CHCAGE001 Assignment

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CHCAE001 facilitate the empowerment of older people

Puja silwal
Task 1

Ans 1. High level residential care is a kind of care that is specialized on comfort, dignity, respect and
compassion. It works to ensure residents feel safe, comfortable and can enjoy their daily lives to best of
their abilities.

Low level care is the care that includes accommodation and personal care such as helping with dressing
and showering together with dressing and showering together with occasional nursing care.

Residential care provides a range of care options and accommodations for older people who are unable to
continue living independently in their own homes that is known as collocated residential care.

The western Australia home and network mind (HACC) program is a joint financing activity of the republic
and WA state governments which gives essential help administrations to qualified individuals of any age
with an inability and their vocations to help them to keep living freely at home.

A community aged care packages (CACP) is a bundle of individual care administrations and other
individual help that is conveyed to you in your home. To access this service, you must first be assessed by
an aged care assessment service (ACAS) as needing low level care.

Extended aged care at home (EACH) packages are individually planned and coordinated packages of care,
tailored for all older Australians who remain living at home. EACH package is flexible and are designed to
help with individual care needs.


a. Normal ageing is the process in which skin gets thins becomes less elastic and sags, hair thins and
slowdown of functions of body organs. Attitudes and healthy lifestyle provides a range of
experiences, make feel good, improve health and it is the wonderful way to relax.
b. Aging in place is a term used to define a person living in the residence of their choice, for as long
as they age.
c. Palliative care helps at the end of life by providing relief from pain and distressing symptoms,
offering a support system to patient to live actively until death and to cope up in illness and
situation of bereavement.
d. Common misconception is older people do not interest in sexual activities, do not able to sex and
not need for sex education.
e. Older women and men aged differently and the discrimination that they experience is often
multidimensional based not only age but on other factors such as gender, ethnic origin, where they
live and disability, poverty and sexuality. Issue can be of different roles and responsibilities, norms,
values, freedoms and limitations

Answer 3

a. Being able to identify how you think and feel about certain issues, for instance those related to older
people and people with disabilities will enable to understand you how your personal values might impact on
your role as a care worker. Be empathetic, unbiased and non- judgmental are essential attributes if you are
working with clients of different values.

b. Stereotype is a simplified image that develops when you group people together based on a similarity or
characteristics. They create misconceptions and relates to sometime with false beliefs such as dependent
on others, unproductive and being need of services

c. The social model of disability means disability caused by the society is organized, rather than by a
person’s impairment of difference.

Answer 4

a. No, personal care worker must keep confidentiality for her personal matters. She should only
assure the patient to make comfortable rather than frightened by explaining any other patient’s
disease experience. She should encourage the patient to cope up with care and disease.

b. Workers know the role and responsibilities of their job by:

 By clarifying any uncertainties with the supervisor.
 By requesting assistance in developing new skills and knowledge about their duties.
 By reading the policies and procedures
 By requesting feedback on their performance.

c. Listen patient actively and explain him another option to solve his problem. Don’t be rude and
neglect patient but tell him how he or she can find the way to fulfil their wish. Otherwise consult
with your supervisor.
d. They are:

Be aware of the procedure for reporting hazards.

Know to whom you must report if hazard occurs.
Know the role to address the hazard.

e. AS a personal care giver my duty is to work in the home and help clients with daily activities such
as bathing and bathroom functions, feeding, grooming, taking medication and some homework.
f. The purpose of code of ethics is to protect clients, and reputation of professionals.
Answer 5

The privacy act 1988 is an Australian law which direct the treatment of individual data about people.
Individual data or a conclusion around a distinguished individual or a person who is sensibly identifiable. It
perceives the significance of securing data and adjust an organization's protection commitments

Answer 6

- By getting to know the client

- Sharing power and responsibility
- By accessibility and flexibility to maintain the choices and preferences of the client.
- By coordination and integration with the client.

b. older people get disempowered because of health, cultural background, education, and socio-
economic status

c. Innovative and community-based approaches are helpful to empower the client such as
assistance with shopping and transportation assistance

Answer 7
a. Jeremy requires person centered care approach. As a personal care worker, I would maintain good
interpersonal relationship with Jeremy and will provide care according to accessibility and flexibility.
I will explain all the procedures to him and ask for consent. I will explain for need and benefits of
personal hygiene.
b. Jaydia needs coordination and support
-verbal way such as body language. I will encourage him to mix with others and enjoy all moments.
I will help him to understand things and try to explain things by non of life.

Answer 8

a. Various community participation activities are there to which old person can involve for example,
involvement in local groups, committees, book clubs, folding laundry clothes, gardening, internet
usage and sport centers such as football. They can involve in music festivals and libraries. There
could be some challenges in community participation such as abuse, loneliness, withdrawal and
b. Loneliness is a major barrier in community participation. Client needs encouragement and
coordination move actively toward community participation. They must remove their fear and if
need can discus to others. We have to try to increase independence and autonomy of the client.
Answer 9
a. Physical abuse
b. Psychological
Emotional blackmail
c. Financial
d. Sexual
Disturbed sleep

b. Contact to supervisor or department of health and ageing complaints investigations scheme and seek

Answer 10
a. Do all reporting whether it is verbally or in writing maintain policies and procedures of organization.
Verbally explain to senior person in detail about the incident and in writing include the incident and
b. Because Harry was fell off and he had no any injury on body but has been shaken and disturbed.
So, next care taker need to be understand about the incident and condition of Harry so need to be
c. Make comfortable to Elsie and assure herself about safety of Harry. Do not disclose all information
for Harry to Elsie and maintain confidentiality by tactful way so that Elsie could be stable and relax
Answer 11
Enabling approach
Ian is referred to meals on wheels service. Initially this started for six months. After three months, he
decided to reduce meals on wheel by half and after further three months he does not require meals on
wheels service.

Rights based approach

Mr. kismat has been asked for his choices. Then we start to shop around for the types of services that
they want to do. He requires meals on wheels that was fulfilled.

Answer12The active service model (ASM) is a quality initiative to enhance service provision for Australians
who use HACC services. ASMM aims to help people live in the community as independently and
autonomously as possible. Being independent means people can manage their daily activities, including
social and community participation. Being autonomous means people can make their own decisions

The active service model is part of a wider initiative to build capacity in Australian homes and community
care services and make them more person centered. This approach focuses on people’s strengths, not
their deficits and assume everyone has some capacity to improve their own health and well


The advantage of enable approach is that it helps to Mabel for restoring health. Daily services provided to
her according to her condition. After some weeks, Mabel becomes able to do activities independently and
there is no further push to do and assistance. Mabel refused meals on wheel service and start cooking her
food by self. The enable approach is person centered approach but traditional model of care is a kind of
family centered care or services being.

Case study 1:
1. The Worker identifies the pattern of bruising and doubtful for physical abuse because the pattern of
bruising was totally different from fell or fall. Moreover, it happens three times a month. Marta also trying to
hide and neglect this problem as a normal thing.

2. Worker should contact supervisor and department of aged care abuse complaints

3.Marta can be referred to residential care and alcohol withdrawal program. The complaint should be
lodged if there is suspect of any kind of abuse. An assistance should provide for climbing up and down from

4. She should encourage Marta to explain her problem. Try to win the confidence of Marta. Explain the
rights of client to Marta. If feels unsafe and could not able to make visit and care to Marta the inform
supervisor to change her role with any other care worker.

5. They are breaching code of conduct, privacy and confidentiality. The complaint can be lodged against
them and department can warn them to be honest and loyal to their own duty.

Case study 2:
1. Yes, because staff member shows disrespect for client’s religious value. The staff person did not
bother clients wish to go outside and enjoy their moments. He just relates client’s problem with
myth and misconception that god agrees that drinking cup of coffee is much important than listen to

2. The staff person should listen client carefully and show empathy to them. He should explain the new time
schedule for catholic class and its reason politely. He should take the clients confidence and help him to
join the catholic class happily.

3. Help the client to lodge the complaint for new schedule of catholic class. Explain the process, options
and what can be achieved. Ask client to clarify their issues and provide information for their problem. Tell
client why and to whom they can contact.

Task 3

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