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Fraud **As fraud detection methods get more sophisticated,

CHAPTER 1 so do fraud perpetration techniques. Fraud examination

Fraud - involves deception, confidence, and trickery is one of the fastest-growing and most financially
Fraud is deception that includes the following elements: rewarding careers. It is not part of a financial statement
1. A representation audit but a distinct profession. **
2. About a material point
3. That is false, CFE
4. Intentionally or recklessly so, - Certified fraud examiner
5. Which is believed - considered to be leaders in the antifraud
6. And acted upon by the victim community
7. To the victim’s damage. ACFE
- Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
Profit margin - world’s largest antifraud organization and the
Net income divide revenue premier provider of antifraud training and
To recover the loss
Loss divide profit margin **Financial statement fraud can be very difficult to
detect because of the sophistication of the perpetrators
Careers for fraud examiners and their positions of trust and authority in the
**Many believe that fraud examination and forensic company. **
accounting will be among the fastest growing and most
rewarding careers in the future** CASES:
Government fraud-fighters, consultant fraud-fighters, As fraud detection methods get more sophisticated, so
corporate employee fraud-fighters, and defense and do fraud perpetration techniques. Fraud examination is
plaintiff lawyers are just a few of the possible careers one of the fastest-growing and most financially
related to fraud prevention and detection. rewarding careers. It is not part of a financial statement
audit but a distinct profession.
Civil law deals with rights and duties between
individuals. Trading after hours
Criminal laws generally deal with offenses against - Civil law - By performing trades after approved
society as a whole. trading hours, the perpetrators have allowed
certain traders to trade with perfect
By proceeding in a civil suit, the company can try to information and have prevented other traders
recover some of the money lost from the fraud. and brokers from trading equities at a price at
By pursuing a criminal suit, the company can ensure which they normally would. If proven guilty, the
that when other companies hire the perpetrator, those perpetrators will be forced to compensate
companies will know that the employee has committed monetarily for the damages they caused to
fraud in the past and will be able to prevent the others.
prospective employee from being in a position that - Criminal law - by breaking the law that
provides the opportunity to commit fraud again. regulates approved trading hours. If proven
guilty, the perpetrators could be sent to jail.
Auditing vs. fraud examination - other stock and mutual fund traders were hurt.
Auditing - uses sampling to test the account balances to They had an apparent disadvantage to those
make sure the accounts are not overstated or traders and brokers who practiced late trading.
understated Eventually, however, the perpetrators will incur
Fraud examination - cannot be done effectively through the most damage as they are forced to fulfill
sampling, each transaction should be reviewed and their civil obligations and endure tarnished
evaluated. reputations.
CHAPTER 2 Non-control factors that provide opportunities for
Fraud triangle: fraud
- Perceived pressure - failure to discipline fraud perpetrators;
- Perceived opportunity - -lack of access to information;
- Rationalization - ignorance, apathy, and incapacity;
Fraud scale: - lack of an audit trail.
the greater the perceived opportunity or the more
intense the perceived pressure, the less rationalization Rationalizing helps minimize the perceived dishonesty
it takes to motivate someone to commit fraud. Likewise, of their acts
the more dishonest a perpetrator is, the less - The organization owes me.
opportunity and/or pressure it takes to motivate fraud. - I am only borrowing the money—I will pay it
Types of pressures: - Nobody will get hurt.
- Financial pressure (greed) - I deserve more.
- Vices (addictions) - It’s for a good purpose.
- Work-related pressure (feeling overworked) - We’ll fix the books as soon as we get over this
- Other types of pressures financial difficulty.
- Something has to be sacrificed
**Having an effective control structure is probably the **they judge themselves by their intentions and not by
single most important step that organizations can take their actions, they do not see themselves as criminals.**
to prevent and even to detect fraud**
Components in a company’s control structure: Power - the ability to influence someone else.
- control environment, When a fraud takes place, the conspirator has the
- risk assessment, desire to carry out his or her own will—influence
- information and communication, another person to act and do as the perpetrator
- control procedures or activities, wishes—regardless of resistance.
- monitoring.
Fraud perpetrators use power to influence and
Internal control activities persuade individuals
Preventive controls - reward power (promising a reward or benefit)
1. Segregation of duties (having two people do a task - legitimate power (following the orders of a
together or splitting the task into parts so that no one person who is in a position of authority)
person handles the complete assignment) - coercive power (making the potential recruit
2. System of authorizations (so that only authorized or feel fear for not joining the fraud scheme)
designated individuals have permissions to complete - expert power (through deceiving someone
certain tasks) because the potential recruit has a lack of
3. Physical safeguards (locks, keys, safes, fences) knowledge)
Detective controls - referent power (influence of a relationship)
1. Independent checks (job rotations, mandatory
vacations, audits, and so on) It is the overriding and ignoring of existing controls, not
2. Documents and records (provide an audit trail that the lack of controls, that allows most frauds to be
can be followed to check on suspicious activity and to perpetrated.
document transactions)
How could this fraud have been detected? (Helen case) How will you approach your employee interaction and
- The fraud would have been detected if the relationships in the future? (local dept store case)
company had possessed a good internal audit - This fraud might have been detected earlier by
department, combined with security or loss implementing basic cash accounting and
prevention programs. A good accounting reconciliation techniques—separate employee
system would have helped in the discovery of ID numbers to log into registers, independent
the fraud and would have made it difficult for checks on register totals, two employees always
Helen to conceal. being present to count cash, periodic employee
How do vices such as gambling motivate people to rotations and vacations, and basic analytic
commit fraud? (Ruth case) reviews.
- With so much pressure, it takes only a little
rationalization and a small opportunity for GREEN GRASS
someone to perpetrate a fraud. What symptoms of fraud exist, and what symptoms
What factors provided the optometrist with an should the owner look for if he believes fraud may be
opportunity to commit fraud? (optometrist) occurring?
- The major fraud opportunity in this case was - Fraud symptoms that should be looked for or
the inability to judge the quality of performance that are evident in this case include: less time
of the optometrist. Although the insurance with office manager, more chemicals being
companies clearly could have said that the used than necessary, employee homes receiving
services rendered by the optometrist were not unpaid services, and increased revenues with
consistent with what they were paying for, they declining profits. Employees may have taken on
never had reason to believe they needed to new customer jobs and pocketed the money
assess the optometrist’s services. Another because the customers are not entered on the
factor was the lack of access to information. computer system.
The insurance companies had no way of WATKINS
knowing that many of the services being billed Controls or actions that could have detected James’s
for were not actually being performed, or that behavior
many of the patients did not even exist. - independent checks by the insurance company,
List four reasons why Len should have the employee investigations of complaints by customers being
prosecuted. charged too much, and investigations of the
- Prosecution sets precedence within the apparently rapid growth of his company.
company that fraud will not be tolerated. JOHNSON
- Prosecution brings about justice. What factors in Johnson’s control environment have
- Prosecution may result in recovery of stolen led to and facilitated the manager’s manipulation of
funds because of ordered restitution payments. inventory?
- Prosecution will help prevent dishonest - does not have a very active board of directors,
employees from defrauding other and there is little monitoring of employees.
organizations. ARMSTRONG
List three reasons why Len might not want to seek - Because investors trusted him, they put
prosecution of his employee. substantial amounts of money into his funds. If
- Fear that negative publicity will hurt the image the investors had trusted Mr. Armstrong less,
of the CPA firm. they would not have given him unlimited
- He might feel badly for the employee or his control of their money.
family. - If investors had known of Mr. Armstrong’s
- He doesn’t want to accept responsibility for background, they would have been less likely to
the lax internal controls that existed in his firm. trust him and probably wouldn’t have allowed
If you were Len, what would you do? him complete control over so much money.
- Prosecution

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