Case Analysis Delao

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Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:
  He was not able to focus on class
instruction and tasks.
 Problems in writing
 Easily gets frustrated when things are not
 Not interested in making friends and
often on his own world

Age of Onset: Age of 7

Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
 He spends 1–2 hours daily in his  Does not respond when called by name
own world re-enacting fantasy with  Responds without looking at people

Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both

 Gets frustrated when making  He easily gets frustrated which can cause
mistakes and if things are not seem harm to himself or others
 Seldom chats or talk to people
 Does not allow interruption

Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
 Not able to focus in class  Easily gets frustrated with small things,
instructions and tasks like mistakes, etc.
 Problems in writing

Social Physical:
 Not interested in making friends None
and does not often talk to people
 Don’t tolerate interruption when he
talks about his interests
Family History

Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

 Behavioral Influences: There is a little possibility that the cause of behavior was bad
parenting and that the behaviors manifested by the child was influenced by his parents
being perfectionist or having high standards on their son.

 Biological Influences: Could be caused by disturbances in normal brain development

early in life. Defects in genes that drive brain development and influence how brain
cells communicate with one another could be the cause of these disturbances.

 Emotional Influences: Routine is extremely important to people with ASD so getting

him off the routine can cause him emotional outburst or frustration.

 Social Influences: Parents play a great role in child development, social environment
can influence the behavior of the child.

Primary Diagnosis:
The patient has persistent in social communication and interaction and has restricted behaviors
with inflexible adherence to routines and having fixated interest in World War 2 which is all
clearly symptoms of ASD.

Treatment Strategies:
Psychosocial Programs which basically focusing on teaching him basic necessary social skills
and enhances his communication with people. Building skills and treatment for behavioral
problems through behavioral approaches.
Can also integrate medication using tranquilizers and serotonin to decrease agitation.
Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:
  Noncompliant in school and has hit staff
and pupils.
 Problems in social communication and
restricted interests
 has stereotyped repetitive motor
 fixed routines

Age of Onset: Age of 7, had early delay in

Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
 Inappropriate facial expressions  Mannerisms
 Restricted patterns of interest  Smiles in distress
 Noncompliant  Odd response
 Not concerned on the context context

Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both

 Not initiating social communication  Hitting staffs and pupils
 Restricted behaviors
 Language is stereotyped

Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
 Problems in school behavior  unconcerned about modulating behavior
according to the social context

Social Physical:
 Having poor development in peer Repetitive motor mannerism
 Odd responses
Family History

Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

 Behavioral Influences: There's a chance that the root of the child's behavior was poor
parenting, and that the child's behaviors were impacted by his parents upbringing.
 Biological Influences: Disturbances in normal brain development early in childhood
could be the cause. These issues could be caused by defects in genes that control brain
development and alter how brain cells communicate with one another.
 Emotional Influences: Because regularity is so important to persons with ASD,
breaking it might result in emotional outbursts or anger which may be the cause of him
hitting staffs..

 Social Influences: Parents have an important part in a child's development, and the
social environment can impact a child's conduct.

Primary Diagnosis:
The patient has deficits in social communication which results to failure in developing peer
relationship and the patient manifested restricted patterns of behavior which results to over
focus (DVD), also have stereotyped repiririve motor mannerisms. Therefore, the patient has
Autism Sspectrum Disorder

Treatment Strategies:
Psychosocial Interventions that primarily focus on teaching him basic social skills and
improving his interpersonal communication. Using behavioral techniques to build skills and
treat behavioral issues.
Can also integrate medication using tranquilizers and serotonin to decrease agitation.
Patient’s Strengths: Parents’/Patient’s Concerns:
 Have good relationships with  Lack of self control and messy]
family  Underperforming and sometimes lost.
 Good at math  Fights with siblings
 Difficulties in sleeping
 Losing things often

Age of Onset: Very early age

Criteria of a Psychological Disorder
Psychological Dysfunction Deviancy
 Lack of self control and messy  Losing things often
 Underperforming and sometimes  experiences sleep difficulties, messy
lost  room, messy notebooks, and backpack,
loses things, avoids homework,
resistsbedtime, poor hygiene, and
difficult to wake in the morning and slow
with routine.
Distress or Impairment Risk to Self, Others or Both
 sleep difficulties/ waking  fights with siblings
 lack of control
Evidence of Impairment:
Academic: Emotional:
 avoids homework  lack of self control
Social Physical:
 social relationship difficulties Fight with siblings
 fights

Family History

parents got separated

Etiology: (What are the possible causes of the maladaptive behaviors?

 Behavioral Influences: defiant and aggrwssive behavior

 Biological Influences: can be caused by genetic factors and
 Emotional Influences: parents separation can contribute
 Social Influences: Parents have an important part in a child's development, and the
social environment can impact a child's conduct.

Primary Diagnosis:
The patient has persistent pattern of inattention when he is sometimes lost, and manisfesting
impulsive behaviors which leads me conclude that the patient has ADHD.

Treatment Strategies:
Behavior therapy:includes programs which could develop the childs’ social skills and slowly
eliminate deviant behavior and integrate medications like stimulants

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