Management Maslows Theory of Needs Assignment

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Name Ahmed Helal Khan

Enrollment No. 181

Date 06/01/2023

Class BBA (4) 1(A)

ANSWER 1: According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Ian's concerns about his long-term security
and the generous pension and health provisions offered by his current employer suggest that he was
motivated by safety needs and the need for financial stability. Mary's worries about leaving her
current colleagues and being part of a close-knit group suggest that she was motivated by love and
belonging needs, while Rhand's concerns about her large mortgage and financial struggles suggest
that she was motivated by physiological needs and the need for financial security.

ANSWER 2: By starting their own venture, Ian, Mary, and Rhand were able to satisfy their self-
actualization needs, which refer to the need to realize one's full potential and achieve personal
growth. They were also able to satisfy their esteem needs, which refer to the need for self-esteem
and the respect of others, as they were able to establish the business as a successful company and
gain recognition for their achievements. In addition, they were able to satisfy their love and
belonging needs by working together as a team and forming close personal and professional

ANSWER 3: In a risky situation like this, I would carefully weigh the potential rewards and risks of
starting a new business. I would consider my own personal needs and goals, as well as the practical
realities and financial limitations of my situation. I would try to find a balance between fulfilling my
physiological and safety needs, such as the need for financial stability, and my higher-level needs,
such as the need for self-actualization and personal growth. I would also try to find ways to mitigate
risks, such as by seeking advice from experienced entrepreneurs or by taking out insurance to
protect myself and my family in case the business is not successful.

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