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Knowledge Area Basic Principles of PM

 Stake Holders -Time, Budget, Scope of project

Group without whose support the organization - Quality
Would cease to exist
7 Esentially PM Principles
 Core Functions -Focus on project-Control Business
-Scope Management (output, outcomes and justifications- Define roles and
Benefits are identified, defined and controlled Responsibilities- Manage by
-Time Management (process of organizing and Exception- manage by stages-
Planning 80/20 Rule learn from experience- tailor to
-Cost Management (resource planning, estimation, the environment
Budgeting and control)
-Quality Management (Quality planning, quality Why Project started
Assurance, quality control & quality improvement -Market Demand- Business Needs
-Costumer request- Technological
 Facilitating Functions Advantage-Legal requirements
-Hr Management (recruitment cycle implementation)
-Communication Management (within an organization What is PM
And between organization -Imitating-Planning-Executing
-Risk Management (avoidance, retention, sharing, -Monitoring and control-Closing
Transferring and loss prevention and reduction
-Procurement Management (management of the flow of
Goods and services between business and locations

 Tools & Techniques

-Classic Technique (Program Evaluation)
-Waterfall Technique (Critical Path)
-Agile Project Management (Critical Chain)
-Rational unified Process RUP (Extreme Project
Management (XPM) Kanban System

Project Life Cycle

 While Intilizing the Project
-Know (Project Definition and domain)
-Understand (life cycle)
-Keep smile (keep things under control)
-seek help (good to go people)
-ask question (over and over)
-Enlist (Your mentors)
-Identify (Need – self and others)
-respect (can make to break)
-Listen (to the customers & stakeholders)
-prepare (yourself to every step and people
And situation
-plan (plan… plan and plan)

 Identifiers in planning the project

-WBS (work breakdown structure)
-Milestones (Significant Point/ Time)
-Baseline (to measure change identify between fail and
-KPI (to measure tangible and intangible goals)
-Success criteria – Quality (Estimating the overall project
-stake holders (people onboard for a certain project)
-Dashboard (Area/ charts)

The House of PM
-Project Governance (Roles and responsibilities)
-Project Lifecycle (Project Phases)
-Set of Process (Project Management activities)
-Set of project artefacts (templates and guidelines)

-System – Development – Life – Cycle

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