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According to Hading (2006), motivation is a mental stimulus that drives and controls human
behavior, including learned behavior. Bialik,Bogan, Fadel, and Horvath ova (2015) explain in Afriani that
there are six key personality traits a person should have, one of which is motivation. Also Bahardin
(2008) Motivation is one of the psychological factors that influence student performance. Motivation is
therefore a dynamic component of learning, including emotion, attention, and motivation. Motivation
comes not only from the students themselves, but also from other people and the environment.
After all, it can set the impulses that inspire students that keeps them eager to learn (Djaali, 2014).

Sasson (2019) explains that lack of motivation means an insufficient level of motivation. Passion
and enthusiasm for work. Shore (2017) states that lack of motivation can be interpreted as an attitude of
indifference towards what one should do. At Japari School (2018), everyone, including the students,
experienced low motivation because they couldn't keep up with the lessons and didn't want to study.
Students get exhausted because they don't understand what they are learning in class. Unmotivated
(Barse, 2015) Great School (2014) also found that lack of student self-confidence, unfulfilled
expectations in the classroom, lack of recognition or support from family members, and high-pressure
lead to lower student motivation to learn and lower academic performance I found a connection. Huitt
(2005) found that the reasons for student demotivation were unclear teachers' explanations of lessons,
low self-confidence, dissatisfaction with learning, and students' personal problems.

According to Williams (2018), talk of academic performance is often tied to a student's GPA.
However, Academic performance can also be viewed as the academic achievement and ability,
impressive test scores, achievements in extracurricular activities, and the ability of students to lead
when assigned. According to Ghanney and Aniagyei (2014), academic performance is what students can
achieve when tested against what is taught academic performance here focuses on intellectual ability.

Poor academic performance when academic performance is a measure of a student's performance

is that falls short of standards. Academic underperformance is performance that does not meet goals,
reasonable standards, expectations, or desires (David, 2013). Poor academic performance is associated
with stopping efforts due to fear of something (Al-Zoubi and Younes 2015). Students are trying to reach
their goals, but they are not achieving them. Similarly, according to Siqueira and GurGe-Giannetti (2011),
poor academic performance can also be interpreted because of lower than expected academic
performance and cognitive deficits. Aremu and Sokan (2003) argue that poor academic performance can
be explained as measured performance, with the following results.

Asikhia (2010) shows that poor academic performance is performance below the standards that
should be achieved. The above explanation indicates that academic performance is related to something
we measure and get results. In contrast, poor academic performance is the outcome that is measured
but does not meet expectations or performance standards. As for the causes, according to Ghanney and
Aniagyei (2014), the reasons for students' poor school performance are lack of school facilities, difficulty
in managing students, parental ignorance of children's needs, and teacher's educational limitations.
Social status is also thought to be one of the reasons for students' poor academic performance
(David, 2014).

Nghambi (2014) & African, (2020) found that teachers' unconducive working conditions,
inadequate provision of teaching materials and learning processes, lack of teacher motivation,
inadequate teacher training, Inadequate government policies, lack of learning methods, and lack of
parental care. Their children are some of the factors that cause students to perform poorly in school.
This issue is critical because any student can have a low degree. Performance school declines due to
various reasons.Geographical area of residence, cultural background, student history, educational
approach, and student general knowledge.
Karande and Kulkarni (2005) categorized the factors that influence student academic performance
into three parts. Psychological, biological (schoolchildren factor) and society. They admit that the lack of
biological conditions leads to below average IQs. From a psychological point of view, teachers and the
environment around students should understand that students are ready or motivated to learn. From a
social point of view, we focus on whether the environment for realizing an ideal learning environment is
in place, and whether the necessary teaching materials are available to increase the motivation to learn.

According to Karande and Kulkarni 2005), Solutions to overcome this problem must be diverse,
networked and integrated. Therefore, the focus should be shifted from the class to the family, the
environment and the social life of the student. A previous study by Stover et al. (2012) is Relationship
between Motivation and Academic Performance and Psychological Adjustments.

A study conducted by the National Association of School Psychologists (2014) found that individuals
with positive academic motivation exhibited traits of willingness to learn, such as relevant learning
activities, we believe school is essential. Positive academic motivation helps individuals realize that
learning is useful and essential in all aspects of academic life, work and society.

AL-Muslawi, I. A., & Hamid, A. A. (2020). External and internal factors affecting students’ academic performance. Sosial
Sciences, I (1), 1-26. Al-Zoubi, S. M., & Younes, M. A. (2015). Low academic achievement: Causes and results. Theory and
Practice in Language Studies, 2262-2268.

Asikhia. (2010). Students and teachers’ perception of the causes of poor academic performance in Ogun State secondary
schools [Nigeria]: Implications for counseling for national development. European Journal of Social Sciences, 229-242.

Barse, M. (2015, August 16). Schools to blame for unmotivated students. Accessed from

Barse, M. (2015, August 16). Schools to blame for unmotivated students. Accessed from

Carnegie Mellon University. (2019, November 30). Students lack interest or motivation. Accessed from

Carnegie Mellon University. (2019, November 30). Students lack interest or motivation. Accessed from

Cerdan, A. G. (2017, October 30). The importance of motivation: What is it and tips to promote it. Accessed from

Charity, B. (2017, October 26). How motivation affects academic performance. Accessed from

David, N. M. (2014). Determinants of poor academic performance of secondary school students in Sumbawanga District,
Tanzania (Master thesis, So koine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania). Accessed from

Great School. (2014, September 10). Motivating the unmotivated student. Accessed from

Great School. (2014, September 10). Motivating the unmotivated student. Accessed from

Resent, R. (2017, February 7). Why a motivated teacher is key to the classroom? Accessed from

Sasson, R. (2019, November 18). Lack of motivation and enthusiasm. Accessed from

School, J. (2018, January 20). Low motivation in learners. Accessed from

Williams, E. (2018, June 29). What is the meaning of academic performance? Accessed from
performance-17332.html. .
Wong, D. (2017, July 4). 10 common parenting mistakes that demotivate your children. Accessed from

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