English Project 2

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Corona virus disease (COVID – 19) is an infectious disease

caused by the SARS – CoV – 2 virus. It is a new strain that was
discovered in 2019 and has not been previously identified in humans.
Many health experts believe that the new strain of corona virus likely
originated in bats or pangolins. The first transmission to human was
in Wuhan, China. This disease is spreading between the humans who
are within 6 feet of distance and who emit respiratory droplets through
cough and sneeze.

COVID – 19 affects different people in different ways. Most infected
people will develop mild to moderate illness and recover without

Most common symptoms:

- Fever
- Cough
- Tiredness
- Loss of taste and smell

Less common symptoms:

- Sore throat
- Headache
- Aches and pains
- Diarrhoea
- A rash on skin, or discolouration of fingers or toes
- Red or irritated eyes

Serious symptoms:

- Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

- Loss of speech or mobility, or confusion - Chest pain.

To prevent infection and to slow transmission of COVID – 19, the
followings are required:

• Get vaccinated when a vaccine is available.

• Stay at least 1 metre apart from others, even if they don’t appear to be
• Wear a properly fitted mask when physical distancing is not possible or
when in poorly ventilated settings.
• Choose open, well ventilated spaces over closed ones. Open a window if
• Wash our hands regularly with soap and water or clean them with
alcohol-based hand rub.
• Cover our mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing.
• If we feel unwell, stay home and self-isolate until we recover.

Impact of COVID – 19 on Education System

The impacts of COVID – 19 is observed in every sector around the world. It
has effected educational systems worldwide, leading to near-total closures of
schools, colleges and universities. School closures impact not only the students
but teachers and families.
However, impact of COVID – 19 on education has few positive outcomes
apart from the many negative aspects of the pandemic.

Positive impact of COVID – 19 on education:

COVID – 19 has accelerated adoption of digital technologies to deliver
education. Education institutions moved towards blended mode of learning. In
encouraged all teachers and students to become more technology savvy.

The pandemic situation induced people to learn and use digital technology
and resulted in increasing the digital literacy. Learning materials are shared
among the students easily and queries are resolved through email, SMS, phone
calls and using different social medias. Students are able to manage their time
more efficiently in online education during pandemic.

Teachers have also adopted new methods of teaching like through ppts,
videos, video conferencing which are considered as one of the best and fast
learning medium of teaching.

Negative impact of COVID – 19 on education:

Education sector has suffered a lot due to the outbreak of COVID – 19. It
has created many negative impacts on education.
Classes have been suspended and exams at different levels postponed.
Admission process got delayed. Placements for students may also be affected
with companies delaying on the board of students.

One problem is also that not all teachers/ students are good at it or at least
not all of them were ready for this sudden transition from face to face learning
to online learning. Moreover, online learning has also been a problem to poor or
lower middle class students who do not have any internet facilities. As many
students have limited or no internet access and many students may not be able
to afford computer, laptop or supporting mobile phones in their homes. The
lockdown has hit the poor students very hard. Thus, the online – learning
method during pandemic COVID – 19 may enhance the gap between rich/ poor
and urban/ rural.

There are many students in India who came to school just because they can get
food. The great mid day meal scheme has helped many children who couldn’t
bring their food from the home to get their nutrition. Because of the closure of
the schools, many students were suffering from not having enough food for their

Somewhere, students are missing their school life where they used to enjoy a
lot with their friends apart from studying and other extracurricular activities. An
emotional relationship is created between teacher and students who is not there
in the digitalized learning.
Laboratory based practical studies in subjects which is not possible in this
pandemic period which is again a big loss to such students.

The closure of schools, colleges and universities is interrupting the learning
of students and also disrupting the internal assessment and public assessments
for qualifications. The traditional method of teaching has been replaced by
online teaching. One side online teaching is providing opportunity to the
students for learning another side there are various issues are attached with the
new methodology of teaching.

Education institutions are searching the ways to solve the issues which
arose due to the lockdown and putting their efforts to fill the loss of learning.

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