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Article M AT E R I A L S
Journal of Composite Materials
0(0) 1–11
! The Author(s) 2019
Influence of carbon nanotubes on the Article reuse guidelines:
properties of friction composite materials DOI: 10.1177/0021998319891772

Emad F EL-kashif1, Shaimaa A Esmail1, Omayma AM Elkady2,

BS Azzam3 and Ali A Khattab1

Carbon nanotubes have a lot of applications in mechanical fields. This is because nanomaterials have many superior
mechanical properties such as very high strength-to-weight ratio, high modulus-to-weight ratio, high corrosion resist-
ance, and super intelligence properties, which make them as smart materials. One of these attractive applications is the
use of carbon nanotubes in vehicle brake friction material. Therefore, the fabrication and testing processes of these
nanomaterials should be performed carefully to evaluate their mechanical, tribological, and noise properties. In this
paper, friction material mixed with carbon nanotubes have been fabricated with different carbon nanotube contents and
the same fabrication parameters. The carbon nanotubes have been produced using the conventional submerged arc
discharge technique. The produced friction materials have been cut into pieces with standard sizes and then tested
mechanically and tribologically. The results of tests have illustrated that the addition of carbon nanotubes into the friction
materials could improve their mechanical properties (hardness, strength, and modulus) and also could enhance their
tribological properties (wear rate and friction coefficient). Moreover, the tests showed that the presence of carbon
nanotubes in friction materials could reduce the noise, vibration of the friction materials, and reduce the temperature
rise due to the effect of friction, which means that the carbon nanotubes could raise the thermal conductivity of friction
material, while the friction coefficient has stayed within the allowable standard limits (0.35–0.45). Surface morphology
shows that the presence of carbon nanotubes in the friction materials could help to avoid surface friction cracks or fins
within the normal operating conditions. The good combination of mechanical and tribological properties was obtained at
0.5% carbon nanotubes.

Automotive brake, carbon nanotubes, hot dry mold, composite friction materials, coefficient of friction, specific
wear rate

Introduction large volumes for the development of advanced

Current road safety regulations require the develop- friction materials. Small quantities of CNTs have sig-
ment of new technical solutions for the main compo- nificant effects as it increases the nominal area of
nents of the vehicle. Their technical performances contact, improves the mechanical properties, and
depend on the physical and mechanical characteristics
of the used materials which they were made from.1,2 1
Department of Mechanical Design and Production, Faculty of
Automotive brake friction materials have been devel-
Engineering, Cairo University, Egypt
oped to achieve safety regulations, such as stopping 2
Powder Metallurgy Division, Manufacturing Department, Central
distance under normal braking conditions and fade Metallurgical R&D Institute, Egypt
resistance at high temperatures.3–5 In addition, various 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of Engineering, Taibah
experimental designs for commercial brake friction University, Saudi Arabia
materials have been also developed to improve the
Corresponding author:
wear resistance and to decrease the noise and vibration BS Azzam, Department of Mechanical Engineering, College of
raised during brake applications.6–12 During the last 10 Engineering, Taibah University, Madinah Monawarah, Saudi Arabia.
years, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) have been produced in Email:
2 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

typically stabilizes the coefficient of friction and reduces composite samples using dry hot molding technique
the wear rate.13 and post baking processes at definite temperature and
Lee et al.14 studied the effect of CNTs on the mech- limited period of time according to the material ingre-
anical and tribological behavior of brake lining mater- dients and then the test processes of the proposed spe-
ials. Friction coefficient and wear behavior of the cimens have been tested according to known standards.
samples, hardness, density, porosity were investigated. Four different samples have been prepared using
They found that the open porosity of CNTs friction powder metallurgy technique with various filler mater-
specimens decreased with its content. Both the bulk ial (CNTs) percentages: 0.0, 0.5, 1 to 1.5 wt% partially
density and the hardness of CNTs containing brake replaced the barium sulfate content, which was partially
lining specimens increased with the CNTs content. 5%. CNTs were produced by the electric arc-discharge
Apparent reduction in the wear rate and lower friction technique at about 60 A and 24 V. The resulted tube
coefficient were detected even though lower concentra- average diameter was 7 nm with 90 nm length according
tion of CNTs was adopted. Their scanning electron to SEM measurements. All samples were prepared
microscopic (SEM) microstructure shows that increas- using powder metallurgy technique and its chemical
ing the CNT content lead to smooth and adherent compositions are given in Table 1.
lubricating film formation on the sliding surface The resin includes 20% phenolic resin as reported by
during wear tests, and accompanied with a lower m many researchers.16,17 The fillers used are 25% calcium
and wear rate. Hwang et al.15 examined brake friction carbonate (CaCO3) and 5% barium sulfate (BaSO4),
materials containing multi-walled CNTs in amounts of which were replaced partially by CNTs in amounts of
1.7, 4.7, and 8.5 wt%, to investigate their effect on the 0.5, 1, and 1.5 wt%; the barite and CaCO3 were used in
braking performance. They found that the high tem- such content as Handa and Kato18 recommended
perature friction stability increased with increasing the because barite decreases the fade resistance but when
amount of CNT added to the friction material. They it is eliminated completely from the composite, the wear
attributed this to the reinforcement of the composite by rate increases. The friction modifiers (graphite, iron,
CNTs and the larger strength at elevated temperatures and rubber) were limited to 5% as recommended by
caused by CNTs. They added that increasing CNT con- Cai et al.19 to achieve the optimization between mech-
tent leads to lower coefficient of friction, which may be anical and tribological properties. The abrasive mater-
due to the undispersed CNT bundles in the contact ials (5% SiC and 5% Al2O3) were kept constant for all
surface. Finally they concluded that the damping cap- samples according to Cai et al.19 who investigated the
acity of the friction material was improved by adding effect of mullite (3Al2O3–2SiO2) content on the mech-
CNTs due to the homogeneous distribution of CNT anical and tribological properties of friction materials
bundles in the friction material, and CNTs increased and they found that 10% mullite showed the best com-
the wear resistance of the friction materials as a result pressive strength and good wear resistance compared to
of the reinforcement effect. other samples with either lower or higher content of
The tribological, physical, and mechanical character- mullite. Reinforcement (rockwool fiber (RWF) and
istics have been chosen for differentiation and judgment steel fiber (25%)) was kept constant as well among all
throughout the rationalized of the CNT percentage for samples according to Takamya et al.20 who recom-
selecting the optimum composition and curing condi- mended the steel fibers to be in the range of 25–30%
tions. The selection by sequential material addition has as larger content of steel fibers increase the wear rate of
been done on the light of the friction and wear tests. the disk.
Thus, a proposed composition and curing conditions to Raw materials were blended together in a mixer for
produce a friction material can be nominated for auto- 10 min to get homogenous distribution of the ingredi-
motive disc brake applications. ents.21 Molding of friction composite materials to pro-
duce friction composite samples of four different
chemical compositions; molding pressure, molding tem-
Experimental procedures
perature, and molding time were selected as manufac-
The experimental work performed in this paper turing parameters where they have been kept fixed for
includes the following stages: inspection and selection all samples to eliminate their effects on the physical,
of the chosen materials to formulate friction composite mechanical, and tribological properties of friction
samples with different ratios of CNTS, while the binder, materials. The ingredients have been pressed in a hot
friction modifiers, reinforcing fibers, filling, and abra- dry mold at 16 MPa on a compression testing machine
sive material ratios are kept constant; followed by siev- (Model WDW-300 universal testing machine). A hot
ing of the powders to the required grain size and dry mold was fabricated from steel, and heated by
hacking the fibers to definite length and mix them care- gas torch up to 150 C curing temperature. The tem-
fully; and finally fabrication of the formulated friction perature has been measured by an infrared heat gun
EL-kashif et al. 3

Table 1. Chemical composition of friction samples, wt%.

Materials Base sample Sample #1 Sample #2 Sample #3

Carbon nanotubes (wt%) 0 0.5 1 1.5

Binder (phenolic resin) (%) 20 20 20 20
Reinforcement ‘‘RWF’’ and ‘‘steel fiber’’ (%) 25 25 25 25
Fillers (%) 30 29.5 29 28.5
Friction modifiers (%) 15 15 15 15
Abrasive1 (SiC) (%) 5 5 5 5
Abrasive2 (Al2O3) (%) 5 5 5 5

for the time duration of 1 min per each mm thickness of

the proposed specimens.22 The manufactured speci-
mens have been cut into specimens of square cross sec-
tion of 40 mm  40 mm and 10 mm thickness, as shown
in Figure 1. Post curing was then carried out in an oven
at 150 C for 60 min to relieve the residual stress induced
in the samples due to the curing process and to com-
plete the chemical reactions in the friction material

Characterizations Figure 1. Fabricated friction specimen.

Density of brake pad materials

Test procedures for tribological evaluation
The density or specific gravity has been measured using
a specific gravity meter, which depends upon the ingre- Tribological test to get the friction coefficient and spe-
dients of the brake material formulation. The true dens- cific wear rate of the friction samples has been per-
ity of the specimen was determined by weighing the formed on the ‘‘pin-on-disk’’ tester machine according
specimen on a digital electronic balance. The measured to standard test SAE-J661.23,24 The machine frictional
volume of the sample was 40 mm  40 mm  10 mm. disc is a typical automobile brake disc (made of alloyed
The specific gravity has been determined as follows grey cast iron). Figure 2 shows a scheme for pin-on-disc
testing machine with its diagnostic instrumentation
mass, ðmÞ system to detect the specimen friction force and disc
Specific gravity or density :  ¼ g=cm3 ð1Þ
volume, ðvÞ rotation speed, bulk temperature of the disc rotor,
and system friction noise level. A sound level meter
(SLM) model 2240 of impulsive detection type has
been located in the near-field region to detect the fric-
tion system noise.
Mechanical properties
Coefficient of friction. The friction coefficient of the pro-
Surface hardness measurement. Surface hardness of the
posed friction materials is related to the testing time
specimen has been measured using a Rockwell hardness
and testing conditions, which has been performed at
tester model HBRVU-187.5. The hardness measure-
50 N friction force and 7 m/s sliding speed of the disc.
ments were performed on uniformly surface of the spe-
cimen. These measurements include three different
Specific wear rate measurements. Specific wear rate ‘‘aver-
positions of each specimen and the average was taken
age’’ test was carried out on the ‘‘pin-on-disk’’ machine
as the HRc scale.
to determine the loss in sample mass as a measure of
wear over time depending on the whole tribological
Compression strength. A compression test procedure has system. Tribo-systems always consist of the following
been applied on the composite friction material samples components: the sample composite material, a counter-
where the cross section of the samples was part, a medium in between rubbing as lubricant or
10 mm  10 mm. abrasive, the environment, and also normal pressure
4 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)



10 7

1. Test rig frame 2.Electric motor 3. Brake disc

4. Friction specimen 5. Press arm 6.Forcetransducer
7. Oscilloscope 8. PC 9. Sound level meter
10. Digital tachometer

Figure 2. Arrangement of the pin-on-disc tester and its diagnostic instrumentation system.

and sliding speed over a certain period of time. Specific

wear rate could be determined from equation (2) as Table 2. Testing conditions of friction coefficient, wear rate,
follows and sound level.

Background noise 77 dB Test duration 18 min

Specific wear rate ðSWRÞ ¼ cm3 =N  m
  V  T  Ff Sliding speed 7 m/s Ambient 20 C
ð2Þ temperature
Friction pressure 0.5 MPa Microphone 200 mm
where W is the weight difference (g), Ff is the friction distance
force (N), T is the test duration (s), r is the density Sample area 10 mm  10 mm Sound filter A
(g/cm3), and V is the sliding speed (m/s).
The applied load (50 N) was constant over all the
tests done, and no various loads were used. The friction
coefficient, the specific wear rate, and sound level test- Table 3. Chemical composition of the cast iron disc.
ing conditions are given in Table 2. Sound filter A was
C% Mn % Si % S% Ni % Cr % Mo %
used to permit the broad band sound level only and
cause attenuation for the other levels. 3.3–3.5 0.6–0.9 1.8–2.1 0.12 0.6–0.7 0.15–0.25 0.2–0.3
Low wear rates indicate high wear resistance of the
material and the small values of ‘‘wear rate’’ are desir-
able for the manufacturing operation. The tribological and detection environment conditions, respectively.
tests have been, generally, used for the quick evaluation The sound level meter should be calibrated after each
of automotive brake friction materials according to ES. test using its build in calibrating system. The measured
No 2006/1981. noise level is broad band level.
The chemical composition of the used friction disc is The friction system exposed noise level has been dis-
given in Table 3 and it was made from alloyed grey cast crete carried out for full test period of 18 continuous
iron to simulate the actual operating conditions of most minutes of the pin-on-disc tester operation. The brake
vehicles. frictional dynamic behavior and its generated noise
levels are used to evaluate the brake frictional materials
Friction noise evaluation. The resolution of sound waves performance quality and their response variations due
has been resolute according to Filter A, while the gen- to defects of long period usage or inventory for auto-
eral microphone type on the used sound level meter lays motive applications.
200 mm far away from the friction contact area for
near-field measurements to avoid any effective interfer- Composite friction material surface morphology. The surface
ence of other external sound sources. Figure 2 and morphology of the friction composite material samples
Table 3 illustrate the sound meter microphone location was analyzed using optical microscope and SEM was
EL-kashif et al. 5

Table 4. Physical, mechanical, and tribological characteristics of the tested friction composite materials.

Materials Base sample Sample #1 Sample #2 Sample #3

Carbon nanotubes (wt%) 0 0.5% 1% 1.5%

Density (g/cm3) 2.384 2.385 2.387 2.437
Compressive strength,  comp (MPa) 72.14 169.37 115.61 94.51
Averaged stiffness (kN/mm) 27.4 48.58 28.58 32.7
Hardness, HRc 32.5 42.8 48.3 50.1
Min. friction coefficient 0.38 0.41 0.35 0.36
Max. friction coefficient 0.47 0.46 0.43 0.43
Specific wear rate, SWR (cm3/Nm) 3.44E-8 1.25E-8 1.19E-8 1.1E-8
Average level sound response (dB(A)) 81.1 78.12 79.8 81.1

performed with a JXA-840A JEOL electron probe 32.5HRC and as a result the hardness is directly pro-
micro analyzer type. The sample surfaces for SEM portional to CNT content, which may be due the
observations were coated with gold to facilitate the reinforcement and meshing action induced by CNTs.
characterization of the friction layer.
Stiffness of the material. The stress–strain relationship is
given in Figure 5, which can help in determining the
Results and discussion specimen material stiffness and compressive strength.
Effect of carbon nanotubes on properties of friction The results of stress–strain for the tested specimens
show the following: sample #2 with 1 wt% CNTs regis-
material tered an effective strain of about 32% to reach its max-
Overview of the comparison test results. The test results of imum stress of about 115.6 MPa and achieved the
all composites brake pads samples are shown in lowest stiffness compared to the other samples; while
Table 4. Test results were taken as the average of sample #1 with 0.5 wt% CNTs registered the largest
four tested samples. The samples are named according stiffness and the highest compressive strength relative
to the CNTs content; base sample has 0% CNTs, while to others. This imply that 0.5 wt% CNTs sample gives
sample #1, sample #2, and sample #3 have 0.5, 1, and the optimum strength and stiffness, which is corres-
1.5% CNTs, respectively. ponding to the optimum CNTs lubricant layers
formed at the surface and inside the composite as fur-
Composite material density. Density of the tested friction ther increase in the CNT content has an adverse effect
specimens is given in Figure 3.The density results on strength and stiffness. This imply that (0.5% CNTs)
showed that it increases slightly by increasing CNTs is the optimum CNT content for the compressive
content and sample #3 (1.5% CNTs) shows the highest strength and stiffness and further increase in the CNT
density of 2.437 g/cm3, which may be due the increased content shows a decrease in both strength and stiffness.
nominal area of contact and as result the porosity is
decreased and this result are in good agreement with Compression strength. Compression strength results of
other results obtained by other researchers.13–15 To cal- the tested specimens are given in Figure 6. Analysis of
culate the theoretical density, the samples have to be a these results show the following.
close-packed system without any holes or pores; how- The compressive properties of the friction materials
ever, the samples of this study have many porosity that have increased for the first specimen of 0.5 wt% CNTs
will give large deviation between the theoretical and and then have decreased with increasing CNT ratios.
actual densities and that is the reason for not calculat- Sample #3 (1.5 wt% CNTs) shows the minimum com-
ing the theoretical densities. pressive strength, but higher than the base sample due
to the lubricant layers in case of CNT addition.
Material hardness. The results obtained of surface hard- Lee et al.14 studied the effect of CNTs on the mech-
ness shown in Figure 4 illustrates that the hardness of anical and tribological behavior of brake lining mater-
friction materials increased by the addition of CNTs ials and they found that both the bulk density and the
gradually, where the large hardness is preferred for hardness of specimens increased with the CNTs con-
the manufacturing operation and for better wear resist- tent. Apparent reduction in the wear rate and the m
ance. Sample #3 (1.5% CNTs) has the largest hardness was detected even though low concentration of CNTs
50.1 HRC, while the base sample show lower hardness was adopted. As the concentration of catalyst
6 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 3. Variation of material densities for different CNTs ratios.

Figure 4. The surface hardness measurements of friction specimens.

increased, CNTs containing brake lining specimens was improved by adding CNTs due to the homoge-
exhibited the lower wear rate and m. They added that neous distribution of CNT bundles in the friction
SEM microstructure indicated smooth and adherent material; CNTs increased the wear resistance of the
lubricating film formation on the sliding surface friction materials as a result of the reinforcement effect.
during wear tests and the film thickness increases by
increasing CNTs content, and accompanied with a
Tribological properties
lower m and wear rate.
Hwang et al.15 examined brake friction materials Specific wear rate. Evaluation of the test specimen’s fric-
containing multi-walled CNTs in amounts of 1.7, 4.7, tion wear rates is presented in Figure 7.
and 8.5 wt% and investigated their effect on the braking The specific wear rates for all samples show that
performance. They found that the high temperature samples 2 and 3 have minimum wear rates. This is
friction stability increased with increasing the CNT because both samples illustrate high surface hardness.
content and they attributed that to the reinforcement The wear rate decrease as the CNT ratio increases. This
of the composite by CNTs and the larger strength at may be because CNTs act as a solid lubricant, which
elevated temperatures caused by CNTs; increasing decreases the wear rate of samples. The specific wear
CNT content leads to lower friction coefficient, which rate results during test period are within the allowable
may be due to the undispersed CNT bundles in contact standard value limits (2E-8 to 8E-7 cm3/Nm).25,26 This
surface; the damping capacity of the friction material means that these samples may possess long life service,
EL-kashif et al. 7

Base Sample
160 0.5 CNT
1.5 CNT

Stress / MPa





0 10 20 30 40 50
Strain / %

Figure 5. Stress–strain curves for test specimens.

Figure 6. Compressive strength for all samples.

Figure 7. Effect of CNTs ratios on the specific wear rates of the tested specimens.
8 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

Figure 8. Variation of friction coefficient with test duration.

Figure 9. Friction temperature gain for tested specimens.

whereas the base sample with 0 wt% CNTs showed the Friction temperature gain. The recorded friction specimen
maximum wear rate, which imply that base sample may mass temperature has been presented in Figure 9 for all
fail in shorter service life. tested samples. Analysis of the obtained results show
that the maximum temperature gained due to friction in
the time domain is achieved for base sample, while the
lowest temperature gain is presented for sample #3
Friction coefficient variations. From the results of friction (1.5 wt% CNTs). Sample #1 with 0.5 wt% CNTs and
coefficient shown in Figure 8, it can be shown that the sample #2 with 1 wt% CNTs show good heat dissipa-
friction coefficient has a nearly stable level for all the tion and low temperature gain during the test. In brake
tested specimens and all samples reach to friction coef- lining materials, the increase in CNTs shows lower tem-
ficient m ¼ 0.44 after about 6 min from the test begin- perature gain due to the low thermal conductivity of
ning. This period represents the running-in-period of CNTs and due to the modification of the friction layers,
the friction couple surfaces and evaporation of mois- which improves the high temperature friction
ture content. Sample #1 with 0.5 wt% CNT has the stability.14
most stable friction coefficient ranging from 0.41 to
0.46 during the period of test. This may due to that Friction noise level. The generated levels of the tested spe-
the CNTs can enhance the mechanical meshing cimens’ noise are given in Figure 10. The resolutions of
force,13 thus improving the friction coefficient, where the obtained noise levels indicate that the highest dur-
all samples set in an allowable standard coefficient able noise level was obtained for sample #3 (1.5 wt%
value in the automotive (0.35–0.45).25,26 All friction CNTs), which showed the maximum hardness level.
tests have been finished without any fading signal While the lowest and the most stable sound level was
response of the samples. observed for sample #1 (0.5 wt% CNTs), which has a
EL-kashif et al. 9

Figure 10. Response of friction noise level for tested samples.

Figure 11. Surface morphology of sample #3 after friction test.

Figure 12. Optical microstructure for all samples.

10 Journal of Composite Materials 0(0)

relative lower hardness. On the other hand, sample #2 between 0.35 and 0.45 for surface hardness more
showed a decreasing sound level with time after 4 min than 50 HRc at low level of material specific wear
of test period. rate. This helps to prolong the service life of friction
Surface morphology of the friction specimens. The surface
morphology of the friction composite material samples
has been observed using SEM for sample #3 with Declaration of Conflicting Interests
1.5 wt% CNTs after friction test, as shown in The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with
Figure 11. These worn surfaces were obtained after respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
pin-on-disk test and different features are shown as fric- article.
tion layer and CNTs bundles.
The given general scope of the surface morphology Funding
shows that the surface continues without cracks to The author(s) received no financial support for the research,
ensure that the resin ratio is enough with no specific authorship, and/or publication of this article.
material accumulations, which ensures homogenous
mixing of the composite material in the sample. It can ORCID iD
be shown that there are no large particles in the com-
BS Azzam
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