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A. Data Description

The research was conducted from 12th April to 26th April 2017 in Politeknik

AKA Bogor. The data of the research were collected from documentation,

observation and interview. The data is transcribed, described, analyzed, and


1. The result of documentation

The result of documentation was obtained in accordance to

the indicator of English material used in teaching process. The

researcher found some information about the material based on the

syllabus, presentation slides, the English textbook and term dictionary.

The researcher took attachment of the documentations which can be

seen as follows:

Figure 4.1

The Syllabus

Figure 4.3

English Textbook

Figure 4.2

Presentation slide


Figure 4.4

Term dictionaries

Therefore, the researcher found some information about the

documentation that had been taken from Politeknik AKA Bogor. It

can be seen from the documents including syllabus, the presentation

slides, English textbook, and term dictionaries there are being used

in teaching and learning process in the classroom.

The English syllabus that is used in Industrial Waste

treatment department and other departments is different. It can be

seen from the material in syllabus that consists of basic

understanding / concept on chemical, chemical symbols, material

safety data shift (MSDS), that the materials are (grammar) and

speaking skill (describing chemical symbols, presenting the material

of Material Safety data sheet (MSDS)), listening (Recycling Garbage

Video), question & answer (grammar, structure, content), writing

(Translating the material of MSDS, Making sentences in English

Specific Purpose (Chemistry), Understanding SOP of handling

chemical, English application letter and CV, translating chemical

journal, Making abstract). The syllabus material is focused on

speaking and writing skills.

The lecturers used the text books that were provided by

the department entitled, “English for Industrial Waste Treatment”

that are suitable with the syllabus. English textbook for Industrial

waste treatment consists of 2 books that each book’s content is

available in 57 and 61 pages. The book has 7 units or sub points

about English for students. The first is about chemical symbols, it is

focused on reading and speaking skills. The second is about

material safety data sheet of acryclic acid, it has some activities that

are focused on reading and speaking skills. The third is about

grammar (relative clause, participles, the passive voice, modal

auxiliaries). The fourth is about how to make application letter. It is

focused on reading and writing skills. The fifth is about chemical

article. The sixth is about chemical journal and the seventh is about

writing abstract.

The presentation slide which is made by the lecturer is

about the English materials which are the same with the English

module. It helps the lecturer easier to explain the materials in the

classroom. The picture above (figure 4.3) shows about grammar

(passive and active voices) but the content is about chemical.

The lecturers in Politeknik AKA Bogor use term

dictionaries for the learning process in classroom. They use 2

dictionaries; Webster’s new world dictionary (third college edition)

and chemical dictionary (fifth edition by Roger Grant and Claire

Grant). The dictionaries are about English chemical vocabularies. It

is useful for the students to make them easier to differentiate

between general English and specific English. Textbooks and

dictionaries that are suitable for the students in Industrial Waste

Treatment at AKA Bogor need.

From the explanation above it can be conclude that English

material for waste treatment students are basic understanding

chemical, chemical symbols, material safety data shift, grammar,

speaking skill (describing chemical symbols, presenting the material

of Material Safety data sheet), listening (Recycling Garbage Video),

question & answer (grammar, structure, content), writing

(Translating the material of MSDS, Making sentences in English

Specific Purpose (Chemistry), Understanding SOP of handling

chemical, English application letter and CV, translating chemical

journal, Making abstract). All of the documentations are compatible

with each other because those can be seen from syllabus and English

textbook are have same material, presentation slide also explained

about the related material and the dictionaries is about chemical


2. The result of observation

The researcher did the observation in the classroom in three

instances. The lessons were held twice in the classroom and another time

in the language laboratory. During the observation, the researcher was

focusing on what kind of English materials were delivered by the lecturer

in the lessons.

The first observation was conducted on Wednesday, April 12th

2017 at room B the second floor at Politeknik AKA Bogor. The

researcher observed that the class had been using observation format to

take notes. The lecturer, Miss Nur Indah, was teaching the English

material in accordance to the syllabus. She taught about sentences

pertaining to grammar usage in active and passive voices. She used

presentation slides to assist her on elaborating her teaching materials. In

the first session, she was showing text with translations and drilled the

class by posing questions on the several types of sentences whether they

are passive or active. The lecturer asked every student to take turns and

move forward to make sentences in active and passive voices and phrased

into sentences of passive and active voices respectively. At the end of the

class, she asked the students to summarize on the conclusion of materials

that they had learnt in that day.

In the second observation on Wednesday, April 19th, the

lecturer, Mrs Nunung, taught about grammar (participles) and standard

operating procedure (SOP). She also used presentation slide to assist her

on elaborating her teaching materials. She showed a text that consists of

participles and asked the students to analyze and identify the context. In

order to make students understand more about the participles, she asked

them to search for the definition of participles as well as the categories of

participles such as past participle and present participle and jotted down in

their note books. Students were given SOP texts and they should derive at

least 10 combinations of participles from the texts minimally. She

disseminated several ‘Standard Operating Procedure’ (SOP) titles for the

students to work on and present it as a group during the next meeting.

Their group works would be covering language pronunciation, content,

vocabulary and fluency which were graded by the lecturer in that exercise.

The third observation was done on Wednesday, April 26 th

2017 at 08.00 in the same class. At the time, the lecturer, Mrs. Nunung,

was still teaching about present participle and had already instructed the

students to present SOP in that day. At first, she was asking about what

they had grasped on the methodology of applying present participle and

SOP in the previous session. After a few rounds of questionnaires, the

students moved on to present their SOP materials in groups and explaining

their presentations. The lesson was finally ended and all the group

assignments were submitted to the lecturer in hard copy.

Based on the data of observations, the researcher concluded

that English materials were taught to the students in systematic


Firstly, the students should analyze the types of the texts and make

sentences of active and passive voices relative to their major

contents. Secondly, they had to analyze and identify the participles

of sentences before creating any sentences. For example, the content

of the sentences were related to chemical illustrations, present

participles should be utilized. Lastly, the students were asked to

form in groups and make a presentation on their allocated SOP

projects as assignments on the subsequent lesson.

It can be determined that the English syllabus revolves around

grammar in passive and active voices, in conjunction with

participles. They were given tasks related to deploy participles in a

sentence and write SOP with correct form of participles throughout

their entire study programs. The students learned about grammar

through some exercises such as explaining basic concepts of

chemicals and their symbols. On top of that, they were to read and

understand chemical safety data sheets and SOP of handling

chemical. They were taught on writing application letter and

curriculum vitae, making abstract from a passage, and translating

chemical journal in English language. The researcher inferred that

the teaching material on Industrial Waste Treatment study program

of Politeknik AKA Bogor is written in English for a specific

purpose. It was one of the study program syllabuses and was found

in the English textbook. Every material that had been taught was

always related to the study program syllabuses including those

materials which had been mentioned as above.

3. The result of interview with the lecturers Politeknik AKA Bogor

The researcher intended to get information about English

materials taught at Politeknik AKA Bogor. The interview with

lecturers of Politeknik AKA Bogor was conducted on 12th April

2017 in Politeknik AKA Bogor. There were two lectures and 11

questions. The result of interview was recorded and transcribed.

Here will be excerpt from 2 lecturers.

Excerpt 1

Discussing about the syllabus maker, both of the lecturers

said that it was the coordinator who made it. It is in accordance

with the following statement:

Kalau penyusunan silabus sebetulnya tanggung jawab koordinator

praktikum ...... Tapi koordinator juga butuh masukan dari dosen
pengajarnya jadi kalau satu mata kuliah itu misalnya ada tim

[The syllabus is actually the responsibility of the practicum coordinator

............. However, he also 28
needs comments from lecturer for every
course. As example there is a team of lectures......................]
Excerpt 2

Talking about module that the lecturers use in the classroom, both

of the lecturers said that they used practicum module for students

learning process. It is in accordance with the following statement:

Kalau modul ada yang dibagikan ke anak – anak yaitu modul
praktikum tapi untuk pengembangannya itu bisa didapat dimana
saja, kadang juga kita minta anak – anak ke perpustAKAan untuk
cari buku teks yang berhubungan dengan limbah............

[Modul that is shared to the students is about practicum but for its
development can be obtained anywhere. Sometimes we ask the
students to go to the library to find textbooks dealing with the waste]

Excerpt 3

Discussing about the media that the lecturers use, both of the

lecturers said they use powerpoint as a media in the classroom and tv,
Kalau dikelas reguler paling cuma powerpoint, karena Cuma pAKAi
headset, microphone are media in the lab. It is in accordance with the
laptop dan slide. Tapi kalau dilab bahasa kita ada tv kemudian ada
juga headset,
following microphone, dan segala macem.
[Regular class only uses powerpoint, because there is only laptop and
slide. But in the languange lab, we have a tv, headset, microphone,

Excerpt 4

Talking about the topic of the material that lecturers taught in

classroom, both of the lecturers said that the students in semester one of
Ok, kalau tingkat satu itu semuanya masih general. Semuanya
Politeknik AKA Bogor learn about general English, but in semester
masih tentang pengembangan skill Englishnya dulu tentang
bagaimana mereka membuat kalimat dan sebagainya tapi kalau
sudah masuk ke tingkat dua itu lebih spesifik......
[Level 1 is sgeneral. Everything is about English skill development
about making sentences and so forth, but when they already go to
level 2 the English is more specific......]
four they learn more specific English . The students learn English

material depends on their study program about understanding the

principles of each study program. It is in accordance with the following


Excerpt 5

Discussing about term vocabularies for the students, both of

the lecturers said that there are many differences in meaning between

English chemical and general. For example solution and properties in

English chemical have different meaning with the general English. So

the lectures and the students have to check the meaning in both

dictionaries; English chemical and General English. It is in accordance

with the following statement:

Jadi kalau kimia banyak beberapa istilah yang beda. Misalnya seperti
solution, .............. tapi kalau solution di bidang kimia artinya adalah
larutan, larutan bahan kimia. Kemudian juga properties, ......... kalau
properties dibahan kimia itu adalah sifat bahan kimia misalnya apAKAh
itu mudah terbAKAr, apAKAh itu mudah meledak, tingkat bahya nya
seperti apa. Itu dinamAKAn chemical properties gitu. ................

[So if the chemical has so many different terms. the solution in the field
of chemical means is a solution, a solution of chemicals. Properties......
but properties in chemical is disposition chemist that is combustible,
whether it is easy to explosive, its hazard level is called chemical
Excerpt 6

Talking about the material that exclude in the syllabus, both of the

lecturers said that the students of Politeknik AKA Bogor is lack of

SOP. They should learn many SOP because in every lab has

difference SOP but the lectures cannot teach every one of it, because

of the SOP is too many. The lectures only guide the students and give

out some SOP. The students should explore it, any kind of SOP they

need to. It is in accordance with the following statement:

Untuk materi yang seharusnya diberikan kebutuhan pihak industri

selama ini yang banyak adalah anak – anak masih kurang untuk
pemahaman cara sop. Tapi di kita juga terkendalanya adalah setiap
ada alat baru SOP nya beda, jadi kita tidak mungkin juga tiap ada
alat kita ajarkan lagi kaya gitu. Di lab ini sop nya beda misal nya
dilab microbiologi sop nya harusnya a,b,c tapi di lab kimia fisika itu
x, y, z sopnya beda begitu. ...................

[The material must be given to the industry during this time that many
students are still lacking for understanding SOP. But we also obstacle
in every new tools of its SOP, so we might not teach every tools. In
this lab the SOP is different for example microbiology lab the SOP
should a, b, c but in the physical chemistry lab x, y, z....]

Excerpt 7

Discussing about the skill focus for the students, both of the

lecturers said the English is focusing on speaking. The students already

learn from elementary school, so they already know about English but

they are fear and shy. They are afraid of making mistakes in English. It

is in accordance with the following statement:

Untuk bahasa inggris kita fokusnya ke speaking ...... Mereka sudah

dapat pelajarannya tapi mereka takut, mereka malu untuk
ngomongnya karena takut salah. Makanya kalau dikita fokusnya ke
speaking. Kita usahakan mau itu betul mau itu salah coba
speaking, coba speak in English begitu

[English focuses on speaking ..... They already got the lessons but
they are afraid, they are embarrassed to talk because they are fear of
being wrong. So, we focus on speaking. We try to speak wheter it is
wrong or right, they should try to speak English.]

Excerpt 8

Talking about language component focus for the students, both of

the lecturers said that the language component at Politeknik AKA

Bogor emphasizes the students’ understanding on texts because there

are many references to understand the text. It is in accordance with the

following statement:

Languange component yang disini itu lebih kepemahaman teks

karena mereka perlu banyak sekali referensi sebetulnya jadi setelah
mereka memahami teks, mereka juga harus bisa menyampaikannya
itu seperti apa, nah itu kita banyak fokusnya di situ sih.

[Languange component focus on the students’ understanding on the

text because they need a lot of references. After understanding the
text, they also should be able to share it.]
Excerpt 9

Discussing about the lecturer evaluate the students task, both of the

lecturer said that the students learn General English in every meeting

but the texts and the tasks are specific English. The material should be

related to their study program. It is in accordance with the following

Kita usahakan setiap pertemuan itu kita lakukan assesment jadi
entah itu assesment berupa skor atau itu assesment berupa a, b ,c.
Tiap pertemuan kita usahakan ada assesment seperti itu lewat
tugas-tugas juga begitu. Tiap pertemuan pasti bisa kita lihat
mahasiswa nya itu apAKAh bisa, paham atau nggak.

[In every meeting we try to do assessment whether in the form of

scores or in the form of a, b, c. Each meeting we try to have
assesment through tasks. Each meeting we must look at the
students’ understanding.]

Excerpt 10

Both of lecturers said that the way they evaluate the students is the

lectures will give assessment whether in form of scores or form a,b,c.

The lectures give the assessment through the tasks. In every meeting

students’ understanding can be seen from the assessment. It is in

accordance with the following statement:

Setiap saat pertemuan diusahakan materinya menjurus ke

program studi mereka begitu jadi setiap pertemuan ada
generalnya misalnya tadi bahasnya adalah passive voice tapi
teksnya itu yang diusahakan berhubungan dengan pengolahan
limbah ....... Jadi, tiap pertemuan sebetulnya ada materi
generalnya tapi tugas – tugas dan contoh – contohnya spesifik ke
program mahasiswanya itu apa.
[In every meeting the material should be lied to their study
program so in every meeting there is general English.The last
meeting was about Passive voice but the text was cultivated
related to waste treatment or for example, during the discussion
of the relative clause, the text also sought related to the waste
treatment..... So, each meeting actually has general English
material but the tasks and the specific examples are specific to
their study program
Based on the data of the interview with the lecturers, the researcher

concludes that the necessities of the English material for students that are

provided from the class is already fulfilled the need for their study. The

English material that students’ get in the class is suitable with their major.

The students learn about chemical, chemical symbols, material safety data

shift, Understanding SOP of handling chemical, English application letter

and CV. The material is focused on speaking and writing skills. Regarding

to what students expectations are, the English materials does fulfill they

expectation However, they wanted material that is more fun and effective

to learn with, and also they want to learn other SOP for their study and job


B. Data Analysis

The researcher analyzed the data based on indicator of English

material in Industrial waste treatment study program. The English material

was analyzed based on the data taken from three different instruments,

they are documentation, observation and interview. The first was

documentation. They are: syllabus, English text book, presentation slide

and chemical dictionaries. Based on analysis of English text book, the

material was relevant with the syllabus that is provided by the English

lecturer team at Politeknik AKA Bogor. The materials are basic

understanding / concept on chemical, chemical symbols, material safety

data shift (MSDS), that the materials are grammar, speaking (describing

chemical symbols, presenting the material of Material Safety data sheet

(MSDS), listening (Recycling Garbage Video), question & answer

(grammar, structure, content), writing (Translating the material of MSDS,

Making sentences in English Specific Purpose (Chemistry), Understanding

SOP of handling chemical, English application letter and CV, translating

chemical journal, Making abstract). The syllabus material is focused on

speaking and writing skills. The materials support the students’ academic

need and also related to their major.

The second is analyzing the result of observation. The researcher

observed the class of fourth semester for three times. The learning process

was conducted in the classroom. The English materials and contents about

what English materials they need for their major. The English materials

are focused on presentation and speaking skill, discuss about SOP in the

laboratory, active and passive voice, present participle and related

vocabulary and terms of chemicals, and so on. The lecturers provide the

students with give every kinds of sop during the learning process in the

classroom, ask students to discuss about the material with their group, etc.

They study English related to their major. The material was given at AKA


The third is analyzing the transcript of interviews. In this step, the

respondents said the English material that is used by the lecturers of

Industrial Waste Treatment is supported the students’ academic need in

their department. The materials focus on speaking and listening skills

which is suitable for the students need. The English module and handbook

training for Industrial Waste Treatment Program are made by the

coordinator under the control of head of Industrial Waste Treatment

department. The students learn about chemical, chemical symbols,

material safety data shift, Understanding SOP of handling chemical,

English application letter and CV. The students also learn grammar, but

the topic is related to their major. For example the lecturer gave material

about active and passive voice but the text is about chemical. The lecturer

taught the material related to the syllabus that was made by the team at

Politeknik AKA Bogor. The material is focused on speaking and writing

skills. Regarding to what students expectations are, the English materials

does fulfill they expectation However, they wanted material that is more

fun and effective to learn with, and they want to learn other SOP for their

study and job soon.

According to the data analysis it can be said that the English

materials taught to studens is English is for Academic Purposes (EAP)

which is branch of English for specific purposes (ESP) According to the

result of the research. The students learn academic English which is used

for Industrial Waste Treatment major at Politeknik AKA Bogor. Students

of industrial waste treatment program study learn specific English and they

study the English related to their major. Their material taught in classroom

is appropriate with an expert’s statement such as Platride and Starfiled

(2013:2) who states, “English for Specific Purposes (ESP) refers to the

teaching and learning to the English as a second or foreign language where

the goal of the learners is to use English in a particular domain”. It means

that the students in Industrial Waste Treatment Program study ideally learn

about Specific English and the students already did it. The material that

students learn is suitable with their major.



A. Conclusion

Based on the result of the data from documentation,

observation and interview, the researcher inferred that the

students of Industrial Waste Treatment department on

Politeknik AKA Bogor learn Specific English (SE). They used

the syllabus and the textbook from their department. The

content and the exercises in the English text book was also

specific English. The materials are about grammar but the

contents and the tasks related to their study program. The

students learn about basic understanding / concept on chemical,

chemical symbols, material safety data shift (MSDS), that the

materials are grammar, speaking (describing chemical

symbols, presenting the matserial of Material Safety data sheet

(MSDS), listening (Recycling Garbage Video), question &

answer (grammar, structure, content), writing (Translating the

material of MSDS, Making sentences in English Specific

Purpose (Chemistry), Understanding SOP of handling

chemical, English application letter and CV, translating

chemical journal, Making abstract). The material is focused on

speaking and writing skills.

B. Suggestion

After conducting the research, the researcher has two

suggestions. The first suggestion related to the teaching in the

lab, the lectures should give direct learning in the lab, whereas

the students can clearly understand about the things in the lab

and SOP. Second, the lecturers should ask to the students to

bring handbook every time they come to classroom because the

students need to be more understand about the content.


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