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School Flaviano Pelagia-Pantoja Memorial Grade Level Grade Four

Elementary School

LESSON Teacher Sara A. Glorioso Learning Area Science

Teaching Date Quarter Second Quarter
R January 9-10, 2023
(Week 8)

Teaching Time 1:00 – 1:50 PM No. of Days 2

I. OBJECTIVES Describe some types of interactions among living things.

A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate understanding of beneficial and harmful interactions
occur among living things and their environment as they obtain basic needs.

B. Performance Standard The learners should be able to construct a prototype model of organism that
has body parts which can survive in a given environment.

C. Most Essential Learning Describe some types of beneficial and harmful interactions among living
Competencies (MELC) things.
(if available write the indicated MELC)

D. Enabling Competencies

(if available write the attached enabling competencies)

II. CONTENT Beneficial Interactions Among Living Things in Their Environment


A. References

a. Teacher’s Guide Pages

b. Learner’s Material Pages

c. Textbook Pages

d. Additional Materials from Power point presentation, laptop, illustrations, charts, puzzle, manila paper,
Learning Resources activity sheets

B. List of Learning Resources for

Development and Engagement Activities


A. Engagement Review through playing Passing the Ball. Let the pupils complete the
following phrase:

Yesterday we learned __________.

Play a lively music while doing the activity.

B. Exploration 1.Introduce the activity and give instructions on how to accomplish the
different tasks.

2. Ask the pupils to perform Lesson 40: LM Activity 1: Are They Meant for
Each Other?

3. Monitor each group as they are performing the activity. Give assistance
whenever needed.

4. Allot time for the finalization of the group output.

C. Explanation Before discussing the answers to the different questions, let each group
present their output. Discuss the answers to the different guide questions and
give additional output if necessary.

Guide Questions:

Picture A. Butterflies and Flowers

1. What do butterflies do with the flowers? As they obtain nectar, what do

bees also pick up from flowers?

2. what will happen to the pollen of flowers that stick to the legs of the

3. What is the importance of the butterflies to the flowers? How do you

describe their relationship?

4. Do they benefit from each other?

Picture B. Plants and Fish in an Aquarium

1. What do plants provide to the fishes in the aquarium?

2. What do the fishes give to the plants in the aquarium?

3. How do they relate from one another? Are they both benefited? Why?

4. Can you describe the kind of interaction between the plants and the fishes
in the aquarium?

Picture C. Orchids and Tree

1. What help does a tree gives to orchids?

2. How about the importance of the orchids to a tree?

3. Is the tree affected by the presence of the orchids? Does it benefit from the

4. How can you describe their relationship?

Picture D. Bird’s Nest and a Tree

1. How does a tree helps a bird?

2. Does a bird also helps a tree?

3. Is a tree harmed because of the presence of a bird’s nest?

4. How can you describe this kind of relationship?

-Based on our activities, how can you describe the type of interactions among
living things?

-Why are these interactions among organisms important?

-Can you give similar examples of positive interaction between and among
organisms. State why did you consider this a positive interaction.

D. Elaboration/Extension 1. Have a simple recall of what was discussed in the previous day.

2. Questions:

a. What are the types of beneficial interaction among living things?

b. How can you describe mutualism as beneficial type of interaction?

c. How can you describe commensalism as beneficial type of interaction?

2. Ask the pupils to create a song about the concepts learned. They can make
use of the tune of a familiar song. Let the interpret it through song and dance.

Example: (To the tune of Leron, Leron Sinta)

Types of interaction

Occurring everywhere

All living things we have

Relate with each other

These are interactions

Both species benefit

But there are also some

One only benefits

Analyzing Situations

Group the pupils into two. Give them seven minutes to discuss and prepare
their answers on a manila paper. After seven minutes, ask them to report in

a. Some ants live in acacia leaves. How do these living things relate with one

b. Small fishes live among the tentacles of the sea anemone gaining
protection and eating scraps for their food. What type of relationship do they

c. Go out and observed in the school grounds. Let the pupils identify positive
interactions they could find. Discuss why the interactions are beneficial?

V. EVALUATION Describe the type of interaction that exists among the organisms below. Write
the importance of these interactions.

1. Bees obtaining nectar from the flowers

2. Shark and remoras swimming beside it

3. A boy feeding his dog

VI. ASSIGNMENT Draw at least two pairs of organisms. In two to three sentences, describe the
kind of interaction that exists between them and tell why the type of
interaction is beneficial.

Prepared by:
Sara A. Glorioso
Teacher I

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