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Here and there throughout Germany, Switzerland

a most useful body of men of Anglo-Indian or Eurasian (half

species consist of filaments, branched or unbranched, which

agitated question about the employment of horses or oxen in

science. This, again, is a process of abstraction, the

Cardiganshire, Wales, near the confluence of the rivers Ystwyth

fusion is now known as fertilization, and the product is an

objects (see CRETE). (2) An Art, whose products cannot

4.16[30],102), the most ancient name of the British Islands,

chief sufferers through the diminishing prices of corn; and

for the ejection of ``scandalous and ignorant ministers

commercial failures, all the chlorine of the sodium chloride

government the purely military problem, although assuming

even by certain gallicisms of style. But, at his best,

14 Note the food and drink of the gods

retired associates in 1884. The first honorary foreign

and poets, such as Stesichorus. His wife Astydameia (called

Egypt, for example, has increased in a marked degree, and

of atmosphere and their refined and finished detail, filled

lugs on glass slats, and are separated by three rows of glass

Indian Borderland (1901); Thorburn, Asiatic Neighbours

Cuissard-Gaucheron, ``L'Ecole de Fleury-sur-Loire a la fin du 10

sphere. In 1890 the Royal Niger Company had concluded a treaty

of the free nitrogen of the atmosphere under the influence of

substance containing hydrogen which may be replaced by

in him a desire to read the authors in the original. With

1895 39 0 35 2 46 1 39 0 44 11
London and her Sisters (1626), he describes himself as

Russia. Yet, even after the French had passed the frontier,

war. They live chiefly on milk and durra, the latter

AUTHORITIES.--F. de Martins, Recueil des traites conclus

the pains taken to exhibit (i. 2, 4 f. 8, ii. I ff.,

seems capable of destroying physical pain, it may probably be

The Aleutian Islands (q.v.), like the Alexander Archipelago, are

fraud. No addition of any injurious matters to commercial

1879; G. Perrot and C. Chipiez, History of Art in Ancient

acres. In only one year, 1878, did the annual average price

1885 135,890 12,906,690 234,509 512,563

Fig. 9. -- Leaf 10 of Codex Borbonicus with figure of the god of

who, although they are not paid wages for each match they

writing; Aristophanes (Wasps, 1259) represents Philocleon as

necessary for the growing of cereals was everywhere provided.

i.-x., 1881 onwards) also comprise critical accounts of

Venetians had occupied after Scanderbeg's death, surrendered

be manufactured in the field, but nowadays it is almost

Algeria. Stephane Gsell's Les monuments antiques de l'Algerie

ADVOCATES, FACULTY OF, the collective term by which what

at Wolverhamiton, this town being chosen on account of its

have been the son of Peter. duke of Cantabria. It is not

permitted to adopt, as being impotent to beget children for

Asmoneans, was put to death by Lysias in 164 B. C., ``as the

scabies and other parasitic affections of the skin. (4) Moist

clefts, gaseous interchange takes place between the circulating

japaconine. Other related alkaloids are lycaconitine and

principal, e.g. a woman or boy under fourteen years of age

presided over by the judge of the inferior local civil court

republic, continued (1255-1257) to give the grand-duke

affairs and brought up in religious principles deeply tinged with

not far from Ramleh in Palestine, on the 31st of July 634.

sporadically from the South, growing up in Western districts

to capture Philadelphia. Complete success again crowned his

m. W. of the present city; it was founded in 1706, and was

Col d'Argentiere (Chamonix to Orsieres), snow. . . . . . . . . . . 11,536

Acts so many difficulties had arisen in reference to the

pink. The passage is more probably intended to allude to the

problem of the text, which has been somewhat too slightly

direction in which the magma flowed. From the fact that

completely overthrown (August 19th) when near that city,

of elastic solid medium have thus been invented to represent

theatre and in front of it. (4) The Timonium built by Antony.

founded on a principle which itself is in need of proof, viz.

railway. The annual mean temperature is about 70 deg. , rising to

probable that they will be again introduced into most countries.

jurisdiction, and in addition a certain revenue jurisdiction,

Society. Meanwhile the invertebrate animals engaged his

a government is bound to use in such cases must be dependent

violent hurricanes. It is remarkable that the dry season

mobilization being issued, the doctors and various ranks

in the new romantic poetry with wide effect; and Disraeli,

ideas is evidenced by the writings of Synesius, bishop of

Some sects calling themselves Spirituales or Perfecti

stations, in Berne the municipality possesses a monopoly of

See T. Ashby in Papers of the British School at Rome, iii. 117.

shkip, N. Alb. shkamp, ``rock.'' The designations Arber

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