Renewable Energy and Source in Potosi, Bolivia by Regina Patricia

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Planning the Installation of Home Electricity

Resources by Utilising the Existing Renewable

Energy Source
Regina Patricia

Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are replenished
at a higher rate than they are consumed. Sunlight and wind, for example, are
such sources that are constantly being replenished. Renewable energy sources
are plentiful and all around us. On the other hand, fossil fuels, coal, oil, and
gas are non-renewable resources that take hundreds of millions of years to
form. Fossil fuels, when burned to produce energy, cause harmful greenhouse
gas emissions, such as carbon dioxide. Generating renewable energy creates
far lower emissions than burning fossil fuels. Transitioning from fossil fuels,
which currently account for the lion’s share of emissions, to renewable energy
is key to addressing the climate crisis. Renewable sources are often associated
with green and clean energy, but there are subtle differences between these
three energy types. Where renewable sources are those that are recyclable,
clean energy is those that do not release pollutants like carbon dioxide, and
green energy is that which comes from natural sources. While there is often a
cross-over between these energy types, not all renewable energy types are fully
clean or green. For example, some hydroelectric sources can damage natural
habitats and cause deforestation.

INTRODUCTION nowadays to minimalize the effect it

has on our earth. Examples of this
Energy is divided into two different are that they differ from fossil fuels
types of energy, renewable energy principally in their diversity,
and non-renewable energy. abundance and potential for use
Renewable energy is a resource that anywhere on the planet, but above
can be replenished naturally over all, in that they produce neither
time. Renewable energy is the greenhouse gases which cause
alternative energy that is used climate change nor polluting
emissions. Their costs are also
falling and at a sustainable rate, Unlike renewable resources, once a
whereas the general cost trend for non-renewable resource is depleted,
fossil fuels is in the opposite it cannot be recovered. As the
direction despite their present human population continues to grow
volatility. Unlike renewable energy, and finite resources become
non-renewable energy cannot increasingly scarce, the demand for
naturally replenish itself which renewable resources increases.
means that nonrenewable resources
are limited in supply ad cannot be RENEWABLE RESOURCES
used sustainably. USED FOR ENERGY

Fossil fuels have been used since the

late 1880s to produce the energy we
use. fossil fuels have been our
primary source of energy and this
Renewable resources are resources
has to change because fossil fuels
that have an endless supply because
are non-renewable energy.
they can be replenished. The sun,
Renewable resources that can
the wind, and geothermal heat are
replace fossil fuels in the production
considered inexhaustible and
of energy are a major focus of
therefore are examples of renewable
nations around the world. The
resources. Water is also considered
challenges for successful renewable
a renewable natural resource, as
energy production include reliability
long as there is precipitation.
and expense.
Changing climate patterns have
shown the need for conservation Nations focus on finding renewable
efforts to protect water supplies. resources that can be the alternative
to fossil fuels that are cheaper and
Other natural resources are
way more effective than fossil fuels
considered renewable even though
so that they can decrease air
some time and effort must go into
pollution with heightened CO2
their renewal. In addition, most
levels, global warming and water
precious metals are considered
renewable because they're reusable.
Since they are not destroyed during As time went by, there are more and
their extraction and use, they can be more renewable resources that are
recycled. found can be used as alternatives to
non-renewable resources. There are
7 types of renewable energy sources attractive as a renewable energy
which includes: Solar, Wind, source because of its inexhaustible
Hydroelectric, Geothermal, Ocean, supply and its nonpolluting
Hydrogen and Biomass. character, in stark contrast to the
finite fossil fuels coal, petroleum,
SOLAR ENERGY and natural gas.

The Sun is an extremely powerful

energy source, and the sunlight is by
far the largest source of energy
received by Earth, but its intensity at
Earth’s surface is quite low. This is
essential because of the enormous
radial spreading of radiation from
the distant Sun. A relatively minor
Solar energy is any type of heat and additional loss is due to Earth’s
radiant light from the Sun that can atmosphere and clouds, which
be harnessed with technologies such absorb or scatter as much as 54 per
as solar power which is used to cent of the incoming sunlight. The
generate electricity and solar sunlight that reaches the ground
thermal energy which is used for consists of nearly 50 per cent visible
applications such as water heating. light, 45 per cent infrared radiation,
and smaller amounts of ultraviolet
There are three primary
and other forms of electromagnetic
technologies by which solar energy
is harnessed: photovoltaics (PV),
which directly convert light to There are different ways of
electricity; concentrating solar capturing solar radiation and
power (CSP), which uses heat from converting it into usable energy. The
the sun (thermal energy) to drive methods use either active solar
utility-scale, electric turbines; and energy or passive solar energy.
solar heating and cooling (SHC) Active solar technologies use
systems, which collect thermal electrical or mechanical devices to
energy to provide hot water and air actively convert solar energy into
heating or conditioning. another form of energy, most often
heat or electricity. Passive solar
In the 21st century, solar energy is
technologies do not use any external
expected to become increasingly
devices. Instead, they take
advantage of the local climate to of 98 in the past two decades,
heat structures during the winter and jumping from 7.5 GW in 1997 to
reflect heat during the summer. some 733 GW by 2018 according to
IRENA’s data. Onshore wind
The potential for solar energy is capacity grew from 178 GW in 2010
enormous since about 200,000 times to 699 GW in 2020, while offshore
the world’s total daily electric- wind has grown proportionately
generating capacity is received by more, but from a lower base, from
Earth every day in the form of solar 3.1 GW in 2010 to 34.4 GW in
energy. Unfortunately, though solar 2020. Production of wind power
energy itself is free, the high cost of increased by a factor of 5.2 between
its collection, conversion, and 2009 and 2019 to reach 1412 TWh.
storage still limits its exploitation in
many places. Solar radiation can be As the technology has improved and
converted either into thermal energy scaled up, costs have fallen and
(heat) or into electrical energy, capacity factors have risen. Between
though the former is easier to 2010 and 2020, the global weighted
accomplish. average Levelized cost of electricity
(LCOE) of onshore wind fell by
WIND ENERGY 56%, from USD 0.089/kWh to USD
0.039/kWh. Over the same period,
Wind energy describes the process
the LCOE of newly commissioned
by which the wind is used to
offshore wind projects fell by
generate mechanical power or
around half (48%).
electricity. Wind turbines convert
the kinetic energy in the wind into Wind turbine capacity has increased
mechanical power. This mechanical over time. In 1985, typical turbines
power can be used for specific tasks had a rated capacity of 0.05 MW
(such as grinding grain or pumping and a rotor diameter of 15 metres.
water) or can be converted into Today’s new wind power projects
electricity by a generator. have a turbine capacity in the 3-4
MW range onshore and 8-12 MW
Wind power has grown rapidly
since 2000, driven by R&D,
supportive policies and falling costs. The amount of power that can be
Global installed wind generation harvested from wind depends on the
capacity – both onshore and size of the turbine and the length of
offshore – has increased by a factor its blades. The output is
proportional to the dimensions of HYDROELECTRIC ENERGY
the rotor and the cube of the wind
speed. Theoretically, when wind Hydroelectric energy is a renewable
speed doubles, the wind power source of energy that generates
potential increases by a factor of power by using a dam or diversion
eight. structure to alter the natural flow of
a river or other body of water.
Wind turbines first emerged more People have used this over two
than a century ago. Following the thousand years ago in Greece, using
invention of the electric generator in flowing water to turn the wheel of
the 1830s, engineers started their mill to ground their wheat into
attempting to harness wind energy flour.
to produce electricity. Wind power
generation took place in the United Hydropower relies on the endless,
Kingdom and the United States in constantly recharging system of the
1887 and 1888, but modern wind water cycle to produce electricity,
power is considered to have been using a fuel—water—that is not
first developed in Denmark, where reduced or eliminated in the process.
horizontal-axis wind turbines were Hydropower utilizes turbines and
built in 1891 and a 22.8-metre wind generators to convert that kinetic
turbine began operation in 1897. energy into electricity, which is then
The modern wind power sector fed into the electrical grid to power
emerged in the 1980s. homes, businesses, and industries.

The energy available from the

moving water depends on both the
volume of the water flow and the
change in elevation from one point
to another. The greater the flow and
the higher the head, the more
electricity can be generated.
elevation to a reservoir located at a
higher elevation. When there is high
electricity demand, water located in
the higher pool is released. As this
water flows back down to the lower
reservoir, it turns a turbine to
generate more electricity.

There are three different types of
hydroelectric energy plants, the
most common being an
impoundment facility. In an
impoundment facility, a dam is used
to control the flow of water stored in
a pool or reservoir. When more
energy is needed, water is released
from the dam. Once water is
released, gravity takes over and the
water flows downward through a
turbine. As the blades of the turbine
spin, the power a generator.
Geothermal energy is when the heat
Another type of hydroelectric within the earth is generated into
energy plant is a diversion facility. other energy. This is a renewable
This type of plant is unique because resource that can be harvested for
it does not use a dam. Instead, it human use. the heat from magma
uses a series of canals to channel can be captured and used directly
flowing river water toward the for heat, or their steam can be used
generator-powering turbines. to generate electricity. Geothermal
energy can be used to heat structures
The third type of plant is called a such as buildings, parking lots, and
pumped-storage facility. This plant sidewalks.
collects the energy produced from
solar, wind, and nuclear power and Most of the Earth's geothermal
stores it for future use. The plant energy does not bubble out as
stores energy by pumping water magma, water, or steam. It remains
uphill from a pool at a lower in the mantle, emanating outwards
at a slow pace and collecting as conversion (OTEC) plants may be
pockets of high heat. This dry land-based as well as floating or
geothermal heat can be accessed by grazing.
drilling, and enhanced by injecting
water to create steam.


Ocean energy refers to all forms of

renewable energy derived from the
sea. For example, there are three
main types of ocean technology:
wave, tidal and ocean thermal.

Wave energy is generated by

converting the energy within ocean HYDROGEN ENERGY
waves into electricity. Tidal energy
comes in two forms, both of which Hydrogen is a versatile energy
generate electricity: carrier (not an energy source).
Hydrogen is an energy carrier that can
Tidal range technologies harvest the be used to store, move, and deliver
potential energy created by the energy produced from other sources.
height difference between high and Hydrogen is a clean fuel that, when
low tides. Barrages (dams) harvest consumed in a fuel cell, produces
tidal energy from different ranges. only water. Hydrogen can be
produced from a variety of domestic
Tidal stream (or current) resources, such as natural gas, nuclear
technologies capture the kinetic power, biomass, and renewable power
energy of currents flowing in and like solar and wind.
out of tidal areas (such as
seashores). Tidal stream devices
operate in arrays, similar to wind

Ocean thermal energy is generated

by converting the temperature
difference between the ocean's
surface water and deeper water into These qualities make it an attractive
energy. Ocean thermal energy fuel option for transportation and
electricity generation applications. It animals. The most common biomass
can be used in cars, in houses, for materials used for energy are plants,
portable power, and in many more wood and waste. These are called
applications. Today, hydrogen fuel biomass feedstocks. Biomass energy
can be produced through several can also be a non-renewable energy
methods. The most common methods source.
today are natural gas reforming (a
thermal process), and electrolysis. Biomass contains energy first
Other methods include solar-driven derived from the sun: Plants absorb
and biological processes. the sun's energy through
photosynthesis, and convert carbon
dioxide and water into nutrients
(carbohydrates). The energy from
these organisms can be transformed
into usable energy through direct
and indirect means. Biomass can be
burned to create heat (direct),
converted into electricity (direct), or
processed into biofuel (indirect).


Biomass energy is energy generated

or produced by living or once-living
organisms. The most common
biomass materials used for energy
are plants, such as corn and soy,
above. The energy from these
organisms can be burned to create
heat or converted into electricity.
Biomass is organic, meaning it is
made of materials that come from
living organisms, such as plants and
supply of silver for the Spanish
PRESENT RESEARCH Empire until Guanajuato in Mexico
surpassed it in the 18th century and
is honeycombed with thousands of
Potosí, known as Villa Imperial de
mines. A mountain popularly
Potosí in the colonial period, is the
conceived of as being made of silver
capital city and a municipality of the
ore that dominates the city, its peak
Department of Potosí in Bolivia. It is
is 4,824 m above sea level. Potosí
one of the highest cities in the world
and its region prospered enormously
at a nominal 4,090 m. Potosí is now
following the discovery of the New
known for its well-preserved
World’s biggest silver lodes in the
colonial architecture and unusual
Cerro de Potosí south of the city.
geographic setting as one of the
Legend attributes its name to
highest cities in the world.
potojchi or Potosi, a Quechua word
meaning “deafening noise,” or
In 1545, the city came into existence
after the discovery of silver there
after the discovery of silver Within
three decades its population
surpassed 150,000, making it the
largest city in the New World. The
population declined from a peak of
Potosi is a city in the south of 160,000 in about 1650 as silver
Bolivia 90 km southwest of Sucre. It production waned, and a typhus
is one of the world’s highest cities epidemic in 1719 claimed the lives
with an elevation of 4,090 m, Potosi of some 22,000 residents. By the
stands on a cold and barren plateau early 19th century, Potosí had fewer
in the shadow of the fabled Potosí than 20,000 inhabitants, but the
Mountain which is also called the subsequent rise of tin mining again
“Rich Mountain”, a mountain spurred growth.
popularly conceived of as being
"made of" silver ore that dominates Today, Potosí continues to be an
the city. The Cerro Rico is the important mining centre and is the
reason for Potosí's historical largest urban centre in the
importance since it was the major Department of Potosí with a
population of 264,402. A growing with an average daily high
city, Potosí is now famous for its temperature above 63°F. The hottest
well-preserved colonial architecture, month of the year in Potosí is
and unusual geographic setting as December, with an average high of
one of the highest cities in the world. 64°F and a low of 38°F. while the
winter in Potosi lasts for 2 months,
from June to August, with an
average daily high temperature
below 57°F. The coldest month of
the year in Potosí is July, with an
average low of 25°F and a high of

In Potosí, the average percentage of

the sky covered by clouds
Because of its altitude, Potosi is cold experiences extreme seasonal
throughout most of the year. variation over the course of the year.
Temperatures average a mere 55ºF The clearer part of the year in Potosí
(13ºC) during the summer, begins around April and lasts for 6
December to March and dip to months, ending around October. The
below freezing during the winter clearest month of the year in Potosí
from June to August. Rain is August, during which on average
frequently turns to hail or snow. the sky is clear, mostly clear, or
Expect average temperatures of partly cloudy 73% of the time. The
about 40ºF (5ºC) during the cloudier part of the year begins
remaining 6 months of the year. around October and lasts for 6
months, ending around April. The
cloudiest month of the year in Potosí
is January, during which on average
the sky is overcast or mostly cloudy
75% of the time.

The summer in Potosi lasts for 3

months, from October to December,
in Potosí changes throughout the
year. The rainy season usually lasts
for 9 months, from August to May.
The month with the rainiest days in
Potosí is January, with an average of
13.4 days. Snow is very common in
Potosi and usually lasts around 3
months, from May to August. The
A wet day in Potosi is one with at month with the most days of snow
least 0.04 inches of liquid or liquid- alone in Potosí is June, with an
equivalent precipitation. The wetter average of 0.6 days.
season lasts for around 3 months,
from December to March, with a OVERVIEW OF RENEWABLE
greater than 24% chance of a given SOURCES AT POTOSI
day being a wet day. The month
with the wettest days in Potosí is Hydrocarbons, primarily natural gas,
January, with an average of 13.4 are an important element of Bolivia's
days with at least 0.04 inches of economy and account for 8% of the
precipitation. The drier season lasts country's GDP. Bolivia's
around 8 months, from March to hydrocarbon exports accounted for
December. The month with the least 54% of total export revenue in 2014.
wet days in Potosí is July, with an The recent drop in oil prices caused
average of 0.9 days with at least Bolivia's energy export revenues to
0.04 inches of precipitation. Among fall by nearly 1% to $6.57 billion in
wet days, we distinguish between 2014 and is expected to negatively
those that experience rain alone, impact the amount of investment in
snow alone, or a mixture of the two. hydrocarbon projects in Bolivia.

Traditional biomass is an important

fuel for heating and cooking,
especially for the 1.2 million
Bolivians who lack access to
electricity, according to the
International Energy Agency's latest
2012 estimates. The electrification
Based on this categorization, the rate of 88% masks the disparity in
most common form of precipitation urban and rural populations: more
than 99% of city dwellers have Bolivia (DANIDA) donated USD 6
access to electricity, compared to million.
66% of those living in rural areas.
For those who have access to The plant supplies a total of 54
electricity, natural gas-fired plants thousand inhabitants from five
and hydropower are the dominant towns with electricity. It is a good
sources of Bolivia's electricity example of a local energy transition
supply. as it shows how small-medium
Although Latin America has towns can benefit from renewable
advanced in renewable energy energy and the expansion of the
generation in recent years, the national grid to areas that have
storage issue has not moved forward historically lacked access to
to the same extent. The conventional electricity. The Cobija PV plant has
view remains one of building reduced the annual consumption of
electric towers and transformation 1.9 million litres of subsidized
stations to transmit electricity miles diesel, saving the Bolivian economy
away from the generation sites, a about USD 1.8 million annually. It
very expensive and inefficient also reduces Bolivia's carbon
option. Emilio Godoy explains. emissions by 5000 CO2 tons
Bolivia is taking some first small annually.
steps to develop small storage
energy systems to support the Bolivia is a fossil-fuel-dependent
national grid. The Cobija solar plant economy. Rich in natural gas, the
in the northwestern part of Bolivia country depends on the exploitation
was first connected to the grid in of natural gas. In 2015, natural gas
September 2014 and has a 5 MW generated 57% of the 9Thw total
capacity. It is an exciting new electricity generation. Hydro plants
project because it has a 2.2 MW were the second largest source of
lithium-battery storage system. The electricity and accounted for 27% of
solar plant is owned by Eléctrica that year. Renewables made up 14%
Guaracachi, a subsidiary of the of the country's installed capacity,
National Company of Electricity. derived from biomass, small hydro,
The project required a USD 11.3 solar and wind.
million investment, from which the
state company invested USD 4.98 Bolivia aspires to change its energy
million and the international Danish mix significantly by 2025,
Corporation for Development in expanding its renewable energy
capacities. The country aims to a lot of different types of renewable
generate 74% of its electricity from energy, which ones fit Potosi the
renewables, including hydro. most? what will Bolivia do to
Natural gas will generate more than advance it? Bolivia’s government
30%. The plan is to have around 700 are working to find out the solution
MW come from renewables by to this problem and what will they
2025. do in the future to advance it so that
the people who live in Bolivia,
PROCEDURES Potosi to be specific can live their
lives to the fullest while
 Analysing the topography and participating in less use of non-
the climate of Potosi, Bolivia renewable energy and uses
 Describe all of the potential renewable energy instead.
renewable sources that are
available in Potosi, Bolivia COMPARING THE
 Find the best renewable RENEWABLE RESOURCES
source technology to provide
your electric resource Looking at Potosi’s geographical
 Design the flowchart condition, solar energy and wind
installation from each energies are the best alternative
technology that is suitable for energy or renewable energy for
the topography of Bali Potosi. With Potosi elevation, it
 Complete the design with the means that Potosi will have more
properties that are needed to sun and wind than the rest of
conserve the energy until Bolivia. There is more wind in the
those energies ready to use mountain because as the moving air
 Complete every step of the is pushed over a mountain range it is
utilities, especially for the squeezed between the mountains and
utilities that apply the the top of the troposphere, causing
conservation energy principals the wind to speed up. Besides the
wind, the sunlight in places with
RESULT high elevation is brighter than in any
other place because the sun's rays
have less atmosphere to travel
Bolivia is having a hard challenge
finding workable energy to
Besides the fitted geographical
transition out of fossil fuels energy
condition, solar energy and wind
to new renewable energy. There are
energy are a few of the cheapest saving the earth. Because renewable
renewable energy. Solar and wind energy generates energy that
energy have low operating expenses produces no greenhouse gas
because there are no associated fuel emissions unlike fossil fuels and
costs, unlike fossil fuels. With the reduces air pollution.
cheap prices, it will be easier to
convince the people who live in REFERENCE
Potosi to alternate to solar and wind 
energy instead of fossil fuels. This climatechange/what-is-
will most likely convince the people renewable-energy
who don’t like a cheaper alternative, 
they can save money and also live technical-knowledge/faqs/
better for both themselves and the renewable-energy
earth.  https://
CONCLUSION /environment/article/
This project using the renewable 
energy of solar and wind will most renewable-energy/?
definitely work because it has so _adin=02021864894
many benefits for both the people 
and the earth. Solar energy and wind place/Potosi-Bolivia
energy are way cheaper than fossil 
fuels because it doesn’t take a lot of bolivia
money to make solar and wind
energy, unlike fossil fuels. This will
have a huge impact on Potosi,
Most people living in Bolivia cannot
afford electricity because it is too
expensive for them and they don’t
have enough money to just spend it
on electricity. So, with the change to
 https://
solar and wind power and them
being way cheaper than fossil fuels,
not only they will live better but
they can also help contribute to
 https://
 https://
 https://
 https://

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