8AH - Conquest of Makkah

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Pakistan International School Jeddah English Section

Academic Year: 2022–2023

Islamiyat 0493
Notes and Guidelines

Student Name/ID

Class/ Section

Chapter 3 The Life and Importance of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)

Topics Life of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah

8th Year after Hijrah – Conquest of Makkah

Reference notes - 8
Chapter 3 – Conquest of Makkah

Generic Guidelines
➢ These notes are consisted of outlines NOT the complete answer.
➢ Outlines are based on the IGCSE requirements with the reference of past paper question and
guidelines with examiner report for the relevant topics.
➢ These notes will serve the students as a mind map, in order to form a well-developed answer.
➢ Students are required to use the given key points to develop the response in their own words.
➢ For some topics notes are given in complete paragraph form to give idea how to develop the
➢ References are also included within the notes to help students memorize

Life of Prophet (SAW) in Madinah

8th Year after Hijrah – Conquest of Makkah.

A good answer should have most of the information and a lot of detail, accurate chronology,
perhaps giving relevant quotes. Following is the outline for a well-developed response.

➢ Background and Causes
➢ Abu Sufyan’s visit to Madinah for renewal of treaty
➢ Prophet (SAW)’s Secret preparation for battle
➢ Events on the way and close to Makkah
➢ Prophet (SAW)’s division of Muslim army and Instructions
➢ The Prophet (SAW) enters Makkah
➢ Purification of Ka’bah
➢ A General Forgiveness
➢ Conclusion

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Chapter 3 – Conquest of Makkah

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘a’ (10 Marks Question)
Students are required to recall, select and present relevant facts from the main elements of the faith and
history of Islam in part ‘A’.

1. With reference to the conduct of the Muslims, describe the events of the Conquest of
Makka. [10] October/November 2016
2. The Prophet entered Makka and took control of it in 8AH. Describe the main details of
this event. [10] October/November 2015

Marking Scheme:
Good answers should be able to narrate the story of the events of the Conquest of Makka,
leading up to it and immediately after, and give detailed information as well as name the
key figures involved. Details and accuracy will take candidates up the levels.

The Quraysh had broken the terms of the Treaty of Hudaybiyya, by attacking Banu Khuza’ah
who had allied with the Muslims. Realising the seriousness of the situation the Quraysh sent Abu
Sufyan to ensure the treaty was intact, but he left Madina without doing so. After making
preparations for war, the Prophet set out with 10000 soliders. It was 8AH. The Prophet’s army
stopped outside Makka and it was here that Abu Sufyan became Muslim and his house was
made a safe place. The Prophet entered Makka, with only Khalid bin Walid's group facing
resistance, killing 12 Makkans and sustaining two martyrs. The Prophet knocked down the 360
idols in the Ka’ba. The keys to the Ka’ba were given to ‘Uthman bin Talha, and at the time of
prayer, Bilal ascended the Ka’ba and gave the adhan. Apart from nine people, the Quraysh were
pardoned, including Wahshi and Hind. Some Qur’anic verses related to the incident are 17.81
and 34.49.

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Chapter 3 – Conquest of Makkah

8th Year after Hijrah – Conquest of Makkah

Answer must begin with the general introduction and details about the main events of ‘conquest of
Makkah’ in eighth year after Hijrah (migration to Madinah) of Prophet (SAW)’ as mentioned in the outline.

➢ Background and Causes

o The treaty of Hudaibiya remained for two years. The Makkans were allied with Banu Bakr,
whereas Madinah was allied with Banu Khuza. Banu Bakr and Banu Khuza were old
o After the battle of Mutah, Banu Bakr attacked Banu Khuza. They killed several people of Banu
Khuza who were there into the Kaaba for protection.
o In return for this aggression, the chief of Banu Khuza ‘Amr bin Salim’ with a party of forty men
came to the Holy Prophet (SAW) in Madinah and requested the Prophet (SAW) for help.
o It was a bound duty for Muslims to take action, so the Prophet (SAW) sent his messenger to
Quraish with three alternatives, Quraish to pay money to the victims’ families or break their
alliance with Banu Bakr or dissolve the treaty.
➢ Abu Sufyan’s visit to Madinah for renewal of treaty
o Qurysh went for the third option but later realized that they have mistaken. They sent Abu
Sufyan to Madinah to rectify and renew treaty.
o Abu Sufyan ibn Al Harb approached his daughter-Umm-Habiba (RA), Prophet (SAW), Abu
Bakr (RA), Umar (RA), Uthman (RA) and Ali (RA). They all declined to negotiate or help.
Consequently, he returned to Makkah without any success.

➢ Prophet (SAW)’s Secret preparation for battle

o Prophet Muhammad (SAW) started preparing for the battle against Quraish secretly.
o An effort of informing Quraish by Hatib was made fail.
o Ten thousand Muslims from Muhajirun, Ansar and some Arab tribes met for the purpose,
marched to Makkah on10th Ramadan, 8th A.H 630AD.

➢ Events on the way and close to Makkah

o Uncle Abbas joined Prophet (SAW) on the way after accepting Islam.
o Muslim army reached close to Makkah and encamped outside Makkah.
o Prophet (SAW) asked every soldier to ignite the light and also to spread to show their strength
and appear as huge army. This impression sank the hearts of disbelievers of Makkah.
o Abu Sufyan surveyed the situation, surrendered to Prophet (SAW) and accepted Islam.
o Prophet (SAW) granted special status to him by declaring his house a safe haven.

➢ Prophet (SAW)’s division of Muslim army and Instructions

o Prophet (SAW) divided Muslim army in 4 columns and asked each to enter Makkah from
four different route.
o The four troops were commanded by Prophet (SAW), Ubaidah bin Jarrah (RA), Saad bin
Ubadah (RA) and Khalid bin Walid (RA).
o Before entering Makkah, the Prophet (SAW) instructed his army not to use arms against
anyone unless they met resistance or were attacked. Along with it, he ordered them to avoid
bloodshed and to refrain from harming the aged people, women, children and not to pass
through crops or cut fruit bearing trees.

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Chapter 3 – Conquest of Makkah

➢ The Prophet (SAW) enters Makkah

o Muslim army entered Makkah from all four directions peacefully. Only the column of Khalid
bin Walid had been showered by arrows, and he fought back. In this encounter, 12
Makkans were killed while 2 Muslims embraced martyrdom.
o Moreover, it was announced that if someone closed his house doors, entered in the Holy
Kabah or in the house of Abu Sufyan will be saved.
o The Prophet (SAWS) entered in Makkah as a conqueror but an example of humility.

➢ Purification of Kabah
o This was on Friday morning of Ramadan, 8 A.H. Prophet (SAW) performed Tawaf and
prodded each of the 360 idols which were around the Kabah, reciting, ‘And declare, “The
truth has come and falsehood has vanished. Indeed, falsehood is bound to vanish.”
(Isra 17:81)
o Prophet (SAW) entered in Kabah after taking key from caretaker of Kabah, Usman bin
Talha and the idols inside were removed, destroyed and all the pictures rubbed out.
o Then, Prophet (SAW) offered two Rakkah inside the Kabah.

➢ A General Forgiveness
o Prophet (SAW) came out asked that what type of attitude did they expect. People of
Makkah replied, “you are a noble brother and noble cousin.” He (SAW) said, “There
shall be no reproach against you, go you are free.”
o A general forgiveness was proclaimed by Prophet (SAW) for all of his enemies at Makkah
except for a very small number of die-hard enemies of Islam.
o Qurysh, impressed with Prophet (SAW)’s forgiveness, accepted Islam in crowds.
o “When comes the Help of Allah, and victory, and you see that the people enter
Allah's religion (Islam) in crowds, so glorify the Praises of your Lord, and ask for His
Forgiveness. Verily, He is the One Who accepts the repentance and forgives. (Surah
An-Nasr 110:1-3)

➢ Conclusion
o Prophet (SAW) ordered Bilal (RA) to deliver the Adhan for Zuhr prayer on the roof of
the Ka`bah,
o The Prophet (SAW) stayed in Makkah, after its conquest, for nineteen days.
o The conquest of Makkah was one of the most significant events in the history of Islam. It
was not just the conquest of a city militarily, but then it was the conquest of hearts of
Makkan leaders and citizens too, who were deeply impressed by the kindness and
magnanimity of the Prophet (SAW).

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Chapter 3 – Conquest of Makkah

Past Paper Questions and Marking Scheme

Part ‘b’ (4 Marks Question)

Students are required to demonstrate understanding of their significance in the teachings of Islam and in
the lives of Muslims in part ‘B’

1. Can Muslims today learn from the Prophet’s treatment of his former enemies?
Give reasons for your answer. [4]
Marking Scheme:

Candidates could say, e.g.,Yes, they can learn from his treatment of his former enemies because
the Prophet (pbuh) forgave those who had shown a lot of enmity towards him, such as Abu
Sufyan. In following this example, Muslims can forgive those in their life who call them names,
abuse them, or try to stop them from doing good, especially if they are sorry for what they have
done. A grudge should not be held against them. In Makka the Prophet (pbuh) forgave everyone
except a handful of people, including those who had killed his family members such as Wahshi
and Hind. Muslims should realise that forgiveness is always a better option than revenge.
No, they can’t learn from his treatment of his former enemies because they live in different times
and people/enemies are different now; the way in which people are harmed is different now, e.g.
using social media, so the way they have to be dealt with has to be different. These are just
examples of answers that could be given, candidates should be credited for relevant answers
that have a good explanation.

2. The Prophet’s characteristic of mercy was clearly demonstrated in this event.

Is it realistic to expect Muslims today to follow his example? [4]
Marking Scheme:

Candidate could agree and say it is realistic, because they should follow Islam no matter what
time or place, they are living in and the Prophet’s example is for all time. Better answers will
write about how they can do this in their own lives/in a current context.
They could say it is not possible for Muslims to follow his example, e.g., because he was the
perfect model and other humans are not. Better answers could say how it is difficult to apply this
kind of mercy into their everyday lives.

3. Why are the actions of the Prophet after the conquest important for Muslims to learn
from? [4]

Marking Scheme:
Candidates could write about the Prophet’s destruction of the idols, or the forgiveness he
showed to his enemies. Candidates should expand on the significance of any of these events,
and how Muslims can learn from them or apply them in their own lives. They could, e.g., write
about the importance of forgiving people who have wronged/hurt you, even if their actions were
awful, just as the Prophet forgave Wahshi and Hind, as it is better to forgive than hold animosity
in your heart.

Note: Points mentioned in marking scheme given as reference for the students.
Candidates can include their own point of view and elaborate them for higher marks

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