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Chapter 1: Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 2

1.1 General .......................................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 Scope ............................................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 3
1.4 Purpose: ........................................................................................................................................ 4
Chapter 2: Methodology ......................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Types of method ........................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Manual Direct Method.................................................................................................................. 5
2.3 Study Area ..................................................................................................................................... 5
2.4 Data Collection method ................................................................................................................ 8
2.5 Tables available where the factors HEF, DEF and MEF ................................................................. 8
Chapter 3: Data Analysis ....................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Data Table ................................................................................................................................... 10
3.2 Calculation .................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Result .......................................................................................................................................... 15
Chapter 4: Discussion ............................................................................................................................ 16
4.1 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Limitation .................................................................................................................................... 16
4.3 Recommendation........................................................................................................................ 17
References ............................................................................................................................................ 18

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 General

Since its inception, the development of society has depended heavily on transportation, first in
terms of trade routes and harbors, but more recently in terms of land- and air-based systems as
well. The transportation engineer's task is to plan, design, build, operate, and maintain these
transportation networks in a way that ensures the safe, efficient, and useful flow of people and
goods. Transportation is one of the most pressing issues confronting the globe today.
Depending on its needs and resources, each nation takes a different solution to its transportation
problems. It is necessary to determine the loads that will be applied to the structure before
determining the amount of reinforcement that is required for a building to operate safely.
Volume in transportation serves a similar purpose.

For the planning, construction, and operation of transportation systems, volume is the most
vital need. In the phases of research, planning, designing, and regulation of traffic engineering,
traffic data are used to establish the priority and deadlines for traffic improvements. In order to
measure and understand the magnitude, composition, time and route distribution of volume for
each area under jurisdiction, the traffic engineer must acquire a general knowledge of traffic
volume characteristics.

The term traffic volume study can be termed as traffic flow survey or simply the traffic survey.
It is defined as the procedure to determine mainly volume of traffic moving on the roads at a
particular section during a particular time. When a variety of vehicle types with greatly variable
static and dynamic characteristics are present in the traffic, it is improper to express traffic
volume as the number of vehicles passing a certain piece of road or traffic lane per unit time.
The issue of calculating the volume of such diverse traffic has been resolved by converting the
various types of vehicles into equivalent passenger cars and stating the volume in terms of
Passenger Car Units (PCU's) per hour.

1.2 Scope

• To get information like magnitudes, classifications and the time and directional split of
vehicular flows.
• To know about the proportions of vehicles in traffic stream. Proportion of vehicles indicates
whether public or private transport dominates the traffic system.
• To know the hourly, daily, yearly and seasonal variation of vehicular flows (ADT/AADT).
• To determine the flow fluctuation on different approaches at a junction or different parts of
a road network system.
• To understand the efficiency at which a system works at present and LOS offered by the
road network.
• Planning and designing road facilities.

• A reasonable indication of the future rate of growth of traffic is made possible.
• To determine the directional distribution (DD).
• Calibrating and validating the traffic model.

Figure 1.1: Scope of traffic volume studies

1.3 Objective

• Traffic surveys are required to transportation engineers for:

• Planning and designing traffic facilities.
• Determining the need for traffic control devices.
• Studying the effectiveness of introduced schemes.
• Diagnosing given situations and finding appropriate solutions.
• Forecasting the effects of projected strategies.
• Calibrating and validating traffic models etc.

Figure 1.2: Objectives of Traffic Volume Studies

1.4 Purpose:

Traffic survey is very important to be performed because it can:

• Increase the efficiency and life of roads.
• Reduces traffic volume at a particular section.
• Provide better means for development of infrastructures.
• Provide better means to utilize other roads in case of special events in the city.
• Provide estimate of no vehicles against no of persons.

Chapter 2: Methodology

2.1 Types of method

The basic requirements for transportation planning is Traffic data collection. A road's traffic
volume is measured by monitoring how many cars pass through it over time. It is often
measured and quantified in terms of Passenger Car Units (PCU) in order to determine the Level
of Service of the road and other related factors like traffic, carrying capacity, V/C Ratio,
identifying peak or extended peak hours etc. For collecting data of volume studies, there are
usually two types of method that are followed. They are-
1. Automatic method
2. Manual method
Again, manual method is two types:
1. Direct method
2. Indirect method
In this study, Manual Direct Method is applied to determine traffic volume.

2.2 Manual Direct Method

The manual method of traffic volume count, which involves a team of people counting the
number of passing vehicles on a specified area using tally marks in inventories, is the most
used technique for gathering traffic volume data. The unorganized raw data from those
inventories is then compiled and analyzed. This method of data collection can be labor-
intensive that is costly, but it is still required in the majority of situations where vehicles must
be classified with a number of movements recorded separately, such as at intersections,
and automatic methods cannot be used because of a lack of infrastructure, the necessary
authorization, etc.

2.3 Study Area

Generally, a traffic volume study is carried out at a particular location and at a particular hour.
Hence, a section of the road between Nabisco and Satrasta is chosen because it is close to the
university and also traffic moves freely on it. A satellite view of the placement is shown within
the Fig: 1 and a visible representation of the placement is depicted in Fig 2.1

Figure 2.1: Nabisco to Satrasta Road Satellite View (North to South direction)

Figure 2.2: Nabisco to Satrasta Road in Place View (North to South direction)

Figure 2.3: Satrasta to Nabisco Road in Place View (South to North direction)

2.4 Data Collection method

1. Before gathering data, a suitable location for observation is identified, including which
section of the road to observe.
2. Enumerators of 4 groups having more or less 4 members in each took the positions as
shown in figure 2.2 and 2.3. Along the entire length of the road, the road section's
geometric features were consistent, and it was some distance from the junctions.
3. Tally sheets were organized and labeled to collect data and doing computations later on
4. To become familiar with the task and look for any issues with vehicle counting, an
effort survey was conducted.
5. The enumerators counted various vehicle types by different group members while
standing securely on the side of the road with a clear view of the surrounding traffic.
6. An enumerator was charged with tracking the time intervals.

2.5 Tables available where the factors HEF, DEF and MEF

Hourly Expansion Factor:

Time Period HEF Hour HEF

6:00-7:00 am 42.01 6:00- 7:00 p.m. 16.6

7:00-8:00 am 28.99 7:00- 8:00 p.m. 17.5
8:00-9:00 am 22.05 8:00- 9:00 p.m. 20.4
9:00-10:00 am 18.8 9:00- 10:00 p.m. 25.3
10:00-11:00 am 17.11 10:00- 11:00 p.m. 31.2
11:00-12:00 pm 18.52 11:00- 12:00 a.m. 34.2
12:00-1:00 pm 18.71 12:00- 1:00 a.m. 51.2
1:00-2:00 pm 16.71 1:00- 2:00 a.m. 82.3
2:00-3:00 pm 14.84 2:00- 3:00 a.m. 124
3:00-4:00 pm 14.77 3:00- 4:00 a.m. 137
4:00-5:00 pm 12.85 4:00- 5:00 a.m. 144
5:00-6:00 pm 13.85 5:00- 6:00 a.m. 90.2

Monthly Expansion Factor:

Month of Year MEF Month of Year MEF

January 1.756 July 0.578
February 1.976 August 0.521
March 1.635 September 0.632
April 1.482 October 0.948
May 1.395 November 1.186
June 0.948 December 1.355

Daily Expansion Factor:
Month of Year MEF Month of Year MEF
January 1.756 July 0.578
February 1.976 August 0.521
March 1.635 September 0.632
April 1.482 October 0.948
May 1.395 November 1.186
June 0.948 December 1.355

Chapter 3: Data Analysis

3.1 Data Table

Data Sheet

Group : 02
Location : Nabisco to Satrasta (Main Road)
Date : 30 November, 2022
Time : 01:00 pm – 02:00 pm
Duration : 30 min
Method : Direct manual counting method
Enumerators : 5 persons

No. of Vehicle
Vehicle Type
01:00 pm- 01:15 pm 01:15 pm- 01:30 pm Observation in 30 min
Bus 21 16 37
CNG 70 90 160
Car 203 130 333
Motorcycle 393 347 740
Utility 83 62 145
Total 770 645 1415

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3.2 Calculation

• Determination of vehicle consumption

No. of Vehicle Passing Total Vehicle

Vehicle PCU
0-15 15-30 Total in Total in vehicle consumption
type factor
(min) (min) 30 min 1 hour (pcu/hr) (%)
Bus 21 16 37 74 3 222 10.29
CNG 70 90 160 320 0.75 240 11.12
Car 203 130 333 666 1 666 30.86
Motorcycle 393 347 740 1480 0.5 740 34.29
Utility 83 62 145 290 1 290 13.44
Total 2158 100

Utility, 13.44, 14% Bus, 10.29, 10%

CNG, 11.12, 11%

Motorcycle, 34.29, Motorcycle
Car, 30.86, 31%

Fig 3.1: Pie chart

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• Determination of service flow rate

Time PCU/hr

Group 1 (Satrasta-Nabisco) 01:00pm-02:00 pm 1895

Group 2 (Nabisco-Satrasta) 01:00pm-02:00 pm 2158

Group 3 (Satrasta-Nabisco) 02:00pm-03:00 pm 1709

Group 4 (Nabisco-Satrasta) 02:00pm-03:00 pm 2390.5

Service flow rate (Satrasta to Nabisco) = = 1802 PCU/hr
Service flow rate (Nabisco to Satrasta) = = 2274.25 PCU/hr

• Determination of directional distribution

Direction Group Time PCU/hr PCU/hr

01:00 pm- 02:00
1 1895
Satrasta to pm
Nabisco 02:00 pm- 03:00
3 1709
01:00 pm- 02:00
Nabisco to 2 2158
pm 4548.5
02:00 pm- 03:00
4 2390.5

DD Satrasta – Nabisco = 3604+4548.5 × 100 = 44.21%
DD Nabisco – Satrasta = 3604+4548.5 × 100 = 55.79%

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• Peak Hour Flow (PHF)

PHF, 01:00 pm – 02:00 pm (Nabisco to Satrasta)

Vehicle 1:00 pm - 1:15 pm 1:15 pm - 1:30 pm
PCU factor
type No. of vehicles PCU/hr No. of vehicles PCU/hr
Bus 3 21 63 16 48
CNG 0.75 70 52.5 90 67.5
Car 1 203 203 130 130
Motorcycle 0.5 393 196.5 347 173.5
Utility 1 83 83 62 62
Total 598 481

Peak Hour Flow = = 0.9022

• Estimation of AADT

Group Direction Time PCU/hr

02 Nabisco to Satrasta 01:00 pm – 02:00 pm 2158

From table ( )
HEF (01:00-02:00 pm): 16.71
DEF (Wednesday): 6.582
MEF (November): 1.186

Total volume for 24 hour period

Volume for particular hour

Total volume for 24-hour period = HEF × Volume for particular hour
= (16.71 × 2158) PCU/day
= 36060.18 PCU/day

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Average total volume for a week
Average volume for particular day

Average total volume for a week = DEF × Volume for particular day
= 6.582 × 36060.18 PCU/week
= 237348.105 PCU/week
∴ ADT = 237348.105/7 = 33906.87 PCU/day
ADT for particular month

AADT = MEF × ADT for a particular month

= 1.186 × 33906.87 PCU/day
= 40213.55 PCU/day

• Flow-fluctuation curve

Time Group Direction AADT (PCU/day)

01 Satrasta to Nabisco 35312.64
01:00 pm – 02:00 pm
02 Nabisco to Satrasta 40213.55
03 Satrasta to Nabisco 28282.68
02:00 pm – 03:00 pm
04 Nabisco to Satrasta 39560.99

Fig 3.2: Flow fluctuation curve

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3.3 Result

Total vehicle (PCU/hr) 2158

Vehicle consumption (%) Bus (10.29%)
CNG (11.12%)
Car (30.86%)
Motorcycle (34.29%)
Utility (13.44%)
Service flow rate (Nabisco to Satrasta) 2274.25 PCU/hr
DD Satrasta – Nabisco 44.21%
DD Nabisco – Satrasta 55.79%
Peak Hour Flow 0.9022
ADT 33906.87 PCU/day
AADT 40213.55 PCU/day

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Chapter 4: Discussion

4.1 Conclusion

• The pie chart depicts the vehicle composition from Nabisco to Satrasta route (Group 2)
from 1pm to 2pm on November 30, 2022. According to the pie chart, motorbikes
(34.29%) and automobiles (30.86%) are the most common forms of transportation
vehicles on this length of road. CNG vehicles (11.12%), utilities (13.44%), and large
vehicles such as bus-trucks (10.29%) also use this road. Because the traffic volume
survey lasted just 30 minutes, the statistics may not be representative.
• The average flow rate is calculated here as the service flow rate. According to the
service flow rate determination table, the average flow rate from Satrasta to Nabisco is
1802 PCU/hr, which is less than the average flow rate from Nabisco to Satrasta, which
is 2274.25 PCU/hr. As a result, the Nabisco-Satrasta route is busier between 1 and 2
• It is seen from he directional distribution calculation that, in the particular road section,
Nabisco to Satrasta road direction is used (55.79%) more than the other direction
(44.21%) between 1 to 2pm.
• In metropolitan locations, PHF typically vary between 0.80 and 0.98. Lower numbers
indicate greater flow fluctuation during the given hour, whereas higher values indicate
minimal flow variance. PHF values greater than 0.95 are frequently suggestive of large
traffic volumes, with capacity limits on flow during peak hours. From the observation
PHF is found 0.9022 which satisfies the range.
• Average Daily Traffic (ADT) means the average number of vehicles passing a specific
point on a connection or roadway on an average day. Here ADT is found 33906.87
PCU/day for Nabisco to Satrasta direction.
• The flow fluctuation curve is critical for highway design. The flow fluctuation curve
depicted here is insufficient. It should have been plotted using a 24-hour data set so that
the true relevance could be determined.

4.2 Limitation

• Only a 2-hour period was utilized for data collection purposes, which cannot reliably
produce traffic volume and flow characteristics throughout the week, month or year.

• The number of enumerators was 5 persons per group where for complete and precise
collection of data at least 15 to 20 persons were required for each group.

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• We collected data for representative portions of traffic stream. However, if it was
possible to collect data for each and every type of vehicle then a better scenario could
have been presented.
• Limited and inexperienced enumerators.
• Now a day’s automatic counting method based on CCTV/video image processing is
reliable and popular. But due to resource constraint it was not possible.
• Operated manual counting without a single hand counter.
• No provision for cross check in the manual method.
• Time and resources were limited.

4.3 Recommendation

• NMV should not be allowed on this road.

• Data was collected for 30 minutes by each group, which does not represent the hourly
fluctuation of traffic, so more allegorical data one hour data should be taken.
• The amount of public transport should be increased.
• Construct foot over bridges at necessary point for pedestrian crossing.
• For more reliable data an automatic data collection process should be used.
• Minimizing private facilities.
• Long duration count should be conducted for transport planning and design.
• The signal system should be automatized and must be up to date with emerging traffic
• More modern and sophisticated analysis methods should be implemented.
• In order to pick up and drop off passengers, bus-lay-by should be provided.

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Average Daily Traffic (ADT) definition. (n.d.). Law Insider. Retrieved December 12, 2022,


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