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AFFILIATION:INSTRUCTIONS: 1. There are 3 parts of the examination. Answer each part
to the best of your ability. 2. Be as specific as possible and encircle your final answer in
problem solving. 3. This is a masters comp or a “take home examination”. You may consult
books, notes or journal articles and even any computer software you desire.

4. Students and faculty are responsible for conducting themselves with high integrity, both
inside and outside of the academic setting. Having an awareness of what constitutes
“academic fraud” is helpful to everyone. Academic fraud includes among other things:
Unauthorized Collaboration, Cheating, Fabrication, Multiple Submission, False Citation,
Plagiarism, Other Actions as Prohibited by Instructor.

Submit your final examination by email, make sure that you receive confirmation, if you do
not receive confirmation you should assume that your exam has not been received.

PART POINTS SCORE COMMENTS Part 1 30 Part 2 20 Part 3 15 Part 4 30 Part 5 40



Randomized controlled Trials 1. Need to see if a treatment is effective.Correlational Research

Design 2. Need to see what factors influence an outcome.Discriptive Survey Research Design
3. Need to identify broad trends in a population.Descriptive Observation Research Design 4.
Need to describe a culture sharing group.Grounded Theory 5. Need to generate a theory of a
process.Biography 6. Need to tell the story of an individual.Experimental 7. At least one
variable is manipulated and random assignment of subjects.Quasi-Experimental 8. At least
one variable is manipulated, and group are naturally formed and intact.Non experimental 9.
Deals with incidence, relationships and distribution of variable are not manipulated and study
in natural setting.Phenomenological 10. Holistic description of present phenomena
isdeveloped.Qualitative 11. Exploring common experience of individuals
todeveloped.Ethnographic 12. Exploring the shared culture of a group of peopleNarrative 13.
Exploring individuals’ stories to describe the lives ofpeopleHistorical 14. Aims to examine
the reasons and true state of pastevents.Qualitative 15. Attempts to explore the human
perception and identify to an event.


Longitudinal___ 1. Researcher wants to find out if the effectiveness of the HealthProgram for
a group of families from a depressed area has been sustained for aperiod of 3 years since the
time immediate evaluation of the program has beenmade._____Basic_______ 2. A researcher
wants to find out the study habits of all fourthyear students in Pag-asa College by
administering a questionnaire on study habits.
_______Correlational_____3. A researcher wants to find out if there is a relationshipbetween
achievement and students' use of instructional materials available at home.Researcher simply
gathers data on availability of instructional materials used athome, and the grades of students,
and then applies a correlation tool to determinerelation of these variations.
________Observational 4. A researcher wants to find out how a group of childrenare
behaving now, after they have undergone a special course on personalitydevelopment five
years earlier.

______ Causal_ 5. A researcher wants to find out what could be causing ahigh incidence of
lung cancer among males in a community that he hypothesizesthat cigarette smoking could
be the culprit.

______Field_________ 6. A researcher is interested to know why Barangay Pag-asa has

become a very prosperous community in a matter of 3 years. Theresearcher would want to set
benchmarks for community development using thiscommunity. He plans to get immersed in
the community for a year, study thestructure, the leaders, the families, etc. It may take the
researcher one year to takethe study.

_____ Qualitative . 7. A researcher wants to know the perceptions of studentstoward a

program being implemented in school. He issues out a questionnairewhich aims to elicit such

______Explanatory 8. A researcher wants to find out why John is consistentlycharacterized

as a bully in class. His profile is entirely different from the rest ofthe class. He intends to do
an in-depth study, and find out why John is acting thatway. The researcher intends to gather
data from the guidance counselor, doctor,parents, teachers, classmates, psychologists, etc.

______Historical_________9. A researcher wants to find how science educationdeveloped

and evolved since the Educational Decree of 1863. The researcherintends to analyze records
and documents related to this subject matter from1863 to the present, and come up with
milestones or important developmentsfrom that period.

____ Narrative_________10. A researcher wants to do a study about the lives of"living

heroes". He wants to establish what would make for a living hero on thebases of data that
would be gathered from 10 identified "living heroes".

Part III: Discuss extensively

Research paper is composed of three important components the Preliminary section, the Main
Body and the Reference Section. Discuss each component briefly, giving the parts/sections
under each their description. Preliminary Section

It comes before the main part. This section focuses on better understanding what’s said on the
topic and its underlying problems.

Cover/Title page- The title of the project work

The case study of the project / research work

The researchers name, year and month of the project work was completed and school.

Statement of the researcher as an original author of his/her study with the assistance of the
experts to approve and monitor his work.


The certification page confirms that the research was carried out by you. The page should
include the following:

a. Your full names (starting with your surname), registration number and signature

b. Your project supervisor’s name, signature and date

c. The external examiner’s name, signature and date


The approval page is related to the declaration page. It basically states that the researcher is
the owner of his/her work to avoid plagiarism. This Page should contains names and
signatures of assigned supervisor, head of department (H.O.D), and external examiner.

Dedication and Acknowledgement

The dedication page comes after the approval page. It is used toacknowledged and thanked
specific persons who have help the researcher to dohis work. This page should be brief. In
writing you acknowledgement, be sure to mention only the people thatassisted you. You can
address your project supervisor, colleagues, loved ones andyour parents/sponsors for their
moral and financial support.

Table of contents

A table of contents is a list of the description and parts of a book in organizedform.

List of Tables and Figures

List and organize data that in numerical form with illustrations


Short statement about the research paper designed to give complete andconcise understanding
of the study and its findings. It is a mini-version of the paper.


The main body of research paper where the work is done. It providesargument, evidence or
describe research and its findings.

Introduction- Background information needed to understand why researchers work is worth

reading. Aims are also presented.
Review of Literature- summary of studies related to researchers work in a particular area of

Methods- tool or a set of tools and techniques that are used to conduct research and gather
data providing its limitation and scope.

Results- findings of the study based upon the information gathered as a result of the
methodology applied. The results should unbiased, and arranged in a logical sequence.

Discussion- the final parts of a research paper where author describes, analyzes, and
interprets their findings. They explain the importance of those results and connection back to
the research questions.

Reference Section

References usually come at the end of a text and should contain authors workscited within the

Reference list entries include the four elements of the author, date, title, andsource. This page
describes each element in detail: the author element, includingthe format of individual author
names and of group author names.

Part IV: Differentiate the following:

1. Qualitative research vs Quantitative Research-

Quantitative research deals with numbers, statistics and measurement while qualitative
research deals with concepts, experiences, words and meanings.

2. Null Hypothesis vs Alternative Hypothesis

Null hypothesis suggests that no statistical significance exists in given observations while, the
alternative states research can predict effects or relationships.

3.Theoretical vs Conceptual Framework

Theoretical framework describes the theoretical foundation of researchbased on existing

research whereas, conceptual framework allows researcher todraw their own conclusions,
mapping out the variables you may use in your studyand the interplay between them.

4. Independent vs Dependent Variable

The independent variable is the variable that is varied or manipulated by the researcher or the
cause. The dependent variable is the response that is measured or the effect.

5. Test Retest vs Split Half

Split-half testing measures reliability. In split-half reliability, a test for a single knowledge
area is split into two parts and then both parts given to one group of students at the same time.
The scores from both parts of the test are correlated. 6. Intrarater vs interrater
Intrarater measures the consistency of an individual by measuring a steady phenomenon. On
the other hand, interrater refers to how consistent different individuals by also measuring the
same phenomenon with same instrument to obtain the measurement.

Discuss different types of validation and reliability testing and give one example
each.Different Types of Validation:

Face validity- considered to be a surface measure of validity(Ex. Construction of


Content validity- extent to which a test or assessment instrument rates all aspectsof the topic,
construct, or behavior that it is made to measure.(Ex. Obtaining a license)

Construct validity- extent to which test measure accurately and assesses what it'ssupposed to.
(Ex. Develops questionnaire)

Internal validity- cause-and-effect relationship established in a study cannot beexplained by

other factors. ( Ex. hypothesizes that using a particular mindfulness app will reduce

External validity- the findings of a study in wherein it can be generalized to othersituations,

people, settings and measures. ( Ex. A researcher formed a hypothesis that word puzzle apps
will counter negativethoughts. To test the hypothesis, the researcher selected participants
randomly andequally distributed the participants into two groups. The treatment group (those
thatwill engage the app) and the control group. Besides, randomly assigningparticipants, the
researcher ensured the participants were unaware of the researchobjectives and the other test

Statistical conclusion validity- the conclusions of a research study are formed onan sufficient
analysis of the data

(Ex. research to find out if two years of preschool is more effective than one.Based on the
data, you conclude that there's a positive relationship between howwell a child does in school
and how many years of preschool they attended.)

Criterion-related validity- gives evidence to support the effectiveness of a preferred tool in

the form of a statistical relationship between the test (predictor)and job performance
(criterion). (Ex. A job applicant takes a performance test during the interview process. If
thistest accurately predicts how well the employee will perform on the job, the test issaid to
have criterion validity.)
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