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<CO>: <22412>: <Java Programming>: <Exception handling and multithreading >: <LO3a & LO3b>: <Study Material>
<Sushama Pawar> <10/11/2020> <Prof.Vijay Patil >

Key words Learning Objective: Diagram/ Picture

Thread, multithread, Students should understand concept of multithreds in program. Draw exception
creating thread Students should create thread by extending to thread class and by hierarchy?
implementing runnable interface.

Key Questions Concept Map

What is thread?
What is
How to create thread?

A thread is a: Key Definitions/

 Facility to allow multiple activities within a
single process
1. Thread is light weight
 Referred as lightweight process process.
 A thread is a series of executed statements 2. Multithreading is
 Each thread has its own program counter, stack technique that
and local variables allows a program or
 A thread is a nested sequence of method calls
Solved word Problem  Its shares memory, files and per-process state process to execute
A multithreading is: many task
 It is technique that allows a program or process concurrently
to execute many task concurrently.
 It allows process to run its task in parallel mode
on single processor system.
 In multithreading concept several multiple light
weight processes run in a single process by
single processor.
 A multi-threaded program is one that can have
multiple flows of control when executed.
 At some time instance, there may exist multiple
instructions or execution points) that are being
executed in the program
Ex: in a Web browser we may do the following tasks at
the same time:
1. scroll a page,
2. download an applet or image,
3. play sound,
4. print a page.
There are two ways by which we can create thread
a) By extending thread class
b) b runnable interface
Application of Concept/ Examples in real life Link to YouTube/ OER/
The most significant benefits of multithreading are:

 Better CPU utilization.

 Simpler program design in some situations.
 More responsive programs.
 More fair division of CPU resources
between different tasks.

Key Take away from this LO3a and LO3: Students should understand concept of multithreads in program.
Students should create thread by extending to thread class and by implementing runnable interface.

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