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JAGDEOS ELECTION GIMMICK: INVITES SELF TO FIA PARADE IN MANHATTAN In mid-July one of President Jagdeos staff sent an email

to the Federation of Indian Americans (FIA), asking that Jagdeo be invited to the FIA parade which will be held on 21st August in Manhattan. Jagdeo also asked to be part of the ringing of the bell at the New York Stock Exchange on 22nd August. He requested too to attend a dinner for the Prime Minister of India. The parade is expected to attract 250,000 people or one third of Guyanas local population. The FIA was reluctant to invite Jagdeo to its celebrations but since he had mentioned that the Trinidad and Tobago PM Kamala Persad-Bissessar was invited last year the organization acquiesced to his request. Jagdeos handpicked PPPs presidential candidate Donald Ramotar will of course accompany him. That Jagdeo wanted so badly to be part of the FIA events must be seen as an election ploy to shore up his, and Ramotars, failing election campaign. Specifically, Jagdeo and Ramotar would use the parade to appeal to the Indian Guyanese voters who have so far shunned PPP bottom house and public meetings. I am told that Ramotar was recently chased out of former PPP strongholds Tain and Cane Grove. A few weeks ago, Jagdeo declined to attend the commissioning of the GUYWA water treatment plant in Sophia when he heard that only 15 persons were in attendance. Much electoral propaganda then will be made of Jagdeos and Ramotars participation in the FIA activities. Ironically, whilst Jagdeo seek s to exploit the FIA events, Indian Guyanese continue to flee Guyana 19 years after PPP rule. In fact I wonder how Jagdeo felt when he met Indian Guyanese in tiny St Kitts doing menial jobs rather than live under his regime. How did he feel when he met Indian Guyanese in Barbados, some of whom prefer to live in sheds rather than live under his government. Jagdeo even begged Indian Guyanese to return home and register for the elections. He went so far as to send an Immigration Officer to Barbados to expedite travel documents. I hope Indian Guyanese did not fall for the Jagdeo/Ramotar racism. There was Jagdeo implying to Indian Guyanese to return to Guyana to vote for the PPP and thereby preventing black people from getting power, but then returning to very successful small countries that are governed by black people. It is time that Indian Guyanese get rid of the Jagdeo/Ramotar racism that has kept them in fear of other Guyanese. One sure way to defeat racism is to vote for APNU. A Partnership for National Unity, APNU, led by David Granger and Rupert Roopnaraine, will form a government of national unity in which all Guyanese will be represented. Not only will APNU invite the AFC presidential candidate Khemraj Ramjattan, but also the honest and pro worker members of the PPP such as Moses Nagamootoo, Navin Chanderpaul, and Komal Chand into an APNU government spearheaded by President David Granger. Malcolm Harripaul 06 August 2011

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