Long March 2.0

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PTI chairman Imran Khan’s long march to Islamabad was greeted by a huge crowd in

Sadhoke on Sunday.
This is the revolution I was talking about, Imran said, hailing the swelling number
of marchers PTI chief Imran Khan has said that a sea of people is coming to
Islamabad and Rawalpindi.

Addressing supporters in Sadhoke, the former premier asked his supporters in the
twin cities to prepare.

I have set out for one purpose we want justice in our country. I have one message
for the entire nation today, it is time to change your fate, Imran added Calling on
the establishment upon reaching Sadhoke on Sunday afternoon, PTI chairman Imran
Khan said that he and the nation would not stand with them for supporting thieves.

If the establishment thinks that by deciding to support thieves, it will make up

accept them then forgive me but I and the nation are not with you in this.

Stand with us. The establishment always stands with the nation Imran said adding
that bowing before oppression and injustice would leave no difference between
humans and sheep. Imran Khan has claimed that journalists were fleeing from
Pakistan and moving abroad because they were receiving threats.

Moeed Pirzada, Irshad Bhatti have gone abroad earlier, Sabir Shakir left the same
way. Arshad Sharif shaheed who was standing on the path of justice got threats he
was silenced removed from the channel and then martyred, he told supporters in
Sadhoke.PTI Chairman Imran Khan told his supporters on Sunday that "Pakistan is
changing before your eyes".

In an address upon reaching Sadhoke, he said that there was only one difference
between the society of animals and humans. In the society of animals the powerful
can do whatever they want and the weak have no one to protect them.

But in a human society, there is justice Imran claimed adding that this was exactly
the revolution Pakistan was seeing right now.

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