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Title: Precious

Precious. A simple word but it carries out a significant definition to every human being
around the global because the word means a great value to one’s point of view. For example, a
precious human being, a collection of precious objects, a precious gift, a precious memory and the
lists go on. One common precious thing that is most valuable to people is time. It is something that
we cannot put monetary value on it.

Time is one of the very little things that is unable to be retrieved, as such we cannot turn
back time to fix our actions previously. Imagine if time can be reversed, that will cause chaos as
many individuals would want to return and amend their mistakes. Further, time cannot be
recreated, even so if we try to relive our previous moments, it will not be the same. Hence, time is
precious and priceless for everyone that we, under no circumstances should never waste time
because like the famous quote by Saint Mahrer, “time stands for no man”. Therefore, we should
utilize our time properly as it does not stop for no one.

Time is the most valuable thing on this earth; nothing can be compared with it. It always
runs in forward direction and never in backward direction. Since it is impossible to stop the time,
therefore it is crucial that we make every second counts, and take advantage of the memory power
to capture great moments that made our lives journey meaningful.

Everything in this world depends on time, nothing happens before time. Everything
requires some time to get the tasks done. If we do not have time, we have nothing. Loss of time is
considered as the worst thing on this earth because wasting time, wastes us and our future. We
never acquire the time that we lost again. If we have lost our time, we have lost everything.

Most of the people value their money more than the time however it is true that nothing is
as valuable as time. Many mankind do not realize that time is precious until they reach adulthood
phase of their lives. Time can only be used; one can never buy or sell it. In fact, it is time which
gives us money, prosperity and happiness. On the other hand, nothing in this world can give time.

Many humankinds tend to follow the flow of their lives; spending their time purposelessly.
They enjoy their time by only eating, sleeping, scrolling through pointless social media, and their
lifecycle is repetitive. In this way they have wasted days and years. They never think that what
they are doing, in what ways they are living their time, etc. What makes it sadder, these people
never regret their ways of time wasting and never become sorry. Thus, with the time wasted, this
indirectly indicates that they have lost their lots of money and most importantly the time which
they never get back.

All in all, we should learn from the mistakes of others as well as shall inspire from the
success of others. We must use our time in doing some useful works so that time may bless us in
many amazing ways, and not destroy. Finally, to have a productive, fruitful and balanced life, it is
vital that we arrange our time wisely to satisfy all areas of life.

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