Project Planning Template

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School of Engineering

[chose 1]EG-353 Research Project SR-311 Research Dissertation Session 2010/11

Project Planning Statement

Characterising the mechanisms of corrosion fatigue behaviour in nickel alloys for advanced gas turbine components and defining advanced lifing strategies for current and future applications.

Tom Crowle 490590

Dr Karen M. Perkins

y y y Detect, catalogue and characterise instances of surface oxidation / sulphidation in exservice turbine components and produce a damage map Compare with existing data on high temperature corrosion fatigue damage Produce a Kitagawa Takahashi Model

Project Planning Statement y

Project Planning Statement y

Project Planning Statement

Replace this paragraph with a detailed description of your project of about 1/2 page. Between 200 and 500 words should be adequate. This document is to be used as a guide for creating your own project planning statement. Some sample tasks and milestones have been included. Replace these and the explanatory texts included here as required but use the same formatting and sections. Projects which are to be considered for nomination for the long-list of the Atkins Carbon Critical (C2) Award (see Blackboard EG-353 Prizes and Awards) should emphasize how the project will address the C 2 agenda.

Equipment and Resources

List any special equipment/resources needed to complete this project. For example laborarorty equipment, inter library loans, access to PCs, etc. If equipment/resources are not immediately available, your supervisor should indicate how they will be made available to you.

Special Project
[Delete this whole section if none of it applies to your project. Otherwise indicate the type of special project this is and if it is eligible for the Atkins C2 Award.] This is a SURE Project/This is a EWB Project/This is a Sports Science Project I would like this project to be considered for the Atkins C2 Award

Main tasks
List and if necessary describe the main tasks to be carried out during the project. These tasks will correspond to the tasks shown in the Chart that you will include below. Sample tasks could be: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Library search Project planning Design hardware/software Build/write prototype hardware/software Test prototype hardware/software Design PCB/GUI for hardware/software Populate circuit board Test completed hardware/software Write thesis

Project Planning Statement y 3

Describe the main "deliverables" of your project. These will include pieces of documentation, equipment, software, etc. that need to be created during the project. Don't forget to include the progress reports (including this one), the two oral examinations and the thesis. These deliverables should appear on your chart. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Project Planning Statement Progress Report Hardware/software design PCB Layout/GUI design Completed hardware/software Test results Summary Paper Thesis Presentation

Notes (delete before submitting)

y y Dont forget to update the document properties (file properties) before saving this document as either eg-353-pps-studentnumber or sr-311-pps-studentnumber . Send a copy by email to your research group coordinator before 4.30 pm on Friday 29rd October 2010. Send a copy to your supervisor by adding his/her email address to the CC field on your email message. Please send a copy of your project title to Dr Jobling. Do not send a copy of this whole document to Dr Jobling unless you wish your project to be considered for the Atkins C2 award! Make sure that you keep a copy for yourself somewhere safe: it will be needed for the dissertation. I suggest that you email yourself a copy to your personal email account.

Email contact details for rthe esearch centre coordinators and your supervisor are to be found on Blackboard.

Project Planning Statement y

Gantt chart
Include a Gantt chart showing tasks and milestones against time. This page is formatted in landscape mode to make it easier t o insert a Gantt chart.

Project Planning Statement y

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