been used to raise the water level downstream to provide the
required head in to canals and to increase the water load on aprons, thereby
counteracting the uplift pressure and thus lessening the thickness of the concrete apron
required in structures on permeable foundations. The hydraulic jump is also used in
municipal water supply systems to mix chemicals as well as to remove air pockets.
A hydraulic jump occurs when a supercritical stream meets a sub critical stream of
sufficient depth. The supercritical stream jumps up to meet its conjugate depth. While
doing so it generates considerable disturbances in the form of large scale eddies and a
reverse flow roller. The following figure shows a schematic sketch of a typical hydraulic
jump in a horizontal channel. The two depths Y 1 and Y2 at the ends of the jump are
called sequent depths. Due to high turbulence and shear action of the roller, there is
considerable loss of energy in the jump between sections 1 and 2. In view of the high-
energy loss, the nature of which is difficult to estimate, the energy equation cannot be
applied to sections 1 and 2 to relate the various flow parameters. In such situation the
use of the momentum equation with suitable assumptions is advocated.

1.2. The Momentum equation for the Jump

1.2.1 General equation for a prismatic channel

Refer to notes on chapter 3 for the general momentum equation for rectangular

The hydraulic jump is a rapidly flow phenomena and the length of the jump is relatively
small compared to GVF profiles.

1.2.3 Hydraulic Jump in a Rectangular channel

a) Sequent depth ratio
Deals with the derivation of the Belanger momentum equation, which was derived last
time in chapter 3. Please refer your lecture notes of chapter 3.
For high values of F1, say F1 > 8, the Belanger momentum equation can be approximated
for purposes of quick estimation of the sequent depth ratio as: -
 1.41F1
b) Energy loss

1.3. Classification of Jumps

As a result of extensive studies of Bradley and Peterka, the hydraulic jumps in horizontal
rectangular channels are classified in to five categories based on the Froude number F1
on the super critical flow as follows:
I. Undular jump: 1.0 < F1 <= 1.7
The water surface is undulating with a very small ripple on the surface. The sequent
depth ratio is very small and E L/E1 is practically zero.
II. Weak Jump; 1.7 < F1 <= 2.5
The surface roller makes its appearance at F1 = 1.7 and gradually increases its intensity
towards the end of this range, i.e. F1≈2.5. The energy dissipation is very small, E L/E1 is
about 5% at F1=1.7 and 18% at F1=2.5. The water surface is smooth after the jump.
III. Oscillating jump: 2.5 < F1 <=4.5
This category of jump is characterized by instability of the high velocity flow in the jump,
which oscillates in a random manner between the bed and the surface. These
oscillations produce large surface waves that travel considerable distance downstream.
Special care is needed to suppress the waves in stilling basins having this kind of jump.
Energy dissipation is moderate in this range; E L/E1=45% at F1=4.5.
IV. Steady jump: 4.5 < F1 <= 9.0
In this range of Frounde numbers the jump is well established, the roller and the jump
action is fully developed to cause appreciable energy loss. The relative energy loss E L/E1
ranges from 45 to 70% in this calss of jump. The steady jump is least sensitive interms of
the toe-position to small fluctuations in the tail water elevation.
V. Strong or choppy jump: F1 >9.0
In this class of jump, the water surface is very rough and choppy. The water surface
downstream of the jump is also rough and wavy. The sequent depth ration is large and
the energy dissipation is very efficient with E L/E1 values greater than 70%.

1.4. Characteristics of a jump in a rectangular channel

a) Length of the Jump
The length of the jump L j is an important parameter affecting the size of a stilling basin
in which the jump is used. There have been many definitions of the length of the jump
resulting in some confusion in comparing some studies. It is now usual to take the
length of the jump as the horizontal distance between the toe of the jump to a section
where the water surface becomes essentially level after reaching the maximum depth.
Because the water surface profile is very flat towards the end of the jump, large
personal errors are introduced in the determination of the length L j. For Froude number
F1 > 5, Lj = 6.1Y2.
Elevatorski has shown that the length of the jump can be expressed as:
L j  6.0(Y2  Y1 )
b) Pressure distribution
The pressure at the toe of the jump and at the end of the jump follows hydrostatic
pressure distribution. However, inside the body of the jump, the strong curvatures of
the streamlines cause the pressure to deviate from the hydrostatic distribution.
c) Water surface profile
A knowledge of the water surface profile of the jump is useful in the efficient design of
sidewalls and the floor of the stilling basin. Considering the coordinate system shown
below; the coordinates of the profile are (x,h) with the boundary condition that at x = 0,
h = 0 and at x = L j, h = Y2-Y1. Based on an analysis of a large number of jump profiles and
bed pressure profiles obtained by various investigators, Subramanya and Rajaratnam
have shown that the jump profile can be expressed in a non dimensional manner as: -
  f ( y)
0.75( y 2  y1 )
and   x / X where X = a length scale defined as the value of x at which h = 0.75(y2-y1).
The variation of η with λ is given below.
λ η λ η λ η
0.000 0.000 0.60 0.655 1.30 1.140
0.05 0.185 0.70 0.736 1.40 1.180
0.10 0.245 0.80 0.820 1.50 1.215
0.15 0.280 0.90 0.920 1.60 1.245
0.20 0.3200 1.00 1.000 1.80 1.290
0.30 0.405 1.10 1.060 2.00 1.320
0.40 0.485 1.20 1.105 2.20 1.333
0.50 0.570 2.40 1.333
It may be noted that in the η- λ relationship the Froude number doesn't appear
explicitly. In the previous equation X is the length scale and is given by
 5.08F1  7.82
The above equation together with the above table enables one to adequately predict
the jump profile.
Since the profile approaches h = (y2-y1) at x = Lj asymptotically, the coordinates
calculated from the table may not exactly match the requirements of the end of the
jump. For practical purposes it is suggested that the coordinates (η, λ) be used to plot
the profile up to λ=1.8 and then to smoothly finish the curve by joining the profile to the
end of the jump at x = L j.

Example 1: A spillway discharges a flood wave at a rate of 7.75m3/s per meter width. At
the downstream horizontal apron, the depth of flow was found to be 0.50m. What tail
water depth is needed to form a hydraulic jump? If a jump is formed, find its (a) type, (b)
length, (c) head loss, (d) energy loss as percentage of initial energy and (e) profile.
q  7.75m 3 / s, y1  0.5m
V1  7.75 / 0.50  15.50m / s
F1  15.50 / 9.81 * 0.50  7.0
Sequent depth will be then:
y2 1
 
  1  1  8 * 7 2  9.41
y1 2 will be the required tail water depth.
y 2  4.71m
a) Type: Since F1 = 7.0, a steady jump will be formed.
b) Since F1 > 5.0, Lj = 6.1y2 = 6.1*4.71 = 28.7m.
 y 2  y1 

c) EL = head loss =  7.92m

4 y 2 y1
V1 E
d) E1  y1   12.75m , then L  62.1%
2g E1
e) Profile, by using the previous equation
 5.08(7.0)  7.82  27.74
X  13.87m
0.75 y 2  y1   3.16
Substituting these for the values of λ and η given in the previous table, a relation
between x and h is obtained. As suggested in the literature, the profile is calculated up
to λ = 1.8 i.e. up to x = 25.0m and then joined by a smooth curve to the end of the jump
at x = Lj = 28.
Jump profile calculation
λ x η h
0 0 0 0
0.05 0.6935 0.185 0.5846
0.1 1.387 0.245 0.7742
0.15 2.0805 0.28 0.8848
0.2 2.774 0.32 1.0112
0.3 4.161 0.405 1.2798
0.4 5.548 0.485 1.5326
0.5 6.935 0.57 1.8012
0.6 8.322 0.655 2.0698
0.7 9.709 0.736 2.32576
0.8 11.096 0.82 2.5912
0.9 12.483 0.92 2.9072
1 13.87 1 3.16
1.1 15.257 1.06 3.3496
1.2 16.644 1.105 3.4918
1.3 18.031 1.14 3.6024
1.4 19.418 1.18 3.7288
1.5 20.805 1.215 3.8394
1.6 22.192 1.245 3.9342
1.8 24.966 1.29 4.0764
2 27.74 1.32 4.1712
2.2 30.514 1.333 4.21228
2.4 33.288 1.333 4.21228
Hydraulic jump profile



Jump height




0 5 10 15 20 25 30
jump length

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