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Introduction about yourself. Welcoming people. Discuss we will talk about leadership.

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Leadership is an important aspect of political platform. Yet, so many leaders fail to serve their purpose.
Today, we are going to discuss the characteristics of bad leadership in an attempt to help current leaders
overcome such barriers. However, before moving forward, it is essential to understand what leadership
really is? The basic definition of leadership is the action of inspiring a group of people for a specific
purpose. Leaders adopt different styles to stimulate their followers. And this leads us to the question of
“How leaders inspire their followers?”

Slide 3:
It should be comprehended that leadership is not a just a position that needs to be acquired in order to
be in charge. A leader should be able to instigate followers. Leaders need to support their followers. This
builds a relationship based on trust and conviction. Trust is the key to successful leadership.
Leaders motivate their people, to build their confidence and encourage them towards the achievement
of political goals.
Leaders appreciate their followers, help them with contribution and sustainable team work. All these
characteristics, allow the establishment of successful leadership. The most crucial problem that we are
currently facing in the political scenario is that we are not able to differentiate between good leaders
and bad leaders. This has undoubtedly lead to political chaos within the country. All of you, in this room
are political leaders in the making. I am going to help you understand certain practices adopted by
leaders which demonstrate poor leadership. By understanding bad leader techniques, all of us will be
able to conduct a SWOT analysis of our selves.

Slide 4:
Leaders who are not able to demonstrate these eight practices are doomed to fail. Why? Because they
do not possess a sense of direction. Their goals are not SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,
Relevant and Timely) and they lack vision. Consequently, it reflects bad leadership and poor political

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The first thing we will talk about is guidance

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No matter what is your age, no matter what position you hold, you still need guidance. One of the
biggest mistakes leaders holding strong stance make is that they become “Know it all”. They do not turn
for guidance to anyone. The best leaders are acutely open about things they do not know and have no
intention of showing that they are smartest person in the room, which helps them learn from others.
Guidance, therefore, is the key to sustainable leadership. It helps one understand the larger picture and
contemplate what others have to offer. It allows leaders to broaden their horizon. Leaders, who fail to
accept guidance from fellow workers, family and friends, mostly end up showcasing poor management
and administrative skills. This also reflects upon their leadership capabilities.

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The second aspect we will discuss is failure of leaders who are unable to resolve problems.
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Leaders who cannot provide solution to the problems of their followers, mostly fail. It does not matter
how smart and intelligent you are. Nor if you are persuasive or affable, if you are not able to solve the
problems your workers point out, your worth decreases. Leaders without reasonable solutions often
find themselves being abandoned by their followers. Hence, leaders need to put the concerns of their
followers before their personal agendas. This actions reflects dedication and build empathy and trust
between the leader and follower. Providing solutions to problems in a timely manner eventually leads
to success.

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Lacking vision is the third mistakes most leaders make.

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Leaders without a vision will fail. Think of them is someone who is blind. Vision is vital for admirable
leadership. Why? Because a leader without vision cannot inspire his team mates. Similarly, a leader who
lacks vision cannot motivate his followers to perform or to create sustainable value. Leaders who do not
have a vision have no idea what they want and what their goals are. Hence, they do not have any sense
of direction. Vision, therefore is a very crucial point in leadership. Leaders need to know what they really
want and what value do they aim on bringing to the society with their actions.

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Never, ever underestimate the power of teamwork!

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Most of the times leaders fail because they do not comprehend the importance of team work. A man
alone, no matter how charismatic and inspirational he may be, cannot reach the goal. This needs
allocation of tasks, design of work and a team which is ready to comply. Leaders who do not work within
a team environment end up in very adverse situations. You need leadership to make sure everyone on
your team is going in the same direction and working towards the same goal.  Good leadership,
therefore, provides a clear vision, motivation, challenges and also monitors the progress towards goal
attainment. The team acts as a vehicle that helps the leader to reach the goal. Just like a bike needs to
have all of its parts working together for a smooth ride, a team needs to have all members working
together to be efficient. When there is a problem, team members need to be respectful of each other
and be able to work through conflicts. Bad feelings and bad attitudes are harmful to the people involved,
and break down the trust and confidence in the team. This slows down team's progress because their
attention is focused on problems. Only a good leader, who understands the importance of team work
can overcome these problems.

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Don’t confuse direction with vision. Vision is about your goals while direction is the path you choose.

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Leadership is an active, demanding endeavor. Only those who consistently apply themselves succeed.
Political bodies that thrive require leaders who actively dream, plan, engage, solve, pursue and network.
It’s a lot of work, and there’s no finish line. Hence, it is very important for leaders to have a direction, a
purpose. A leader without a fine direction is doomed to fail. A leader who lacks direction can be easily
detected because such leaders usually coast on past accomplishment, are resistant to feedback and are

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Being a strategic leader is about asking the right questions!

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Leaders need to have a profound strategy to execute their goals. This is why strategic leadership is
essential for the success of a leader. Strategic Leadership is the ability to influence others to voluntarily
make decisions that enhance the prospects for the long-term success while maintaining short-term
stability. Different leadership approaches impact the vision and direction of growth and the potential
success. To successfully deal with change, all leaders need to possess skills and tools for both strategy
formulation and implementation. Without a proper strategy, leaders tend to demonstrate poor
performance, and that is the biggest turn off for the followers.

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Communication bridges all gaps.

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Communication is a core leadership function. Effective communication and effective leadership are
closely intertwined. Leaders need to be skilled communicators in countless relationships at the
organizational and political level, in communities and groups, and sometimes on a global scale. If as a
leader, you may feel that you are being flummoxed by others, it maybe because a communication gap
may be present and you need to make sure that you overcome to ensure your triumph as a leader.
Great leaders demonstrate excellent people’s skills. They can communicate across various mediums and
are active listeners. Inability to do so may produce unsuccessful outcomes and hence, may be the reason
of failure for a leader.

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Goal attainment is just as important!

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Leadership is not about balance, it is about choosing the right priority. The best leaders are, therefore,
ruthless (but not unethical) in the pursuit of their goals. This is why, the end outcome is important.
Leadership cannot help anyone inspire followers if they do not achieve the aimed goal. Many leaders
possess all the skills but they don’t make SMART goals and do not even work towards goal attainment.
This is the worst leadership technique adopted by leaders.

Slide 21:
So what should we do as leaders?

Slide 22:

Its time to conduct a SWOT analysis

Slide 23: Thanking everyone. Answering questions.

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