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Ralf Matias – 10ºD

Cyber Addiction
When we talk about addiction, we immediately think of drugs, cigarettes, alcohol, gambling,
among others. However, addiction is linked to a broader issue, that is, it is not restricted to one
or two aspects, but to several. There is internet addiction which is also known as internet
compulsion or internet addiction.

It is diagnosed as a case of internet addiction, when people have their personal, professional
and sentimental lives affected by the exaggerated stay on the internet. Currently, cases of
internet compulsion have been growing considerably, this is associated with the fact that all
the time new people are connecting to the network, in addiction to the new attractions it
provides to veteran internet users, making them want to stay connected always.

Internet addiction is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges or

behaviours regarding computer use and internet access that lead to impairment or distress.

What can cause cyber addiction?

As with other types of addiction, there's no single cause of internet addition. Several factors
can play a role in the development of addiction.


Several factors can play a role, including:

underlying mental health conditions, including anxiety and depression.


environmental factors.

Is Internet addiction a mental illness?

Some researchers and mental health practitioners see excessive Internet use as a symptom of
another disorder such as anxiety or depression rather than a separate entity. Internet
addiction could be considered an Impulse control disorder (not otherwise specified).

There are cases of cybercitizens who died due to being on the computer for too long. This is
due to the fact that there are certain diseases that develop by remaining in a certain position,
etc., of these diseases is Deep Venal Thrombosis, which can Data for a Pulmonary Embolism,
and finally from a survey conducted through North Evolution of 10% of approximately 189
million Americans this year. An internet addiction can have many non-civil effects on a person,
both physically and emotionally. Body aches, car tunnel syndrome and gain/gain, vision
problems, some of the physical problems you can suffer as a result of an internet addiction.
Interference effects can cause depression, abuse, social aggression, aggression and mood

A person who spends a few hours connected to the internet, whether sending emails,
connecting to a chat room, conducting business or playing games, can be considered a cyber
addict. Some experts say what a psychic problem is on the internet. The deaths created by the
will of the internet made them appear as “cyber widows”, they are the wifes and girlfriends of
men who died of this disease. In addition, cyber addiction generates “cyberadultery”, with
people who have some kind of fixed relationship and maintain a virtual love relationship. Many
experts believe that cyber addiction should be listed among other addictive drugs, a heroin

Why students are addicted to the Internet?

In general, the main reason why youths are at particular risk of internet addiction is that they
spend most of their time on online gaming and social applications like online social networking
such as Twitter, Facebook, and telegrams

How does internet addiction affect the brain?

Internet addiction alters the volume of the brain. The brain changes are similar to those
produced by alcohol and cocaine addiction. IAD shrinks the brain's gray and white matter
fibers which results in changes to emotional processing and brain functioning.

Who is at risk for Internet addiction?

Studies from the University of Iowa show that Internet addiction is quite common among
males ages 20 to 30 years old who are suffering from depression. Certain people are
predisposed to having a computer or Internet addiction, such as those who suffer from anxiety
and depression.

5 types of internet addictions

Internet addiction is a broad personal covering a range of internet, computer driven impulse
control technology behaviors and problems. While there is no definite identification for
diagnosing yet an internet addiction, researchers are 5 specific subtypes of computer and
internet addictions.
cyber sex addiction

A cybersex addiction is one of the most self-explanatory internet addictions. Involve online
pornography, adult websites, sex/fantasy chat rooms, and XXX webcam services. An obsession
with any of these services can be detrimental to one's ability to have sexual, romantic or
intimate relationships in the real world. Treatment options are available for patients with
addictions, usually in the form of treatment intervention or outpatient treatment.

net compulsions

Net compulsions pertain to interactive online activities that can be extremely harmful, such as
online gambling, stock trading, online auctions (like eBay), and compulsive online shopping.
These habits can have a negative impact on financial stability and get in the way of work-
related obligations. Spending or losing excessive amounts of money can also cause stress in
relationships. With instant and easy access to online casinos and stores, it is easy for those
who are already susceptible to a gambling or spending addiction to become addicted online.

Cyber relationship addiction (online)

Cyber or online relationship addicts are deeply involved in finding and maintaining
relationships online, often forgetting about and neglecting real-life family and friends.
Typically, online relationships are formed in chat rooms or on different social networking sites,
but they can take place anywhere you can interact with people online. Often, people who seek
relationships online do so while hiding their true identity and appearance; this modern
phenomenon led to the creation of the term “catfish”.

After being consumed by a social life and online persona, a person can be left with limited
social skills and unrealistic expectations regarding in-person interactions. This often leads to an
inability to make connections with the real world, making the individual more dependent on
their cyber relationships. Typically, counseling or therapy is needed to treat this addiction and
ensure lasting behavioral changes.

Compulsive information search

The internet provides users with a wealth of data and knowledge. For some, the opportunity
to find information so easily has turned into an overwhelming desire to collect and organize
data. In some cases, information seeking is a manifestation of pre-existing obsessive-
compulsive tendencies. Compulsive information seeking can also reduce work productivity and
potentially lead to job termination. Depending on the severity of the addiction, treatment
options can range from different modalities of therapy – which aim to change compulsive
behavior and develop coping strategies – to medication.

Computer or gaming addiction

Computer addiction, sometimes called computer game addiction, involves both online and
offline activities that can be done with a computer. As computers became more widely
available, games like Solitaire, Tetris and Minesweeper were programmed into their software.
The researchers quickly discovered that obsessive computer games were becoming a problem
in certain settings. Office workers would spend a lot of time playing these games, causing a
noticeable decrease in productivity. Not only are these classic games still available today, but
thousands of new ones are as well, and the condition of computer game addiction is as
prevalent and harmful as ever.

Is internet addiction curable?

Internet addiction is believed to be a largely treatable condition. When the addiction is

acknowledged, a therapist or other mental health professional can help an individual take
steps to address the behavior and regain the ability to use the Internet in a healthy way.

We can stop a Cyber Addiction with the following rules :

Agree the hours of use of the computer (no more than 1.5 - 2 hours daily, with the exception
of weekends).

Place the computer in a common site in the home, like the living room.

Promote social activities.

Encourage interests like sports, reading, or the cinema.

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