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1. Which conversational topics are considered taboo?

Politics, religion, sex, money, job, personal issues, appearance

2. What are universal rules of behaviour?

Helping and caring for family, reuturning favors, respecting others needs and properties

3. Which topics are safe for conversations?

Weather, food, sports, celebrity gossip, hobbies

4. How should people from different cultures behave to each other?

Be accepting, think beyond stereotypes, talk to each other

5. What is etiquette awareness?

Seeing the significance of certain rules and applying them into our lifes

6. What do you know about gifts for hosts (do´s and dont´s)?

Do: fine wine, box’o’chocolates,

Don’t: flowers for men, cheap alcohol

7. Give 3 examples of food etiquette.

Be yourself, give compliments, say magic words

8. How should rolls and peas be eaten according to dining etiquette?

Rolls should be torn apart and peas should be smashed with flat side of the fork

9. What do you know about clothing etiquette in conservative cultures?

Tops should cover your shoulders. Pants, skirts, or dresses should fall below the knee.

10. What is ethics?

Moral rules of entire mankind.

11 What is etiquette?

the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be

observed in social or official life.

12What is the role of parents in the modern society?

Modern parents use science and verified data to inform their parental decisions.

Thanks to the availability of blogs, books for parents, school resources and other

forms of information, modern parents are always open to learning about new and better

ways of raising their children. It's no longer like a woman staying home with children and a man

13What leads to children being ill-manered?

Bad parenting can be caused by the fact that the child has no respect for the parent. the parent is too

strict or overly strict for the child. It should be something halfway

14Give 4 examples of ill-mannered behaviour?

throwing garbage on the street

provokes battles

does not say please or thank you

is rude

15 Who are people in need? Give examples.

People in need are people who do not have the money for basic necessities of life

for example, the Roma

16. How does society/system of welfare help people in need?

A social welfare system offers assistance to individuals and families in need, with such programs as

health care assistance, food stamps, and unemployment compensation. Lesser known parts of a

social welfare system include disaster relief and educational assistance.

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