Porfolio Assessment 011

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• Sensory Table

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• The Sensory Table teaches math skills as children measure volume, weight, and •
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• distance. Children learn about opposites, such as more or less, empty or full, and solid or •
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• liquid. They develop fine motor skills as they scoop, pour, drip, dump, and mix. Children •
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develop science skills as they explore textures and learn new vocabulary as they investi- •
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• gate materials, such as funnels, water wheels, stirrers, and pipettes. They experiment with •
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• new iddeas as thhey move wet sand to make a water chhannell, canall, or ddam. This center is •
• a valuable place for young children to play. •
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• Technology Center •
• A young child's first experience with a computer usually consists of watching •
• the screen and making the arrow move to a particular place using the mouse. Next, ••

• children match letters using the mouse and keyboard, choose activities using the menu •
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• and keyboard, and use the mouse to do an activity. There are many software choices •
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• that embed skill development in a game format. Children choose their CD and load the •
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• software. Children love to learn in the Technology Center. •
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Creating a Centers-Based Environment 11
© 2010 Frog Street Press, Inc.

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