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Top study hacks for the night before the exam

Your big exam day needs a lot of your energy and to preserve that you should always take
care of yourself, especially before the day of your exam. All the hard work that is needed to
ace your exams is already done and on the day before your exam, you should not stress
about the preparations or practices because that is the time to calm yourself down and
build up your confidence that you will surely write an amazing exam, just try to give your
best, perform the best and do not stress about the rest.
Here we have concluded some of the top study hacks for the night before your exam that
will keep you confident and prepared during the exam.

1. Quick revisions
The first and the foremost thing that you can do before your exam is, revise quickly
from the notes you have made throughout the year and most importantly, do not try
to learn something new, the last minute learning will not bring you fruitful results
and during your limited time, you should not take a risk of experimenting with
something new. So revise all that you have prepared throughout your session quickly
from your notes. Try to preserve your time by only revising the important words the
keywords of the concepts. You may also look forward to the revision of ncert
solutions before your exam

2. Gather your required materials

Before sleeping you should ensure that you have gathered all the necessary
documents and the required stationery you will need during the exam. Maintain
your bag that you have to take before the night of your exam so you don’t have to
hustle in the morning. Be prepared before the day of your exam by preparing the
clothes you will wear and all the required stationery along with the documents, and
other required material should be prepared and packed till the night before the
exam. Make the best use of your time and prepare everything in advance.

3. Have a proper dinner

Food is the fuel you need to keep your body working and your energy high
throughout the exam. Eat nutritious food on the night before your exam to keep
yourself fit and healthy. Your diet and your lifestyle directly impact your
concentration and focus, for this reason, it is important to maintain a healthy diet
throughout the session as well. Also, drink enough water and stay hydrated for
improving your focus and gaining your energy that will help in giving your best
during the exam.

4. Avoid distractions
Avoid your distractions by limiting your screen time. Avoid using social media
platforms for few days before your exam unless there is a study-related reason.
Staying away from the virtual world for some time can help you to increase your
concentration by removing distractions. Your phone and other electronic devices can
be a boon to you if you use them properly but they can also give adverse effects and
affect your concentration if used continuously. Excess use of your phone can be very
harmful to your attentiveness and it may also affect your eye-sight. Social media
platforms consume a lot of time and may distract you from your studies. A lot of
screen-time may also result in headaches and it is important to avoid that risk before
your exam.

5. Take a proper amount of sleep

Your learning can never be effective by sacrificing your sleep. Students often think
that sacrificing their sleep for preparing more can bring fruitful results but it is the
opposite of it. Your sleep cycle and the amounts of breaks or rest you take have a
direct impact on effective learning. Taking breaks or rest during your preparations
increases your effectiveness. Along with that, sleep helps to preserve your energy,
studying continuously for a longer period can you make you feel fatigued, for this
reason, it is important to sleep properly the night before your exam so that you may
save your energy and then use your preserved energy in performing and giving the
best in your exam.

6. Try to stay positive

A positive attitude can do wonders. Being positive is the greatest key to perform well
in your exam. It is common to feel nervous but you should try your best to calm your
nerves and remember to stay confident with your preparations. Being nervous is
natural and will not affect your exam but if it exceeds its general state, or if you feel
more nervous then it may impact your performance, you may try some breathing
exercises to calm yourself down before your exam and try to stay confident about
your preparations. You should know that if you have prepared well then you will
surely excel in your exams, so try to peacefully perform in your exam with
confidence because confidence is the best tool to excel and with enough self-
determination and confidence, there is no obstacle that you can’t overcome.

You must take care of yourself by ensuring that you take the proper amount of rest, eat
nutritious food and sleep properly. Remember that this is the time to calm yourself down as
you have already prepared for your exam, you have completed the revisions and now is the
time to only focus on performing the best but not by overburdening yourself.

It is natural to get nervous before the exam but if you have prepared well then you will excel
in your exam. Do not get stressed about your exam, relax and peacefully begin to perform
and you shall achieve your desired marks. And remember to carry all the necessary
stationery including the pens, pencil, eraser, compass, scale, and all the other geometrical
objects and also carry the required documents to your exam hall, take proper breakfast
before you go for your exam. Stay positive and confident and you will flourish your exam
with flying colors. All the best!

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