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Ionic Bond:
An ion is defined as an atom which has lost or gained
electrons. They do this to become more stable, usually
gaining a full outer shell as a result. The number of
electrons an atom gains or losses to become an ion is
shown by its valency.
Definition: The force of attraction between a positive
charge and negative charge creates the ionic bond.
Electrons are lost or gained, resulting in the formation
of IONS in ionic compounds.E.g., NaCl, MgCl2 etc.
Dot and Cross Diagrams:
 Dot and cross diagrams are diagrams that show the
arrangement of the outer-shell electrons in
an ionic or covalent compound or element.
 The electrons are shown as dots and crosses
 In a dot and cross diagram:
 The charge of the ion is spread evenly which is
shown by using brackets
 The charge on each ion is written at the top
right-hand corner

Note: Practice structures done in manuscript and

practice sheet.
❑Ionic compounds are usually solid (lattice structure)
❑They have high melting and boiling points
❑Ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity in
the molten state or in solution
❑They are poor conductors in the solid state
Ionic Lattice: Regular arrangement /repeating pattern of
positive and negative ions.

• Ionic substances have high melting and boiling points

due to the presence of strong electrostatic
forces acting between the oppositely charged ions.
• These forces act in all directions and a lot of energy is
required to overcome them
• The greater the charge on the ions, the stronger the
electrostatic forces and the higher the melting point
will be
• For example, magnesium oxide consists of
Mg2+ and O2- so will have a higher melting point
than sodium chloride which contains the ions,
Na+ and Cl-
• For electrical current to flow there must be freely
moving charged particles such as ions present
• Ionic compounds are good conductors of electricity in
the molten state or in solution as they have free ions
that can move and carry a charge
• They are poor conductors in the solid state as the ions
are in fixed positions within the lattice and are
unable to move
• Ionic compounds have same ratios so that the
charges can be cancelled out.
• Ionic compounds have different ratios as charges
must balance because metal lose an outer shell
electron and non-metals gain that electron



Covalent Order:
Covalent bonds are formed when non-metal atoms form
bonds with other non-metal atoms by sharing pairs of
electrons. When two or more atoms
are covalently bonded together, we describe them as
• Dot-and-cross diagrams can be used to show the
electric configurations in simple molecules
• The electron shells of each atom in the molecule
overlap and the shared electrons are shown in the
area of overlap
• The dot-and-cross diagram of the molecule shows
clearly which atom each electron originated from.
Types of Covalent Bonds:
Single covalent bonds: Represented by “ “
Double covalent bonds: Represented by “=“
Triple covalent bonds: Represented by “ “.

• Many simple molecules exist in which two adjacent

atoms share one pair of electrons, also known as a
single covalent bond (or single bond)

• If two adjacent atoms share two pairs of electrons, two

covalent bonds are formed, also known as a double
• If two adjacent atoms share three pairs of electrons,
three covalent bonds are formed, also known as
a triple bond

Note: Practice structures done in manuscript





Comparison between Ionic & Covalent Physical

MACROMOLECULES: Giant Covalent Structures
The presence of solid non-metal elements in more than
one form which have the same chemical properties but
differ in physical properties is known as allotropes.
Diamond and graphite are allotropes of carbon – two
forms of the same element.
A carbon atom shares all four of its outer electrons with
other carbon atoms, to form a tetrahedral structure.
All covalent bonds are identical and strong
Each carbon atom is tetrahedral with four carbon atoms.
▪ Very high melting point
▪ Very hard
▪ Nonconductor of electricity because there is no
electron free to move.
▪ Insoluble in water
• Cutting tools, drilling, jewelry
• A carbon atom shares three of its outer electrons
with other carbon atoms, to form a layer structure.
• The fourth electron exist between the layer and is
free to move.
• The covalent bonds within the layers are strong but
the layers are held together by weak forces.
Each carbon atom becomes part of a flat hexagonal
• Very high melting point
• Soft and slippery because layers slide over each
other easily.
• Good conductor of electricity.
• Insoluble in water
• lubricant for engines and locks, pencils, to make
SILICA[silicon(IV) dioxide] IS SIMILAR TO
Metallic Bonding:
Metallic bond is formed when a metal consists of layers of
positively charged metal ions, which lose their outer shell
electrons to form a ‘sea’ of free, delocalised electrons
(which have a negative charge). Strong electrostatic
attractions hold the electrons and the metal ions together in
a metallic bond.
The atoms are packed closely together in giant lattice

Bond Forming
• Metal atoms are held together strongly by metallic
• Within the metal lattice, the atoms lose their valence
electrons and become positively charged.
• The valence electrons no longer belong to any metal
atom and are said to be delocalized.
• They move freely between the positive metal ions like
a sea of electrons.
• Metallic bonds are strong and are a result of the
attraction between the positive metal ions and the
negatively charged delocalized electrons.

Metallic bonding and the properties of metals

1. Metals have high melting and boiling points
• There are many strong metallic bonds in giant
metallic structures.
• A lot of heat energy is needed to overcome forces
and break these bonds.
2. Metals conduct electricity
• There are free electrons available to move and
carry charge.
• Electrons entering one end of the metal cause a
delocalized electron to displace itself from the
other end.
• Hence electrons can flow so electricity is
3. Metals are good conductors of heat
4. Metals are malleable and ductile
• Layers of positive ions can slide over one
another and take up different positions.
• Metallic bonding is not disrupted as the valence
electrons do not belong to any particular metal
atom so the delocalized electrons will move with
• Metallic bonds are thus not broken, so metals are
strong but flexible.
• They can be hammered and bent into different
shapes without breaking.

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