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Fairclough Chapter 2 and 3 – the same set of questions for both:

(1) What are the linguistic categories of analysis that Fairclough names for the exploration of
what social problems?
(2) How does he define the linguistic categories of analysis?
(3) What are the textual examples (from the Appendix of the book) that he applies the
categories to analyze them? He may apply several categories to the same sample text to
demonstrate their use therefore please. First enter the name, for instance “Example 3:” and
then add the name of the categories that are used for their analysis after the colon.

Debora Cameron:

(1) How is ideology usually defined?

(2) How does Debora Cameron define ideology?
(3) What does it mean to say that language (as a concept) may have ideological meaning?
(4) Provide the summary of one example she produces.

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