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The goal of this game is to do an indoor recreational game that can help us leisure time,
enjoy and bond with our family, friends, and co-workers. It also has a goal to help us relieve
stress, socialize with others, acquire time management skills, and relax our body, mind and soul

• In this game there will be a two groups or more with minimum of 4 members and a host.
• The host will tell them how the game work and then get 5 name of object from each of
the group that can use for the game.
• The host will write it in a piece of paper, put in the box and shuffle it.
• Each member of the group should have a pen and a paper that they can use for the game.
• The object that will be guess and get can only find inside the area where the activity held
like school, building, and house.
• The group will have to choose the first and the last person that they will put on the line
and the game will start once the group done form a line and already facing the front.
• The last person will pick a paper from the box and relay the object by drawing it in their
back and the next person should guess what is it and relay it to do other members, like the
last person did until they relay it the first person.
• The first person should guess, find and get the object that was being relay and bring it to
the host.
• If the host didn’t accept the object it means they got the wrong object and will have to
do it again to guess the right object.
• The first group to submit 3 object and finish the game within a short period of time win.

• Every time a player submit the right object they will get 1 point
• If the other members ogive a clue to the person finding the object their points will be
invalid and will not be counted
• The first group to find the 3 right object with the shortest time win the game.

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