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Case Study:

Risk Control Options for the Maritime Sector of the Kingdom of Atlantis

You will be given background information about the maritime sector of the State of Atlantis. Based on
this background information, you are supposed to apply risk management principles introduced
during this course in order to identify options for the improvement of the safety performance of the
fleet of the State of Atlantis.

In order to identify and discuss the different options, you are given the following information:

1. Country overview Kingdom of Atlantis

2. Maritime Profile of the Kingdom of Atlantis
3. Organogram of the Maritime Sector of the Kingdom of Atlantis
4. Selected examples of maritime activities of the Kingdom of Atlantis

A new Minister of Transport was recently appointed. He grew up at the coast of Atlantis and has a
passion for the maritime business. Since you are a knowledgeable student at WMU, he is asking you
for advice. He wants you to review the information listed above and tell him about possible
improvements. He wants you to prioritise and use risk assessment/management ideas to prioritise
the items you want to suggest for improvement. Work in groups and identify one item to improve.
Tell the Minster why this needs improvement and why this issue should be given the highest priority.
Support your recommendation with a solid arguments on the basis of risk assessment/management

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