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Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part 1, Vol. 76, No.

9, 1993
Translated from Denshi Joho Tsushin Gakkai Ronbunshi. Vol. 75-B-II. No. 6, June 1992, pp. 370-378

Characteristics of Space-Diversity Branch Using Parallel

Dipole Antennas in Mobile Radio Communications

Tokio Taga, Member

NTT Radio Communication Systems Laboratories, Yokosuka, Japan 238-03

SUMMARY Key words: Mobile communication; space diversi-

ty; dipoleantenna; mean effective gain; correlation coeffi-
The configuration of two parallel half-wave dipoles cient.
is the basic spacediversity branch for spacediversity
reception in mobile radio communications.
1. Introduction
This paper presents theoretical and experimental
study on the antenna diversity branch connected to a 50- With the development of mobile communications
ohm receiver. Postdetection selection diversity is applied such as the car telephone, etc., the demand for such
to determine the relation of the mean effective gain personal mobile communication as portable telephones,
(MEG) and the correlation coefficient with the variation etc., has increased greatly in the recent years and the
of angle of antenna inclination from the vertical direction, practical realization of the portable telephone systems is
cross-polarization power ratio (XPR) of the propagation strongly desired. One of the methods to reduce fading in
path, and the distribution of the incident wave. portable telephone terminal equipment (below, it will be
called portable equipment) is antenna diversity reception.
Here, great improvement in fading can be obtained by a
First, it is clarified theoretically that, if antenna relatively simple construction. This type of reception is
spacing is made less than 0.2 wavelength, then efficiency being used in practice as post-detection selection diversity
is reduced due to the coupling between the antenna ele- reception [l] for 8OO-MHz band large-capacity mobile
ments and MEG is greatly deteriorated. Moreover, mini- communicationsystems. Moreover, in the portable equip-
mum antenna spacing for better MEG characteristics is ment of digital mobile communication systems, the diver-
in the range of 0.3 to 0.4 wavelengths. sity reception technique with the antenna selection [2,3],
have also been applied.
Next, it is clarified that the correlation coefficient
is less than 0.1 for variation of antenna inclination, XPR, In the diversity reception technique with the antenna
and the distribution of incident wave when the antenna selection, a sudden phase variation in the received signal
spacing ranges from 0.2 to 0.3 wavelengths. Thus, an is produced at the time of antenna exchange. This in turn
optimum antenna spacing exists in the forementioned introduces coding error; hence, the antenna exchange
spacediversity branch, which theoretically is found to be should be performed with the burst signal. Therefore, the
about 0.3 wavelength. The validity of the theoretical improvement effect is not applied to the fading variation
results is confirmed by 900-MHz band indoor experi- produced inside the burst and with the increase in the
ments. fading frequency, the diversity gain is deteriorated [3].

55 ISSN8756-662 1/93/0009-0055
@ 1994 Scripta Technica, Inc.
On the other hand, in the postdetection selection A n
diversity reception technique, since thedetected output has
the same phase and the coding error is not introduced [4] r ,',
I ,

even if branch exchange is performed inside the burst,

bighdiversity gain can be obtained [ 5 ] regardless of the
increase in the fading frequency.

Now, in a comparatively simple antenna diversity

branch, the signal from two antennas separated by a Y
distance is either selected or combined and thus space-
diversity reception is very commonly used. X

Correlation characteristics of the spacediversity

branch have already been studied by many researchers and Fig. 1. Spherical coordinates in mobile radio
various analysis results have been reported. They include environments.
the analysis when antennas have an isotropic pattern [6],
the experimental study when the antennas are placed
inside the metallic enclosures of portable radio equipment
[7], and theoretical results considering the influence of way, a detailed analysis has been performed for the mean
metallic enclosures and the coupling between the antennas effective gain (MEG) of the half-wave dipole antenna for
[81. multipath propagation and the correlation characteristics
of the polarization diversity branch of the crossdipole
In particular, when the distance between the anten- antenna.
nas is small, the coupling between the antennas is con-
sidered. Also, the results have been reported for the In this paper, these methods are applied to the
diversity branch which has small correlation due to cou- spacediversity branch constructed by two parallel half-
pling although the distance between the antennas is of the wave dipole antennas and theoretical was well as experi-
order of 0.1 wavelength. The performance of the antenna- mental study of the MEG and correlation characteristics
diversity branch is not only dependent on the correlation is performed for the postdetection selection diversity
characteristics but also on the effective gain of each reception. Then the variation of these characteristics with
antenna for various wave propagation paths. Thus, it is antenna inclination and incident wave is clarified.
necessary to study both aspects simultaneously; but, to
date, such a thorough study of the effective gain has not Section 2 describes the theoretical equations to
been performed. calculate MEG and correlation coefficient and the incident
wave model used in the analysis. Then the radiation and
Since the antennas in the portable radio equipment MEG characteristics as well as thecorrelation characteris-
are used in a random orientation, the directivity of the tics of the parallel dipoles are described theoretically
antenna (polarization characteristics) is changed and, as taking into account the mutual coupling between antennas
a result, the effective gain and correlation characteristics and an optimum value of antenna spacing is shown. In
are greatly varied. Moreover, these characteristics also section 3, the experimental results of the indoor multipath
vary with the local variation of incident wave due to propagation are given, the comparison with the theoretical
multipath propagation. Thus, it is necessary to discuss the value is performed, and the validity of the theoretical
effect of antenna inclination from the vertical direction results is confirmed.
and the variation of incident wave on the effective gain
and correlation characteristics of the antenna diversity
branch of portable equipment. However, such a study has 2. Theoretical Analysis
not been performed in previous reports.
2.1. Theoretical equation and the incident
To analyze the foregoing characteristics, the statisti- wave model
cal model of the incident wave has been used where the
vertical and horizontal components are taken to be uni- The theoretical equation of MEG for an antenna
form in the azimuth direction and Gauss distribution is moving in the multiple-wave propagation path is deter-
assumed in the direction of elevation angle [9, 101. In this mined by [5]; and, assuming the moving antenna at the

origin of spherical coordinate system (Fig. l), we can Average Power



Here P represents the coordinate point (8, 4) of the

spherical coordinate system, and we have 1

0" "v mti 90"

Elevation Angle

Moreover, Ge(0) and G+(P) are the 8 and 4 compo- Fig. 2. Statistical model of incident wave.
nents of the power gain of the antenna, respectively.
Similarly, Pe(P) and P+(O) are the angular density
functions of the 8 and 4 components, respectively, of the
incident wave to antenna. They satisfy the following density functions Pe(P) and P,(P) is required. However,
equations: in this paper, the statistical model similar to that in [9, 101
has been applied (Fig. 2) where all the components of the
incident wave have uniform distribution in the azimuth
direction and Gauss distribution in the direction of the
elevation angle. The angular density function of the
incident wave for all the components can be obtained as
(4) follows:

XPR as defined in [111 is known as the mean cross-polar-

ization power ratio.

Similarly, the correlation coefficient pc for the

complex envelope of the received voltage for two antennas
separated by a distance d is given in [ 101and can be given
as follows:

Here A0 and A+ are the proportionality constants

determined by Eq. (4); m y and tnH are the average angle
of elevation for the 8 and 4 components, respectively;
and oy and uH are the standard deviations of the 8 and
4 components, respectively. The subscripts Vand ff have
been used because when the moving antenna moves in the
XY-plane of the coordinate system shown in Fig. 1, the
8 and @ components of the incident wave correspond to
where E& and E& are the complex envelopes of the 8 the vertically polarized component (Vj and horizontally
and 4 components of the electric field of the antenna polarized components (H), respectively.
element k (k = 1.2). respectively; p is the wave number;
x is the phase difference of the waves incident on two
antennas; and * represents the complex conjugate. 2.2. Power gain of parallel dipole antennas

When MEG and the correlation coefficient are Consider the parallel dipole antenna configuration
determined from Eqs. (1) and (5), the modeling of angular shown in Fig. 3. Here, two antennas are separated by a

distanced and are inclined at an angle a from the perpen- At this time, the electric fields of the antenna ele-
dicular direction with the Y-axis as the center of rotation. ments 1 and 2, taking into account the mutual coupling
Moreover, both antennas are connected to the receivers between the antennas, can be obtained as follows [9, 121:
of 5Odu11 input impedance and a 73-0/50-0 impedance
transformer by a balun has been inserted between the
receiver and the antenna. (8)


Ere=ET(cosOcos4 sincr-sin0 cosa) cos( 7r[/Z)

a ' I

and E, is the proportionality constant. Moreover, is

the mutual impedance between the antennas, Z,, is the
self-impedance of the antenna, and & is the load imped-
ance of the antenna; e" represents the phase due to the
L distance between the antennas and p is the wave number.

Fig. 3. Parallel dipole antenna configuration and For antenna element 1, x = d sin 8 sin 4, and for
its coordinate system. the antenna element 2, x = -d sin 8 sin $. Moreover,

2 2
f t

? Element1
t 1

Gmax = 3.6d8i
Gmar = 3.3 dEI
1 d-1.0 A
Gmax= 3.1 d8I

Fig. 4. Power gain patterns of dipole antenna element 1 at antenna inclination angle a of 0"
(G-: maximum value of power gain pattern).

3 1 ' I ' I ' I ' I ' I ' 1
L 1
XPR=-6d B

u -3

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2

Antenna Spacing d I A Antenna Spacing d I A

Fig. 5. MEG characteristics at antenna inclination Fig. 6. MEG characteristics at antenna inclination
angle a of 0". angle a of 90".

[ = sin 0 cos 0 sin a + cos 0 cos a. The power gains radiation efficiency due to the coupling between the
Ge(Q) and G,(Q) which satisfy Eq. (3) can be deter- elements is quite large. Therefore, the diversity branch
mined by using Eqs. (8) to (1 1). Three-dimensional power in which antenna spacing ranges from 0.3X to 0.41 may
gain patterns of antenna element 1 for a = 0", calculated be considered to have excellent effective gain.
by Eqs. (8) to (11) and where one of the antennas is
terminated with a load &, = 73 P are shown in Fig. 4. The next excellent value of antenna spacing is'found
In the figure, G , is the maximum value of the power to be near 0.91. The calculated values of MEG character-
gain and this value is in the XY-plane for all the cases. istics for the antenna spacing of 0.31 are shown in Fig.
7. When XPR is -1.8 dB, MEG becomes -2.8 dBi
With the decrease in antenna spacing, the pattern (constant) regardless of antenna inclination. However,
becomes unidirectional due to mutual coupling and a large when XPR is greater than -1.8 dB, MEG decreases with
difference from the pattern of the other antenna element the increase in antenna inclination from the perpen-
is observed. Moreover, when the antenna spacing is made dicular direction. For XPR = 6 dB. MEG varies from 0.1
less than 0.21, the entire pattern becomes smaller and the dBi to -6.1 dBi, i.e., a variation of about 6 dB can
power gain of the antenna is reduced. The decrease in the be seen. Conversely, when XPR is less than -1.8 dB,
power gain occurs because, when the coupling between then MEG increases with the increase in antenna inclina-
the elements is strong, the power consumed in the load tion.
of the other antenna is increased and, as a result, the
radiation efficiency is reduced. For XPR = -6 dB, MEG varies from -5.9 dBi to
-1.9 dBi, i.e., a variation of 4 dB can be seen. More-
over, when the inclination angle of the antenna is 53",
2.3. MEG characteristics
then regardless of the XPR a constant value (-2.8 dBi)
The calculated values of MEG characteristics for of MEG can be obtained.
two vertical antennas placed in parallel (a = 0") are
shown in Fig. 5, and Fig. 6 shows the cases when the two Since antenna inclination varies arbitrarily in the
antennas are horizontal and parallel (a = 90"). In all the portable radio system and MEG has a wide-range varia-
cases, MEG has the largest value when the antenna spac- tion, a large variation in the diversity reception capability
ing is in the range 0.31 to 0.41. Further, when the is expected. Thus, there is a demand for a circuit design
antenna spacing is less than 0.21, the sudden reduction which will give a large variation margin to the moving
in the gain is observed which means that the reduction of antenna.

0 1.0. ' I 7 I ' I ' I ' I '

5 0
U,=lO' -
-6 -
u1 mV=45' , aV=60'

1 . 1 . 3

8 = u ,=30'
-12 . ' I " ' ' '
0 30 60 90 Fig. 8. Correlation characteristics at antenna inclin-
Inclination Angle P (deg) ation angle a of 0".

Fig. 7. MEG characteristics vs. inclination angle

a at antenna spacing of 0.3 wavelength.
Considering its relation with the mean angle of
inclination for V polarization m y and the standard devia-
tion av,a small increase in the correlation is found when
If the XPR characteristics of the propagation path the antenna spacing is small. However, if the antenna
c811 be set near -1.8 dB, then the effective gain variation spacing is greater than 0.2 wavelength, then regardless
margin can be made smaller. However, to check whether of the values of my and av, the correlation coefficient
or not the characteristics for this XPR are useful, a com- was less than 0.1. Characteristics of this type are not
parison of characteristics at the time of diversity recep- found in the incident wave distribution for XPR and H
tion is required (this point will be investigated in the polarization because, when the antennas are vertical and
future). parallel. ideally no H-polarized component is radiated.
However, when the antenna is inclined from the vertical
As explained later in the experimental results of direction, the H-polarized component of the radiated wave
section 3.1, the XPR characteristics can easily be varied becomes greater and the correlation coefficientvaries with
by the polarizing characteristics of the receiver antenna. the XPR, V- and H-polarization of the incident wave.
Thus, in a microcell system such as the indoor mobile
communication system, desired XPR characteristics can Figure 9 shows the correlation characteristics for the
easily be obtained by considering the polarization charac- horizontal antennas placed in parallel (a!= 90").When the
teristics of the base station antenna. antenna spacing is less than 0.4 wavelength, then the
correlation coefficient does not change greatly even with
the change in antenna inclination. However, when the
antenna spacing is close to 0.6 wavelength, then a sudden
2.4. Correlation characteristics increase in the correlation coefficient is observed. The
reason for this is that, at the antenna spacing of 0.6 wave-
The calculated values of the correlation characteris- length, maximum combination of the radiation patterns
tics between two vertical antennas placed in parallel (a = of the two antennas in the XY plane is obtained and the
0")are shown in Fig. 8. It can be seen that the correlation increase in the correlation at this time is large when
coefficient is less than 0.4 even when the antenna spacing standard deviation a y is small in V polarization (Fig.
is 0.1 wavelength; and, when antenna spacing is greater 9(b)) or uH is small in H-polarization (Fig. 9(c)).
than 0.3 wavelength, its value is almost zero in all the
cases. This is due to the phase multiplication effect pro- When antenna spacing is in the range 0.21 to 0.31
duced by the phase difference of tbe radiation pattern or the antenna spacing is near 0.91. then regardless of
caused by antenna coupling and the phase difference the value of the antenna inclination XPR, a and uH, the
caused by antenna spacing. value of the correlation coefficient becomes extremely

Transmitting point
- 1 . O - ' I * I ' I ' I ' 1 '
Q m,=m,=O'
a,=lO' -
. 2.2m 1 8.4m
- 1 7


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
1 Rotatoi

Antenna Spacing d I A

0 J
0 1.0
c Measurement circle ( R = 1.5m )
.-Q) 0.8

c 0.4 Outer wall of building
0.2 Fig. 10. Floor plan of test site.
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Antenna Spacing d I A may be constructed which has good MEG characteristics
(b) and low correlation coefficient regardless of such external
factors as the antenna inclination XPR, u y and aH.
* 1 .o ' I ' I ' I ' I ~ I
c rn, = mH= 0'
a,-1 0'
.- 0.8 3. Indoor Experiment Results
.-0 XPR-OdB

% 0.6
0 3.1. Outline of experiment and the measured
C 0.4 parameters of incident wave
2 0.2 The experiments were performed in the indoor
propagation environment as shown in Fig. 10. The size
0.0 of the experiment room was about 14 m x 8 m, and the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 distance from floor to ceiling was 3 m. Point Tin the
Antenna Spacing d I A figure represents the position of the transmitter antenna
and point R gives the position of the rotator which rotates
the receiving antenna. The wall surface is made from the
metal panels and is supported by steel pillars, and the
Fig. 9. Correlation characteristics at antenna floor has free access with the metal surface. The transmit-
inclination angle Q of 90". ting and measurement antennas can be placed out of sight
with the help of the wall surface.

The distance between the transmitting and measure-

small. Consideringthe optimum antenna spacing for MEG ment antennas was about 10 m and the height of each
characteristics of section 2.3, the optimum antenna spac- antenna was 1.5 m. A CW with a frequency of about 920
ing for the spacediversity branch constructed by parallel MHz was used in the experiment. The measurement
dipoles is found to be 0.3L In this way a diversity branch antenna was rotated in a radius of 1.5 m, and the line

Table 1. Measured results of the incident wave parameters

Transmitting Mean Cross-

antenna angle polarization Standard Standard
of inclination power ratio deviation deviation
XPR (dB) (deg) OH (deg)
Q T (deg)

0 1.6 28.2 69.9

45 - 2.4 13.3 47.6
90 - 7.7 17.3 32.5

joining the two antennas (Y-axis in Fig. 3) was rotated to

0", 90°, +45", and -45" with respect to the radius vector
of rotation circle (normal direction), and the correlation
and MEG characteristics were determined by measuring
the received envelope simultaneously at the two branches
for each rotation.

0) x x x 90' The method of MEG measurement was the same as
UI -9- Q,=O' +45' - that used in [9].Moreover, the incident wave parameters

aa 0
Q =0* average . (XPR, standard deviations u y and uH)of the propagation
environment were measured by the method described in
[13]. The measured results of incident wave parameters
when the transmitting antenna inclination is varied is
shown in Table 1. XPR varies from 1.6 dB to -7.7 dB
with the inclination angle @TOfthe transmitting antenna,
and a,, has greater value compared to u,,.

m 3.2. MEG characteristics
x x x 90' 0 0 0 -45'
.-t -3 average
To observe the variations with XPR, measurements
were made at transmitting antenna inclination angle @ T
of 0" and 90".Moreover, the measurements were made
at the diversity antenna with the inclination angle a = 0"
and a = 90". The measured results for aT = 0" and 90"
5 are shown in Figs. 11 and 12, respectively; 0, X A, and
0 are the measured values when the antenna bearing is
=-I2 - O", 90", +45", and -45", respectively, and 0 is the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
average value of all bearings. The solid curve is for the
Antenna Spacing d I A calculated values which are determined by using the result
(b) of Table 1.

Fig. 11. Comparison of theoretical MEG The variation of measured values with the antenna
curve with measurement value at transmitting bearing in the figure can be explained similarly to [9]
antenna inclination angle 9, of 0":(a) a = where the incident wave distribution is nonuniform in the
0",(b) a = 90". azimuth direction.

1 .o

1 4 A 4
0 0 0
a, calculaled
0 0.4

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Antenna Spacing d I A Antenna Spacing d I A
(a) (a)
m 1.0
c 0.8
0 0 0 0 -45'
L 0.6
c average
-6 -calculaled - 0.4 calculaled
0 0 0 0 0' C
a, x x x go-
- ."m
CI o.21\,
-9 - @,=go' t45' -
5 0 0 0 - 4 5' E 0.0 0 d 0
a =go' average

1 -12 ' 1 ' 1 " " ' 1 '


0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
Antenna Spacing d I A Antenna Spacing d I A .
(b) (b)

Fig. 12. Comparison of theoretical MEG Fig. 13. Comparisonof theoretical correlation
curve with measurement value at transmitting curve with measurement value at transmitting
antenna inclination angle aTof 90":(a) a = antenna inclination angle OTof 0":(a) a = 0".
0",(b) a = 90". (b) a = 90'.

3.3. Correlation characteristics

For a = 0", theoretical values have good agreement
with the average of measured values denoted by 0 regard- To observe the variations with XPR,measurements
less of XPR.Moreover, it is confirmed that the maximum were made at antenna inclination angle QT of 0" and 90°,
value of MEG occurs when the antenna spacing is about similar to section 3.2 and the diversity antenna inclination
0.4 wavelength and MEG deteriorates rapidly when the angle was set at a = 0" and a = 90". The measured
antenna spacing is less than 0.2 wavelength. results for aT = 0" and 90" are shown in Figs. 13 and
14, respectively; 0, X , A, and 0 are the measured
For a = go", measured values are somewhat lower values for the antenna bearings of 0", 90". +45", and
than the theoretical values but similar variation is seen. -45", respectively, and 0 is the average value of all
The difference between the measured and theoretical bearings. Moreover, the solid curve represents the calcu-
values is due to the fact that the antenna support was lated values determined by using the results of Table 1.
placed under the antenna at the time of actual measure-
ment which lifted the radiation pattern upward and the For a = O", it is confirmed experimentally that the
gain in the horizontal plane was lowered. correlation is very small for antenna spacing of less than

1.0 ' I ' I . 1 . 1 . I .
theoretically. Particularly, both branches are connected
4 0 0 0 0' to the 5O-ohm input impedance receivers and postdetec-
x x x 90' -
a, t45'
tion selection diversity reception is performed. Here a
.-0 0 0 0 -45' - statistical model is used where the incident wave is as-

average sumed to have uniform distribution in the azimuth direc-
0 -calculated - tion and Gauss distribution in the direction of elevation
.-0 -

-a A The relationship of the MEG and correlation charac-

a : teristics with the antenna inclinationand the incident wave
0 -0.2 . I '
I ' I * q 1 parameters is clarified. Moreover, the validity of the
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 theoretical results is confirmed by a 900-MHz band indoor
Antenna Spacing d I A experiment. The results obtained by theoretical analysis
are as follows.

m 1.0 * i I . I
0 0 0
' I 1 (1) The minimum antenna spacing for better mean
effective gain (MEG) in a multiwave environment is from
0.3 wavelength to 0.4 wavelength.
-calculated - (2) When antenna spacing was made less than 0.2
wavelength, the MEG decreases rapidly because of the
reduction in the radiation efficiency due to mutual cou-
0 0
0 (3) When the antenna spacing is from 0.2 wave-
"-0.2' ' I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
' I ' ' I . ' '
1.2 length to 0.3 wavelength, the correlation coefficient
becomes less than 0.1 regardless of the value of antenna
Antenna Spacing d I A
inclination, XPR of the propagation path, and the incident
(b) wave distribution. Hence, a lowcorrelation diversity
branch can be obtained.
Fig. 14. Comparison of theoretical correlation
curve with measurement value at transmitting (4) When antenna spacing is about 0.6 wavelength,
antenna inclination angle QT of 90': (a) a = the correlation coefficient increases with the increase in
O", (b) a = 90". the antenna inclination. This increase in the correlation
is as great as the incident wave distribution concentrates
in the horizontal plane.

0.2 wavelength and theoretical values have good agree- ( 5 ) From the results in items (2) and (3), the opti-
mum antenna spacing is about 0.3 wavelength for the
ment with the measured values.
spacediversity branch constructed by parallel dipole
For a = 90°, especially when SPR is -7.7 dB (4T antennas.
is 90°), it is confirmed that the correlation coefficient
shows an increase at the antenna spacing of 0.6 wave- (6) When the antenna spacing is 0.3 wavelength and
length. In both cases, the experimental results have good XPR of the path is -1.8 dB, MEG becomes constant
agreement with the theoretical results and the validity of (-2.88 dBi) regardless of the antenna inclination.
the analysis is confirmed.
Finally, the optimum as well as the smallest antenna
spacing has been obtained for the spacediversity branch
4. Conclusions constructed by parallel half-wave dipole antennas when
this branch is applied to postdetection selection diversity
Characteristics of a spacediversity branch coastnrct- reception. These data are very useful in constructing a
ed by two parallel half-wavelength dipoles is analyzed spacediversity branch having favorable characteristics.

Moreover, the basic data will be provided for understand- 4. F. Adachi and K. Ohno. Experimental evaluation
ing the antenna characteristics when the spacediversity of postdetectiondiversity reception of narrow-band
branch is fixed in the portable equipment and the influence digital FM signals in Rayleigh fading. IEEE Trans.,
of metal enclosure may be studied. VT-388, 4, pp. 216-221 (1989).
5. Suwa and Kondo. Antenna correlation of transmit-
The result given in item (6) in the foregoing and the ter diversity in TDMAmDD systems. 1991 Spring
diversity reception characteristics where XPR of the Nat’l Conv. I.E.I.C.E., Japan, B-395.
propagation path are used will be investigated in the 6. R. H. Clarke. A statistical theory of mobile radio
future. In addition, the case when the antenna is inclined reception. Bell Syst. Tech. J., 47, 6, pp. 957-1000
about the X-axis of Fig. 3 and when it is fixed in the (1968).
portable equipment will be studied in the future. 7. T. Taga et al. Study of portable antennas. 1981
Nat’l Conv. I.E.C.E., Japan, 2161.
8. Tokogawa et al. Analysis of diversity effect of
Acknowledgement. This research was conducted horizontal antenna on the small bodies. Papers of
at ATR Optical Communication Research Laboratories. Technical Group on Antennas and Propagation,
The author wishes to thank Mr. Furuhama for useful I.E.I.C.E., Japan, A*P89-37 (July 1989).
guidance in the research. He also is indebted to Mr. 9. T. Taga. Analysis for mean effective gain of mo-
Imakutsu, a researcher at ATR Optical Communication bile antennas in land mobile radio environments.
Research Laboratories, for his cooperation in performing IEEE Trans., VT-39, 2, pp. 117-131 (1990).
the experiments. 10. T. Taga et al. Analysis of antenna diversity corre-
lation characteristics in land mobile radio environ-
ments. Trans. I.E.I.C.E., Japan, J73-B-II, 12. pp.
883-895 (Dec. 1990).
REFERENCES 11. T. Taga. Method of measuring the mean cross-
polarization power ratio (XPR) in the mobile com-
Tobu et al. Largecapacity mobile communication municationenvironments.Trans. I.E.I.C.E., Japan,
portable equipment. 1989 Spring Nat’l Conv. J73-B-II, 10, pp. 536-545 ( a t . 1990).
I.E.I.C.E., Japan, B-816. 12. Mushimei. Antenna and Wave Propagation. Corona
Y. Yamao et al. Designing digital mobile commu- Publ. (Feb. 1961).
nication portable equipment. 1991 Spring Nat’l 13. T. Taga. Method of measurement of the indoor
Conv. I.E.I.C.E., Japan, B-356. incident wave distribution under the out-of-sight
Y. Yamao et al. Linear prediction antenna for condition and the experiment of the mobile station
selection diversity reception. 1991 Spring Nat’l polarization diversity branch. Trans. I.E.I.C.E.,
Conv. I.E.I.C.E., Japan, B-397. Japan, J74-B-II, 11, pp. 608-615 (Nov. 1991).


Tokio Taga received a B.E. and an M.E. in Electrical Engineering from Osaka University in 1976 and 1978,
respectively. Then hejoined Yokomrka Electrical CommunicationResearch Laboratories of NipponTelephoneand Telegraph
Corporation 0. He has been involved in research and development of small antennas for mobile communication and
personal equipment for car telephone systems. In March 1987, he was transferred to ATR Optical Communication Research
Laboratories. His research on the a n a l y t d methodshas been to find the characteristicsof antennas in multiwavepropagation
paths and to eliminate the distortions, etc. In 1990, he returned to the N?T Radio Communication Systems Laboratories
where he is currently eagaged in research on personal mobile communication antennas. He is a member of IEEE.


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