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Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:

Having good grades during excessive anxiety and general difficulties in

controlling her life
concerned about health
Feeling depressed
Flunk every test

Age of Onset: Age of 20

Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
excessive anxiety Flunk every test
agitation feared making a fool of herself and losing his
general difficulties in controlling her life interest when with her bf

Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both

felt depressed
dropping out college
occasional panic attack

Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
repeatedly threatened to drop courses after feared making a fool of herself and losing his
only several weeks of classes because she interest when with her bf
feared that she would not understand the

flunk every test

Social Physical:
Not having many friends Extreme agitation
Family History

Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

 Behavioral Influences:

 Biological Influences: Genetics

 Emotional Influences:

 Social Influences:

Primary Diagnosis:

Treatment Strategies:
Medication: Tranquilizers
Psychological Treatments: use cognitive-behavioral treatment CBT

Case 2 – Mrs. M.
Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:
Does not go out in the apartment for long time
Very Friendly suffered from panic disorder and agoraphobia for
more than 30 years.

Age of Onset: early in her marriage –

around 37 yrs old
Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
Panic attacks Limited contacts with people
Don’t open doors, afraid of hallway

Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both

Areas in the apartment signaled panic Decline treatment
Been in her room for long time

Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
N/A Afraid even in the hallway

Social Physical:
Almost no social contact

Family History

Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

 Behavioral Influences:

 Biological Influences:

 Emotional Influences:

 Social Influences: During her early mairrage life that she experienced panc attacks
which results to her anxiety,

Primary Diagnosis:

Panic Disorder and Agoraphobia

Treatment Strategies:


Physical Interventions

Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:

Obedient to his parent Does not socialize
Does not speak up in class
Quiet Had no friends


Age of Onset: When Billy was at junior

high school
Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
He has emotional breakdown every time if Unwilling to attend social activities
he was being called that made him sick in Usually stalls in the boy’s restroom during lunch
the stomach. to avoid the crowd

Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both

His fear of social situation hindered him to He has risk in harming his health for he stalls in
have friends and join social activities the bathroom during lunch rather than eat his
It also intervened with his school lunch which could cause serious health
performance complications
Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
His fear of being called by his teacher get He doesn’t socialize because he feared that he’d
away with his academic performance be humiliated in front of other people.

Social Physical:
has no friends

Family History
Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

Behavioral Influences: Person with SAD may have experienced brutal taunting, teasing and
bullying during their childhood.
Biological Influences: Person with SAD could have inherit a generalized biological
vulnerability to develop and anxiety, a biological tendency to be socially inhibited
Emotional Influences: Stressful environment could increase an individual’s vulnerability to
anxiety. Stress also causes unexpected panic attack in social situation
Social Influences: A person with SAD are afraid to have another panic attack during a social
situation that causes them to avoid any social activities.
Primary Diagnosis:
Social Anxiety Disorder

Treatment Strategies:
Cognitive Therapy Program

Drug Medication

Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:

Distress at exposure to similar stimuli
Regressive behavior
Sleep Disturbances
Startle Response
Anger outburst
Repetitive play- trauma themes

Age of Onset: Jeff – 8 years old

Marcie – 6 years old
Cathy – 4 years old
Susan – 2 years old
Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
Could experience emotional breakdown Developed fear even of the daily routines that
during their nightmares or when they’ll be they used to do.
triggered by similar stimuli. Feared medical procedures

Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both

Experiences nightmares Can be aggressive when triggered
Developed separation anxiety May cause risks during their anger outburst
The trauma
Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
It could also affect their academic They could be hysterical during and after
performance when they avoid talking nightmares/
during class or they might not want to join They could easily be startled.
any school activities. They could experiences emotional outburst when
The trauma may cause their decrease in triggered.
their academic performance for they might
be uncomfortable going to school
frightened that something may trigger.

Social Physical:.
The trauma might limit their socialization They could hurt themselves during anger
and just chose to stay at home. outburst and aggressive behavior
Marcie have mark left by the stitches.
Family History

Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

Behavioral Influences: person with PTSD might worsen due to provocation and bullying.
Biological Influences: could be a generalized biological vulnerability and can be inherited
from any relative
Emotional Influences: PTSD could be caused by exposure to assaultive or violence situations
Social Influences: exposure to any social violence could cause PTSD
Primary Diagnosis:
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Treatment Strategies:
 Cognitive Behavior Therapy whuch is a type of psychotherapy that has consistently been
found to be the most effective treatment of PTSD both in the short term and the long term.
CBT for PTSD is trauma-focused, meaning the trauma event(s) are the center of the

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