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Arctic hares live in very cold and snowy conditions.

Suggest how each of the following adaptations helps the Arctic hare to survive.

Thick fur: _______________________________________________________________


Large feet: ______________________________________________________________


White fur: _______________________________________________________________

(Total 3 marks)

Kangaroo rats live in the hot, dry deserts of North America.

2. Their only water comes from the food they eat.
In these regions daytime temperatures are around 45°C.
At night temperatures can fall to below 30°C.

Explain how each of the following features makes these animals well adapted to survive
in deserts.

(a) They are a sandy colour.


(b) They are active at night and stay in burrows underground by day.


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(c) They produce dry droppings and very little urine. They do not sweat.


(d) Their large ears, feet and tail give their bodies a large surface area.


(Total 4 marks)

The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is increasing.

The table shows the estimated mass of carbon dioxide exchanged with the atmosphere in one

Mass of carbon dioxide exchanged with

the atmosphere in millions of tonnes

Passed out into Taken in from

the atmosphere the atmosphere

Plants 30 64

Animals 10 0

Microorganisms 24 0

Combustion 6 0

(a) (i) Calculate the total mass of carbon dioxide passed out into the atmosphere in one

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Answer ______________________ million tonnes


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(ii) Calculate the increase in the mass of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere in one year.

You should use your answer to part (a)(i) in your calculation.

Show clearly how you work out your answer.



Answer ______________________ million tonnes


(b) Draw a ring around the correct answer to complete the sentence.


Plants use carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis.


(Total 5 marks)

The greenfly is an insect which is eaten by ladybirds.


(a) (i) What do we call animals, like the ladybird, which hunt and kill other animals for food?


(ii) What do we call animals, like the greenfly, which are eaten by other animals?


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(b) What would happen to the number of ladybirds if the numbers of greenfly
suddenly dropped?


Give a reason for your answer.



(c) Suggest two factors, other than the number of ladybirds, which could affect the number
of greenfly.

1. _________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________
(Total 6 marks)

Some students were asked to investigate the distribution of clover in a field of grass.
5. They noticed that the clover grew in patches amongst the grass.

(a) The students decided to use quadrats.

Describe how the students should decide where to place the quadrats to investigate the
distribution of the clover.





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(b) The diagram shows one of the quadrats the students used.

(i) Estimate the number of squares of the quadrat covered with clover.



Number of squares = _______________


(ii) Describe how you worked out your answer to part (b)(i).




(iii) Use your answer from part (b)(i) to calculate the percentage of the quadrat covered
by the clover.




Answer = _____________________________ %

(c) Suggest one factor that could account for the distribution of the clover plants.

(Total 7 marks)

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Some students investigated the distribution of dandelion plants in a grassy field. The grassy field
6. was between two areas of woodland.

Figure 1 shows two students recording how many dandelion plants there are in a 1 metre x 1
metre quadrat.

Figure 1

© Science Photo Library

Figure 2 shows a section across the area studied and Figure 3 shows a bar chart of the
students’ results.

Figure 2

Distance in m

Figure 3

Distance in m

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(a) How did the students use the quadrat and the 30-metre tape measure to get the results in
Figure 3?

Use information from Figure 1.







(b) (i) Suggest one reason why the students found no dandelion plants under the trees.



(ii) Suggest one reason why the students found no dandelion plants at 16 metres.



(c) The teacher suggested that it was not possible to make a valid conclusion from these

Describe how the students could improve the investigation so that they could make a valid




(Total 7 marks)

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Some large forest areas are being destroyed. This changes the amount of carbon dioxide in the

(a) (i) State one use for the trees that are cut down.


(ii) State one use for the cleared land.


(iii) How has the destruction of forests affected the amount of carbon dioxide in the


(b) (i) How has the destruction of forests caused an increased Greenhouse effect?








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(ii) State one effect of an increase in the Greenhouse effect.


(Total 8 marks)

Animals and plants are adapted to live in their environment.

(a) Explain how these adaptations help animals keep warm in cold conditions.

(i) A thick fur coat



(ii) A thick layer of fat beneath the skin



(iii) A large body



(b) Lots of animals are camouflaged. What does camouflaged mean? Give one advantage of
being camouflaged.




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(c) Describe two different ways that plants could be adapted to survive in dry conditions like a




(Total 10 marks)

This question is about ecology.

(a) Give two abiotic (non-living) factors which will affect the growth of plants on a school
playing field.

Give a reason why each factor will affect the growth of the plants.

Abiotic factor 1 ______________________________________________________

Reason ____________________________________________________________


Abiotic factor 2 ______________________________________________________

Reason ____________________________________________________________


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Students were studying the ecology of their playing field.

They wanted to count the population of ruby tiger moths.

Figure 1 shows the moth trap they used.

Figure 1

This is the method used.

1. Set up the moth trap on the playing field.

2. Leave the trap for several days with the light on.

3. Take the trap to the laboratory and carefully remove the egg trays.

4. Count the number of ruby tiger moths.

5. Release the moths on the playing field.

(b) The students needed other equipment to identify the ruby tiger moths.

What two other pieces of equipment did the students need?

Tick two boxes.

Electron microscope

Hand lens

Moth guide


Tape measure


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(c) Suggest one reason why the moths were counted in the laboratory.


(d) Suggest one hazard in using the moth trap.


(e) What precaution should the students take to minimise the hazard you suggested in part


Figure 2 shows a caterpillar of the ruby tiger moth.

The head is sometimes bright orange in colour or there is a red stripe on the back.

Figure 2

(f) Give one reason why caterpillars of the ruby tiger moth have very few predators.


(Total 10 marks)

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A class of eight students measured the population of water fleas living at the edge of a large
10. pond.

This is the method each student used.

The photograph below shows a student working.

not control some variables.

Give two variables the students should have controlled to make this a valid method.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________


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The eight students then used a different method to obtain valid results.

Table 1 shows their results.

Table 1

Number of water fleas per 1000

cm3 pond water

A 66

B 37

C 51

D 102

E 40

F 122

G 75

H 19




Mean population = ______________________ water fleas per 1000 cm3 pond water

Range = ___________________________________________________________

one reason why such a wide range of results was found.



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His mean value was 12 water fleas per 1000 cm3 pond water.

What conclusion can you make about the distribution of water fleas in the pond?

Use the students’ mean value from part (b) to compare with the teacher’s mean value.



Scientists counted some different invertebrates living in a pond in 2014 and in 2016

Table 2 shows the results.

Table 2

Number of invertebrates
Invertebrate species
2014 2016

Bloodworms 13 48

Freshwater shrimps 24 9

Mayfly nymphs 32 0

Water snails 19 24


Change = _______________________ bloodworms


shrimps in the pond in 2014


Percentage = _______________________ %

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Table 3 shows which species can survive in different levels of pollution.

Table 3

Pollution level
Invertebrate species
Low Medium High


Freshwater shrimps

Mayfly nymphs

Water snails

= Can survive
= Cannot survive

What conclusion can you make about the change in the level of pollution in the pond
between 2014 and 2016?

Give one reason for your conclusion.

Use the data in Table 2 and Table 3





increase of the human population.

Suggest two other problems caused by the rapid increase of the human population.

1. _________________________________________________________________


2. _________________________________________________________________

(Total 12 marks)

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