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plantar flexion
standing on your toes as in ballet is ________

walking on your heels is _______

winding up for a pitch (as in baseball) can properly be called _______

to keep your seat when riding a horse, the tendency is to ________ your thighs

in running, the action at the hip joint is _____ in reference to the leg moving forward

________ in reference to the leg in the posterior position

when kicking a football, the action at the knee is _____

in climbing stairs, the hip and knee of the forward leg are both ______

you have just touched your chin to your chest; this is _____ of the neck

Using a screwdriver with a straight arm requires _________ of the arm.

Consider all the movements of which the arm is capable. One often used for
strengthening all the upper arm and shoulder muscles is ____

Moving the head to signify "No" is ________.

Action that moves the distal end of the radius across the ulna is ______.

raising the arms laterally away from the body is called ______ of the arms
Fourth Stage of swallowing
Esophageal Phase (occurs when the muscles of the esophagus move the bolus in
peristaltic or rhythmic, wavelike contractions from the top of the esophagus into the
stomach. This typically takes 8 to 20 seconds in an unimpaired individual.

when a muscle fiber contracts fully while other may rest it is an example of the
_________________ principle
All or nothing

Examples of isometric exercises would be.

pressing your palms together or pushing against a brick wall

Resistance work that results in the development of larger muscle fibers is known as

Fast twitch muscle fibers are used in ________________. Slow twitch muscle fibers
are used during ________________.
explosive and anaerobic exercises | aerobic and longer lasting exercises.

Pull ups work _________________ muscles

Latissimus Dorsi & Biseps

Improving your muscular strength & endurance does not improve ____________.
bone strength

During weight training the muscle that shortens is known as the


according to the FITT principle, a complete overall fitness program should consist of
about _____________ strength-training exercises.

If you are lifting heavier loads to build strength, you should rest for ________
between sets for proper recovery.
1-2 minutes

Possible signs of overtraining include _________________.

lack of progress, chronic muscle soreness, chronic fatigue.

The muscle located on the upper, back of the arm is called the _______________.

The rectus femur is located in the _________________.

quad (thigh)

The muscle forming the rounded contour of the shoulder is called the
Cable pushdowns are used for strengthening the __________.

An exercise performed with a specialized apparatus that provides variable resistance

to a movement, so that no matter how much effort is exerted, the movement takes
place at a constant speed is called ______________ exercise.

What is the definition of a "motor unit"?

A. a single motor neuron plus all the muscle fibers it innervates
B. a single muscle fiber plus all of the motor neurons that innervate it
C. all of the motor neurons supplying a single muscle
D. a pair of antagonistic muscles
E. all of the muscles that affect the movement of any given joint

Which of the following statements about different kinds of skeletal muscle fibers is
A. Slow-oxidative fibers have a greater abundance of glycogen than do fast-
glycolytic fibers.
B. Fast-glycolytic fibers have a greater abundance of myoglobin than do slow-
oxidative fibers.
C. A fast-glycolytic fiber can generate greater tension than a slow-oxidative fiber.
D. Fast-glycolytic fibers and slow-oxidative fibers are innervated by alpha motor
neurons of the same diameter. E. To generate ATP, fast-glycolytic fibers depend
mainly on oxidative phosphorylation while slow-oxidative fibers depend mainly on

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