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v MOQ with One Correct Answer me In two different experiments, an object of mass 5 kg moving with a speed of 25 ms" hits two different walls and comes to rest within (i) 3 second, (ii) 5 seconds, respectively [Main July 28, 2022 ()} ‘Choose the correct option out of the following (a) Impulse and average force acting on the object will be same firr both the cases. (©) Impulse will be same for both the cases but the average force will be different. (©) Average force will be same for both the cases but the impulse will be different. {@ Average force and impulse will be different for both the cases. ‘Aballloon has mass of 10 g in air. The air escapes from the balloon at 2 uniform rate with velocity 4.5 envs. If the balloon shrinks in 5 s completely. Then, the average force ‘acting on that balloon will be (in dyne). [Main July 28, 2022 (1)] @3s 9 © 2 @ 8 ‘Avball of mass0,15kghits the wall with its initial speed of {12:ms and bounces back without changing its initial speed. ifthe force applied by the wall on the ball during the con- ‘tact is 100 N. Calculate the time duration ofthe contact of tal) woth the wall [Main July 26,2022 (U)] (a) O01Bs () 0036s (c) 0009s (d) 0.0725 ‘A block of metal weighing 2 kg is esting ona frictionless plane (as shown in figure). It is struck by a jet releasing ‘water at 2 rate of | kgs” and at a speed of 10ms"!. Then, ‘the initial acceleration of the block, in ms~, will be {Main June 29,2022 (D)] ws 6 os 4 8 Topic-1: Ist, IInd & Illrd Laws of Motion ‘A block ofmass 2 kg moving on a horizontal surface i st of 4 ms"! enters a rough surface ranging ros See ye tnecernig tree tas 2062 rough surface is related to distance by F = ~kx where 12. Nm. The speed of the block as it just crosses the rough surface willbe [Main June 2, 2022 00] (a) Zero (b) 1.5ms 1 © 2.0ms" (d) 2.5ms The initial mass of a rocket is 1000 kg. Calculate at what rate the fuel should be burnt so that the rocket is given an acceleration of 20 ms“. The gases come out at a relative ‘of 500 ms’! with respect to the rocket tomes iomis?] Peet 1° [Main Aug 26,2021 (D) (a) 6.0 10? kgs (b) S00kgs! (© 10kgst (@) 60kgs* A particle of mass M originally at rest is subjected to a force whose direction is constant but magnitude varies with time according to the relation raf Where F, and T are constants. The force acts only for the time interval 2T. The velocity v of the particle after time 2T is: {Main July 27, 2021 (I1)] (a) 2F)T/M (b) FyT/2M (©) 4F,T/3M (@) FGT/3M A spaceship in space sweeps stationary interplanetary dust. aMit)_, 5 mo (0, where v (0) sits instantaneous velocity. The instantaneous acceleration ofthe satellite is: [Main Sep. 05,2020 ID} Asa result, its mass increases at a rate @) -W'(), A small ball of ae s of mass m is thrown upward with velocit from the ground. The ball experiences a resistive: eel Be wie ¥ 8 ts speed. The maximum height attained by the lis [Main Sep. 04, 2020 (DI 10 a etey Allis thrown upward with an init velocity fom the surface ofthe earth. The motion ofthe balls asred by 3 Arg frce equal tom (where ismas of heal visits inuntneows velocity andi constant. Time ikem ty theballio iso itezenithis: [Main 1 Apri 20191] wd)» dol o Felli) @ zme'( Fs) Abul thrown vertically up (taken as +x fom the ‘wound The corre marenta-eight pb diagram [Main 9 pet 2019 » P @ I oF © oa Aptleofmasim smovingin asi inc mer P Staringatinet=0,a fre F~Atacsia these recon ‘nthe moving pace daring time interval Tm hat ‘mamentum hangs fom pio 3p. Hate sa cist The sale of Tis [Main 11Jan.201910) Eee Pk A paril f massm sated up ya fre F given by teenie @= (Ii ew ted lee emerge, Tinea "ini Onne Ap 0006] © legwipagainst $M against? (© Wen aeintt © leg agsit L_Abndy of mass S kg under th ation of constant force Feit har welociy att= 0525 ¥=(6~2})s andatt~ Is a5 ¥ © 46}m/3. The fee F is {Main Online Api 11,2014) @ (siege @ (4iBs © aww (F-5s a7 1S, Aparticle moves the 4 plane under the inflaene of force such that its linear momentum Ho)= Alecodde)— jain, where A and & are stints The angle betwee he rer andthe moment i 2007} ar or of wx Ds Nite 2 SRST 16. Aman of 60kgis running nthroad and snl jumps fntoa stationary lly car of mass 1204. Thon the wll car stars moving wth velcty 2 ms", The veloity of the ning man was ‘ms! When he jumps into the car [Main fe 2.2022) 17, bataman is bck atl fase 0 kg eight i the ‘iecton ofthe omer tout changing mal sped ‘of 1S ms! The impulse imparted tothe ball is Nev [Malin June 26,2022 (1) 1s, ev a box of mass 2kg with a force P= (201 +10})N ona tones surface Ihe box was iniayatre,then____mis slacement along the asa 10s Mn Feb 262021 Ft ria tiewlests! Seay inthe fig ine sogments The magntade reo theayfownf= 4 19, Themagnitad ofthe foc (in newton actin Sarin eth tm ir scans a sho 1h Cand CD ae < aa * Ss ma 120. A rocket moves forward by pushing the surrounding mactoarde 1980) <4 MOQewidh Oncor Mare than Oe Corrs Anwar 2. Arefrene frame attache othe earth [1986-2 Marks} (a) isan ine fame by definition. (8) canot bean inert frame because the eat is RP (9) Seatementst Tru Statrent 2s Tre; Sateen ‘caret expaaton Steet {© ‘Semen te fre Sime tr Skene 25NOT acorect explanation br State Setement tie Ta, Samet? {Steet Fae Steen 2 Te Smvoment Aches ae Sane besa soyt The lah can be pl et wit sng Ashes fom the tale MCR with One Gre AnsHGr Toohateotnmacm=Sigandm,=3 igus! Sy ene gn on an ay Saveh icin pincns own mie pe THES Re rot hwnd emcee oe NoyGtramm, whe tiey oa i oy 29,2022() @ XN OWN © HN aN [Ablock “takes 2stosldedowma fictions icine of 30° and length 7 keptinside aif goingyp with rir velocity'v"Ithe inclines changed i045" the time ken by the Block, to slide down the incline, will be spproumately [Mai uly 27,2022 0] () 2665 () 0835 (©) 1685 (4) 070s ‘Avuiform metal cain of mass m and length passes ‘overa massless and fritones pully It isteeased om res with apart ofits length is hanging on onesie and restofitslength'L~€ishanging on the eter side ofthe L pally At a certain point of time, when '=4, te ae [Main Judy 28,2022) @6 2 Is «ws Pony of mass 50k clinton arp which can ‘isn betes (1) O850N, nk aly cts own whe sein man cl en seers ofS heehee open = 1. {Main Jay 26,2020) (3) T~700N witeclinting upd {0) T= 380N wile gm downed {6) Ropes ak ile cinang yard {Rage wll ek while rng oon eee. ee Spposte acon cnet True, Sateen istry HA ace eimai (Sune se Stem ge spNOTtoowsteninata gate (o) Staten Tre, Statement israel (3) Stan sFbe Stone 29 eo ‘Topic-2: Motion of Connected Bodies, Pulley & Equilibrium of Forces ‘8 and m, =; sage yas tone A Fictions. A force Fis applied onthe suse mass, moves upward with an accelerant ‘The vale of is. ne (Take g= 10s) Ming (Take: ht 29 a rc =a G@ 340N () ZWON ©) 3120N (ayy Fora fle body diagram shown i the gu fires ane appli inthe" andy diecions, hata foyce must be applied and at what angle wih pa ans so thatthe net aoceleration of bay ie (Main July 25,2000) @ anes ap ) BNIB" © a a 4 2 4 © RNs ] Owes x ‘A block of mass M placed inside a box descend wi ‘with acceleration a. The block exerts a force ema ‘fourth of ts weight on the floor of the box. The walt [Main Jone @s o£ © Ea we ‘Apon sanding in an leva wih xoerienrs weightloss? (Man Joe (@) When the elevator moves upwand il axeleration ©) Wh rmoves with a Laws of Motion 9. Inthearrangement shown infig- ‘rea, a, a5 and a ae the ae celerations of masses my, ms, im, and m, respectively Which ‘ofthe following relation is tue forthis arrangement? {Main June 26,2022.) (44, +24; +05 +a4-0 ©) a, 44a, +38; Hay=0. (© 4,444 +345 42,0 " (@ 24,+28;434,+44-0 jm The fe of aes 2 hy and # recone by a rales string passing Ove smooth pulleys, Caleue thetime taken by box af mass 8 kg toate the ground srting fom rest (ase g= 10m) [Main Avg 27,2021) @ 034s Cm @ 028 © os: Be @ as ‘Ns 10 is suppende hy a op of eng 4m, fromthe cellng A fore Fis applied Norzntly athe tldpinf herope such athe op alo he rope ‘Bake an angleaf 45 ah he vera Then eg Gfake gl and theopetebemases) {Main dan 20191, 7Jon 20201 @ 10N @ WN WN BN TwoblcksofinassM)=20kgandMs 4. 496 "Bigs connetedby amet oot satig Thessem splledvetealy [¥ Sp by applying fee of 480 N ab Shown, he eso tthe mip of thredis: [Man Online p22, 2013] @ iN () 96N (© 20N @ Nn “Two particles of mass m cach are tied atthe ends of light string oflengh 22, The whole ystem iskeptenaficinles: horizontal surface withthe string held tight so that each ‘mass is at a distance from the centre P(a shown in he few) [Now the mid-point ofthe strings pulled vertically upwards ‘wih a small but constant free FAs result, the particles ‘move towards each theron te surface. The magnitude Of acceleration, when the separation between them becomes 2, is [2007] 129 o 14, The string betwoon blocks of mass and 2m smascless nd inextensible. The system is suspended by a massless Spring a shown, If the string 1S cut find the magnitudes of scceerations of mass 2m and sntanedily feet) 5 12006 - 3M, —1) me © se a £ gg © fe oft 15. Asring fneiible mass ong over clamped paleyof nas msaporsablock oftass i asshown oe igre ‘The fore n the pale ty the clamp igen by [2001S] JiMe é ©) me © [tom on © fitenk oF 16, The pulley and sings shown inthe igre ae moth {nd of nogigible mass For the stem fo remain 9 ‘iui, te angle O shouldbe Toots) oo ©) 37 os 4 @) > (Naaienae 17. Four forces re actng a ae costliest femninfgre Torsion Frc F,toFy ist xwhere oe 1K Aste of 10 lls cach of mass 2 ky are connected via tava and seetchale wring: The aster We alnwed to {Sip over the edge of smth tae ne shown i figure Tension on the string betwee the 7 and KO ball by N when 6 hall just aves the abl [Mal June 26,2022, ett ieee 1 Aiea eae Sao = JEN as shown in fy ure. The value of = Tanessamnom — Lue Sete. ae pamereeay ences Fepeeectecrccmess mc SS carpeine Se Se apace mF secrete — SSoppone the fre is B resolved parallel totem ABand ACoftheframe The ‘mapnitde of the resolved component ‘Sag ine arm ACN ‘Te value of xt the nearest integers wa pnysice poo oD) «eee een 8, 4 Wa 2%. One nd of» horizontal wir in 0 et paint One ol "TH ne Jeng Lisi na vertical wall end supported ya ight neste ight fend the rope fined at point gt Ihinge at point 0. Abiock of HEM ye point Pf the bea, a shown A, nt) 0 2021] The re can sustain 89x Whict ofthe lowing state 0 D 7 law reaction nce tO oe idiom Ene eee rope fr =O 2 One me eNT sched to masses ring wih ‘uc iat er comet 0 at Semen gt ne ale Bese tM morte tk a 208 ns ee fan sewed aes ‘With the spring in its unstretched state. The maximum cane at Whi of the allowing ay rec he cece ie eR Rep cen oe a reaction force at Ois omen 005)" 057%, es faas-0419 sexiie-09%, eutio7y=-0 92) @) + Terre 22. Tepe arrangements fF 24nd (arent Tee nas othe epee Ina he mas mii poy anaching sass tothe er endothe ope In mined py paling the cer nd erope wih ‘osm enor ce F= mT sclera fm ecemein both ose i948 Markl ff [Main March 16,2021) (0 Aimeuension ot othe singe magia fsa ofthe sk ono te it Laws of Motion (©) When ing scioes an extnsin of fr he fst ie, he spent fhe ck cmpaed ost Bw Satestiverrobiems 26, ‘Two blocks of mass 29 kg and 19 kg are suspended from a riid support S by wos spring inde inextensible wires cach ofength 1 meter, Pr acura seep The upper witchasaelgible mass Des Snthelowcr wiehasa unifrm mass of02 25 Inthearangementshown inthe Fig, the nds Pand Qo gh Thewbolesyrem oflocs witerand an unstrichable string move downwards with uniform suppathavean upwardaceleraion of02 [59a] ayced Pulleys 4and Barefixed, (1982-3 Marks] mt. Accclertion du to grovity 99.8 ml Mass M moves upwards with a speed : [1989-6 Marks} ie) e000 © Fndtetnion emi tn te ® Vowo (Find thetension atthe mid-point ofthe upper ie (© 2Uicoso @ Vowo -3: Friction I + Maw OC ARee -Abagis ent droped ona conveyor elt moving at speniof2 mi The tfc of ficion baw te conveyor tan fog is04 Italy. the agape telteeeit tops det fcton, The diane tele Ite onthe elt daring sipping matin ffakeg=10ms") [Main day 27, 2022¢ 2m) 08m) 33m ohm Alek ofmassM ses downon ough nin plane with const velocity. The angle made bythe incline Plane wih brent is. Thermagnitede ofthe conch fxcewillte [Main ny 27 202 @) Me (&) Mgcoss ©) sitermONgeH8 () Me snoop A2kgockispuheapsi vera ally pings hina fre of SN. The coficien of sae ten ews the ck andthe walls 05. fre Fis also 2ppid onthe bak veel over sbown fis) heraximum vac Fay shat the Beck eset smoyeuprard ibe: Main Jue 30, 20220), @ 10s wall O29" ong @ 3N (@ 45N ‘blk of mass 40 kg slides ver a surface, when a mass ‘of 4k is suspended through an inextensible massless ‘ring passing ver frictionless pulley a shown below ‘The eoeficint ofkintc fiction heween the surface and ‘locks 002. The acceleration of block's. (Giveng= 105) [Main June 29,202 (1) Osis @ Ins? ©) Usms © 45m (@ Wilms? 5. Agstemetwoblosksofmasies m= 2kgand M=8kgis ‘lacedonastoth leas shown gue. The cfc ‘fsa Fiction between wo blocks iS, The maximum hint force tat ane ppd tot back of mass sothat the backs move together wil be: [Main June27,2022 0), Lol ml Ler (9,98N ©) 292N 6) WN THAN 6 isc wth a at smal ota Beaker placed en it ata distance etal ssp Ing through te center apd prpendislr to plane with ‘an angular Velocity. The coficient of sae ition tween the bo ofthe beaker and te surface othe Adscis. The beaker illrevolve with the dse if. [Main June25,2022 0) © est rst we @ Re 17, An insect sat the bottom of a hemispherical dich of ‘aus Tm. Itcrawls up the dtc but start slipping afer iUis at height fom the bottom. If the eoeticient of fiction between the round and the insects 0.75, then © Rete © Ree is:(g10ms) [Main Online May 12,2012, Sep. 6, 2020 (@) 020m (b) 045m) 060m (4) 080m 2 Fae © 08m ome? se Meck A nod B masses y= I kg andy =3 kg are re. The soeticent of nd between Ba he Sorte als00 2 The maximum ce F that : i sthat the Back A does eck Bis: [Take g= 10m [Main 10 Ape 201911) @ Nn () 16N @ aN @ EN A. Nock ey on rough intial plane, a shown inthe fare remains at rt upto a maximum free Nov the ‘ncines pane The manumum eternal force wpheintined ‘ane tardesnatmove the lack is 1ON The oem of Se teetenen etdindtepoes tego aremoving ‘shows in the figure. The coficent of friction of Soriamtal surface is 0.15. The minimum weight m that saa be pt ep of tp the maton: (2018) 134g © 23g © O34 5 © m3 Pr sto ie din ih matin ‘cline plane having spe of Tela re roi oate he ne snc hese secre vilfe tgs, Mala Online pe ow cma 2018) (@) ON ) Physics ‘yusatet atm teers ise cee thet 1) Stan a) Dano Given inthe igure aretwo blacks and of weight 208 fa 100 respectively Then aren pened agaist ‘all by farce Fs shown It the coofclont of ition Tesween the blocks is 0 and between block Bad the alls 0.13 the ito rcs applica bythe wal on Dock Bis 12015] @ 10N NE, (@ Woon @ oN ‘small ball of mass m starts ata point A with speed vy fd moves along a fictionless track AB a3 shown. The track BC has coefficient of rcton 3. The all comes to Sopat after traveling adistance L which [Main Online Apri 1, 2014) @ | ® | 8 veisse ast A block is placed on a rough horizontal plane. A time ‘pendent horizontal force F= kt acts en the block, where cis positive constant. The acceleration ime graph af the blocks [Main Online April 28,2013] wy Zz &) cS : ° * © © o—— ee Laws of Motion ee inh agin tame @) 98m. tb) 2m oi oe cipal naoninny tenn Le ne @ 7 19, Ablock afte 10cm = 10m height cm skepton ‘nincimedplne.Thecoficen of fiction betwee thom is Ja. Theinctnation 8 of this inclined plane fon the ‘hrzoual planes gradually increased om 0” Then [2009] (@) 31-30", theblock wil star sliding down the lane (0) thebiockwillremain atrexton the ple up ocean (andthe til topple (©) s10~ 60", theblook will sarin down the plane nd eantnue to doso at higher angles (@ 31060" theblockwllstarslding dow the plane andon irtherinereasing, til topple at erin 6. 20. What isthe maximum value of the force F sch tat the block shown in the arrangement, doesnt move? [20038], SM y= Li © NH WW CIN IN 21, An inset craw up a hemispherical surface ver slowly (ce fig) The coefcent of fiction Between the insect andthe surface is 1/3 the ln joining the centro the hemispherical surfs totheinsect makesan angle «with ‘he vera, the maximum posible value ofa is given by [poo1s} (@) eta-3 © scans 22, A Bock of mas 0.1 kis eld against a wal applying 8 hrvizotl fro of$ Non th lock. the coeticient of ficionbawess the blckand the als 0S, dhemagntase ‘ofthe etna force acting onthe block [1994-1 Mark} () 25N ( O98N (@) 49N |) O4N 23, Nblokof mast kg resto aoughsoctind plane making {mangle of MP witht horzna. The coef tae friction btwoen the Bock and dhe plane is 07. The fictional nce nthe block i980] @) 98N (0) 07-98% /5N (© onSN ( 07-98N {Alocs moving onan incline plane making an angle 45" wth he horizon an the extent of feton ‘Thetexce require just push tupthetnclined plane i times the fre requied jst prevent it or sing down. wedatineN = 10 then Nis pou) 25, Ablockofmas ky ieson hozenal sure ia aeuck ‘Thecnethicten oft rion between the bck ate farce se) theacsleaton ofthe ack 63 the ‘coma frceactingonthe blocks. wens. [1984-2 Marks} ) ‘When a body sides down fom rest along + smooth Inclined planemaking an angle of 10” wih ts hoz ‘tas ime When the sume body sides down fen the restalonga ugh inclined plane making the same angle Sndthroughthesame distance intakes timed, where. Isa constant greater han I. The o-fiient of ton beet yen te eg planeis Jo( =) ay 2, ‘1 x wherex= [Main Online, pil 15,2018 (8); Sep 1,2021 (1) 27, A hanging mass Ns connectod to fou nes bigot ‘mass by wing a ting ple rangement, showin the figure. The bgae1 mass plaedon a horzonal ie slab and being plled by ? Mg fre. ln this situation vein nesting! Matos Nad ims tiga cin sos sm) wines Gh eneceion dst gai mse 28,202 : 28, A tava nig naan xh sie plane making an angle of 30" with the orzo The cficientof friction betwee the body and plane“ ifthe time of ascent is al ofthe time of de salve otis [Main duty 20,2021 A ota 8k instnding ones of word Raving ms itp Trine sete of con between he wo nde foe 0’ them ec hatte boy ‘eric herpes the pce of wd dome ee wien nN Round othe Newest tnnepe [Take = Atvatyfmass 1 kg rests ona xian or with which thas oot of stat sion FIs dst to make the ty move by applying the minimum posible force FN. The vale of willbe ‘ound oT the Nearest integer [Take g= 1057] in Mar ™ Aan inclined planes bet in sc whore sin vr rose section is given by sod in horizontal dtcton, the upper surice ofthis Strved plane fs rough with coefficient of friction S55 the maximum height nema whicha stationary hock wll not slip downwardis ———_45anda fcc aceacson thebok towards Q (4). 048°anda heal free acs the beck wards Q. ‘A panicle Pi sliding down a fitionless hemispherical bao i passes the point at f= 0. Atthis instant oftime, the horizontal component ofits velocity is. Abead Q of the same mass as Ps jected from A a = O along the &) 3. ina sing 48, wit he soa» FS ticketing esc fo Aherepecvetimentaken by Pa Oa 3 aoa te eh of Teh of we © © ® Maid he Fito A block of mass my Pucetogete (ce em Petition 0. varios etek inti wrest a ynaic Siwaye eo Te winorte alae petal man ie ok TSSrdywenme Be tt Ma lesgrcn in Ui 200 tnanetaon doe 0 sav y= 0. [Usetlinformatin: nt inbist tl ith Lise 1. mesind 2 tm emi 3 mys om 4 on, +m on () P2,Q2,R2,83 (@) P2.Q2R3,83 ior Qo Re S ban OP pouenss ragaras4 1 Siete rans Acer die ith dae dante spaced seyret iottatnne tg picd, 25m Soon The cet af Fon wen stand ‘ivserhes ot prove and forcast cont 2 Oe ‘Thedis hasan acceleration of 25 mis? towardsef-F@ theatre te lek wih eps i! ‘Two block 4 and 8 of equal masses are placed on rough inclined planeas shown in igure ‘When and where will the two blocks come on the same line on the inclined plane if they are released simultaneously? Laws of Motion Initially the Bock 4 is J2_m behind the block B. Co. 14, Acurvedin evel road has aradius 75m. The’ (04m [A particle i released on vertical smooth semicveule {tack frm poant X 30 that OX makes angle frm the Sertcal (oe figure, The onnal eaction ofthe tack on The parle vanishes at point ¥ where OY makes angle ‘hhc horizontal. Then: [Maln Online Apr 19,2014) 1 sing = 500 ) sngrene 3 fo sageZond and gemd Atay mem ed one end 8 ig at ot Rromlplane ih consol a ain eng 1m temp se et comgnin nthe sng Som Sacer! eth fe spas e {Main Online April 23,2013] (@) tson @) aon) em (0) Tan lets om osie sated SeeSdaresmg hens neh {i)ismThetaliaraated na Acoanal exela path about vets The mam een tori sing an Bars 326 “he maximum pss abe of tepals otal Graton) is rant) oo © O97 @% ‘ena into cach the ur teas ‘ew Each of te tacit the some eight Be spect wih whe ck nr the tck the once arth ges pmo the rack, the an a izes ® ° bt al speed of a car turning this curved road can b& 3 without skidding. If radius of curved road is Laws of Motion 48 mand the coe! ms, (Take g= 10. 5 True/False 16. A simple pendulum with a bob of mass m swings with an angular amplitude of 40°, When its angular displacement is 20°, the tension in the string is greater than mg cos 20°. [1984-2 Marks} © MOQs with One or More than One Correct Answer 17. A wire, which passes through the hole in a small bead, is bent in the form of quarter of a circle. The wire is fixed vertically ‘on ground as shown in the figure. The bead is released from near the top of the wire and it slides along the wire without friction. Asthe bead moves from 90° ‘: ‘Ato B, the force it applies on the wire is [Adv. 2014] (2) always radially outwards (b) always radially inwards inwards later yutwards later 37 @) Teo 0= Mg (6) T-Mgeoso= 1¢ tangenial acceleration of the (@) T=Mg cos 6 Subject Problems stationary at point P such that the spring makes an angle of 9 Answer Key 1.) uu. @ 20. False L & ll. (a) 21. (82) L 0) UL. () 21. @) L@ Li @ 2: 12. 2. 12. 22. 12. 22. 32. Topic-1 : Ist, lind & IlIrd Laws of Motion (b) 3. (b) 40 5© 6@ 720 8&0 9% @& (b) 13. (a) 14. (a) 15. @) 16. 6) 17. (12) 18. (500) 19. (0.005) (bd) 22. (b) 23. (b) Topic-2 : Motion of Connected Bodies, Pulley & Eq rium of Forces oO 3@ 4© 56. 6@ iO so @ 13. (b) 14. (©) «15. d) 16. (©) «17. B) 18. (36) False 23. (a,b,d) 24, (4) 25. (b) Topic-3 riction @ 3. @) 4@ 5© 60 272@ 80 %X®% Be @ Bb 14 @ 15. bo 6 bo 1.@ Bea Ww 20. @) ® 23 @ 24 6) 2. 6) % G) 2.0 BE 2% WE (25) 33. False 34. (a,c) 35. @) 36. (d) Topic-4 : Circular Motion & Banking of Road (b) 3% © a) 6 (a) 6 (b) no a @ 2WM WO @) 13. @ 14 (24) 15. IK (bo)

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