I Had A Lot of Time To Think About My Life During The COVID

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I had a lot of time to think about my life during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown that the government

imposed to ensure everyone's safety. It helped me learn what things in life are actually valuable and
what are just pretenses. I've been able to appreciate what really matters—friends, family, and the
connections I've made throughout my life

From going through my daily schedule on autopilot to barely having a schedule in my own home, I’m
rediscovering myself. And with every passing day, I’m rekindling my passions, my likes, my interests,
and, most importantly, my desire to live, rather than merely survive. On the surface, it appeared as
though my world was collapsing, but on the inside, it has been a therapeutic experience for me.

I have been using that time to do things that I generally wouldn't do, things I normally shun with the
excuse of not having enough time. But now, time really does feel like an absurd concept, doesn’t it? The
truth is, it was never really about time, it was about prioritizing. The virtue of patience seems long gone
in today's world where quick gratification is the norm and everything is at our fingertips. We've lost the
ability to be still and focus on what is rather than what isn't.

Although my observation may come across as harsh, it is present in everything we do. We don't want to
wait because it's dull; we want it all right away. More significantly, waiting is difficult. What can I learn
from these challenging circumstances, then? Despite all the stress, sadness, and emptiness I
experienced during this period, it helped me to step back, reflect, comprehend, and appreciate what it
meant to truly live rather than just get by. I'm going to make an effort to cling onto that for a very long

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