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Hernia (2010) 14:313–315

DOI 10.1007/s10029-009-0536-8


Recurrent inguinal hernia due to mesh dissolution:

two case reports
M. Shamim

Received: 26 April 2009 / Accepted: 28 June 2009 / Published online: 28 July 2009
© Springer-Verlag 2009

Abstract The recurrence of inguinal or other abdominal cated complete right inguinal hernia, in which (Prolene)
hernia due to Prolene polypropylene mesh dissolution has mesh hernioplasty was done. The postoperative recovery
never been reported in the literature. This is a report of two was uneventful and he had no history of predisposing fac-
cases of recurrent inguinal hernias after mesh hernioplasty, tors. On examination, incisional scarring was present and
but, on exploration, no mesh was found. the hernia was reducible and complete.
On re-exploration, a shocking and surprising Wnding was
Keywords Prolene · Polypropylene mesh · Mesh the absence of mesh; anchoring interrupted Prolene sutures
dissolution · Hernia recurrence · Inguinal hernia · were in place. Following herniotomy, a double-repair was
Hernioplasty · Mesh repair performed incorporating Darning’s and Lichtenstein’s repair
in a single step. This was done by taking Prolene sutures
through both the inguinal ligament and Prolene mesh at the
Introduction same time, while performing Darning’s repair; the mesh was
then Wxed over the Darning’s repair, in the usual way with
The recurrence of inguinal hernia after mesh hernioplasty is interrupted Prolene sutures. The post-operative period was
reported in 1–10% cases [1]. Reported causes include faulty uneventful. There was no recurrence at 3 years.
surgical technique, e.g. failure to secure the mesh medially,
too small a mesh, missed hernia and cord lipoma [2]. A
polypropylene (Prolene) mesh is long-lasting and never dis- Case report 2
solves. If it does dissolve, it is certainly not original Prolene
mesh. The presence and distribution of counterfeit Prolene A 52-year-old male was admitted with the diagnosis of
mesh has been reported in the literature [3]. recurrent left inguinal hernia. He was operated 3 years pre-
viously (by another surgeon in the same city) for uncompli-
cated left inguinal hernia, in which (Prolene) mesh
Case report 1 hernioplasty was done. The patient gave no history of pre-
disposing factors like prostatism, chronic cough, chronic
A 38-year-old male, on follow-up visit at 6 months, was constipation, weight lifting, smoking and wound infection.
noted to have recurrence of right inguinal hernia. He was On examination, incisional scarring was present in left
operated 6 months previously (by the author) for uncompli- groin. The hernia was reducible and incomplete.
After spinal anaesthesia, a left inguinal incision was
made by excising the previous scar. External oblique apo-
neurosis was opened. The cord and indirect hernial sac
M. Shamim (&) were dissected out. The surprise Wnding was the absence of
Department of Surgery,
Fatima Hospital and Baqai Medical University,
any Prolene mesh over the posterior inguinal wall, though
Karachi 74600, Pakistan anchoring interrupted Prolene sutures were in place
e-mail: (Fig. 1). Following herniotomy, modiWed Lichtenstein’s

314 Hernia (2010) 14:313–315

internal ring; (3) secure the mesh with two interrupted

sutures on the upper edge and one continuous suture with
no more than three to four passes on the lower edge of the
mesh to prevent folding and movement of the mesh in the
groin; (4) position the mesh in a slightly relaxed dome-
shape conWguration to counteract the forward protrusion of
the transversalis fascia when the patient stands up from the
intraoperative supine position; (5) identify and protect the
ilioinguinal, iliohypogastric and genital nerves throughout
the operation.
The majority of recurrences after a Lichtenstein repair
were medial or suprapubic, due to insuYcient mesh medi-
ally [5, 6, 8, 9]. An unrecognised indirect hernia in patients
operated for a direct inguinal hernia can also cause recur-
rence [6]. Felix et al. had reported the following mecha-
nisms of recurrence: inadequate lateral Wxation of the mesh,
inadequate lateral Wxation compounded by too small a
mesh, missed lipoma of the cord, inadequate Wxation of the
mesh medially to Cooper’s ligament (mostly associated
with too small a mesh), a missed hernia and a hernia
through a keyhole in the mesh [2]. Garavello et al. found
mesh and/or plug dislocation as the most frequent cause of
recurrence, followed by a failure of the internal ring recon-
struction, loss of the pubic stitch and the use of a reabsorb-
able type mesh [10].
In this report, the cause of recurrence was the absorption
or dissolution of non-absorbable polypropylene (Prolene)
mesh. A counterfeit version of Ethicon’s Prolene (polypro-
pylene) mesh has been known to be distributed to USA hos-
Fig. 1 Posterior wall of the recurrent inguinal hernia showing Prolene pitals and used in patients undergoing tension-free hernia
sutures (white arrows) but no mesh
repair. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) had con-
Wrmed that the counterfeit mesh has the same physical char-
repair (as above) was performed; the post-operative period acteristics as the original Prolene mesh, but stated that it
was uneventful. was not sterile or safe to use [3]. The FDA statement is
given just to highlight the presence of counterfeit/pirated
mesh on the market. With such products, one can expect
Discussion any degree of adverse events. The situation in Pakistan is
even worst; the counterfeit/pirated mesh has caused not
Inguinal hernia surgeries are among the most common gen- only an increased number of cases with infection and
eral surgical procedures. The surgical techniques and seroma formation, but also recurrences due to complete dis-
implanted materials are crucial to the result of hernia repair. solution of the mesh. The mechanical properties of Prolene
Lichtenstein hernioplasty for the repair of primary inguinal in terms of absorbability has not been previously ques-
hernia has been well established and constitutes the current tioned or reported. However, biological mechanisms can
gold standard [4]. However, the recurrence at 5 years still also be involved, possibly by the production of unknown
varies between 1 and 10% [1, 5, 6]. Several modiWcations catalytic enzymes in some patients; this needs to be investi-
of Lichtenstein’s repair have been made to reduce the gated. A questionnaire has already been designed to gather
recurrence rate. data about recurrences due to Prolene mesh dissolution,
Amid [7] identiWed the following key principles of from other surgeons of Pakistan and other regions of the
Lichtenstein’s repair to avoid recurrence: (1) use of a large- world; the results will be published in the near-future.
sized mesh that will extend approximately 2 cm medial to A gold standard technique for the repair of recurrent
the pubic tubercle, 3 to 4 cm above Hesselbach’s triangle inguinal hernia has not been established. Surgeons mostly
and 5 to 6 cm lateral to the internal ring; (2) cross the tails decide peri-operatively which procedure to use. A transin-
of the mesh laterally to avoid recurrence lateral to the guinal approach with a minimal direct suture repair for

Hernia (2010) 14:313–315 315

small defects or a preperitoneal approach for inserting a tailor-made mesh plug herniorrhaphy versus Lichtenstein hernior-
large mesh can be used [5]. Lichtenstein hernioplasty also rhaphy versus Bassini operation: a prospective clinical trial. Asian
J Surg 29:74–78
stands as a safe option for the repair of recurrent inguinal 2. Felix E, Scott S, Crafton B, Geis P, Duncan T, Sewell R, McKernan
hernias [4]. Due to large-size defects in both cases (men- B (1998) Causes of recurrence after laparoscopic hernioplasty.
tioned above), a decision was made for Lichtenstein’s A multicenter study. Surg Endosc 12:226–231
repair, with a large-sized mesh (7.5 £ 15 cm); additionally, 3. McDermott MK, Isayeva IS, Thomas TM, Lee AS, Lucas AD,
Witkowski CN, Hutter JC (2006) Characterization of the structure
because of doubt regarding original or counterfeit mesh, a and properties of authentic and counterfeit polypropylene surgical
modiWcation was made incorporating Darning’s repair meshes. Hernia 10:131–142
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plasty for primary and recurrent inguinal hernia. World J Surg
5. Schwab R, Conze J, Willms A, Klinge U, Becker HP, Schumpe-
Conclusions lick V (2006) Management of recurrent inguinal hernia after pre-
vious mesh repair: a challenge. Chirurg 77:523–530
The implantation of counterfeit/pirated Prolene polypropyl- 6. Benfatto G, Catania G, D’Antoni S, Benfatto S, Licari V, Basile G,
Tenaglia L (2002) Recurrence after hernioplasty according to
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(from complete dissolution/absorption). The surgeons deal- 7. Amid PK (2002) How to avoid recurrence in Lichtenstein tension-
ing with hernias should know the diVerence between origi- free hernioplasty. Am J Surg 184:259–260
nal and pirated Prolene mesh. Additional reinforcement of 8. Richards SK, Earnshaw JJ (2003) Management of primary and
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the posterior wall of the inguinal canal can be done in cases gland. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 85:402–404
of doubt in order to avoid recurrence. 9. Bay-Nielsen M, Nordin P, Nilsson E, Kehlet H; Danish Hernia
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