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First Grading Examination

October 27- 28, 2022

Name: _________________________________________Section:___________________Score:
“Hate everything that is evil and hold tight to everything that is good.”
- Romans 12:9-
General Directions: Read the following questions comprehensively. Write the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before the number.

Test I- Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. Song written by the folk and are sung to accompany daily activities such farming,fishing and putting
the baby to sleep.
a. Devotional Song c. Harana
b. Folk Song d. Kundiman
2. A fixed set of ceremonies, used during public worship in religion.
a. Liturgy c. Patronage
b. Rondalla d. Urbanized
3. A rattle like musical instrument made of two to four bamboo tubes attached to a bamboo frame.
a. Angklung c. Trombone
b. Euphonium d. Trumpet
4. An instrument the whole of which vibrates to produce a sound when struck, shaken, or scraped, such
as a bell, gong, or rattle.
a. Aerophones c. Idiophones
b. Chordophones d. Membranophones
5. Produces sound primarily by causing a body of air to vibrate without the use of strings or membranes.
a. Aerophones c. Idiophones
b. Chordophones d. Membranophones
6. Produce sound through vibrating string or strings that is either plucked,strummed, or used with a
a. Aerophones c. Electrophones
b. Chordophones d. Membranophones
7. Is any musical instrument which produces sound primarily by way of a vibrating stretched membrane.
a. Aerophones c. Electrophones
b. Chordophones d. Membranophones
8. Produce sound s which is generated by electricity.
a. Aerophones c. Electrophones
b. Chordophones d. Membranophones
9. The following are examples of folk songs EXCEPT:
a. Atin Cu Pung Singsing c. Lupang Hinirang
b. Bahay Kubo d. Sitsiritsit
10. Refers to any music that is not religious in nature.
a. Devotional music c. Sacred music
b. Liturgical music d. Secular music
Test II. Matching Type. Write the correct letter on the space provided.

_______1. Considered as the “Intramuros of the North”. A. Inabel

_______2. A hand weaving technique of the Ilocanos. B. Bul’ul
_______3. An unglazed earthen jar with small opening. C. Ivatans
_______4. A bowl-shaped basket made from rattan. D. Ukit
_______5. People living in the Batanes Group of Islands. E. Vakul
_______6. Traditional kalinga artist or the last “Mambabatok”. F. Vigan
_______7. A wooden sculpture that represents the rice granary spirits. G. Wang-Od
_______8. Bronze amulets worn by the Ifugaos which are fertility symbols. H. Lingling
_______9. Known for its giant lanterns or parol. I.Burnay
_______10. The local term for carving. J. Labba
k. Pampanga
Test III- Fill in the Blanks. Choose the right answer on the space provided.
Frequency Body Composition Balance Agility Dynamic Exercise

Muscular Endurance Muscular Strength Flexibility Coordination

Speed Physical Fitness Cardiovascular Endurance Reaction Time

Static Exercise Power

_________________1. It is a set of abilities that one possesses in order to perform physical activities.
_________________2. Refers to the number of times the heart beats each minute.
_________________3. The maximum pull or push that can be exerted one time by a muscle group.
_________________4. The ability to perform a task or move from one point to another in the shortest
possible time.
_________________5. The ability of the muscles to exert maximal effort in a brief duration.
_________________6. Refers to proportion of lean body mass to fat body mass.
_________________7. The ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion.
_________________8. The ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts of
_________________9. The integration with hand and foot movements with the input of the senses.
_________________10. The amount time it takes to respond to a stimulus.
_________________11. Ability to stay in equilibrium in relation to changes in body composition.
_________________12. Ability to perform one maximum effort in the shortest possible time. The product of
both strength and speed.
_________________13. The ability of an individual to quickly shift or change direction of the body from one
point to the other.
_________________14. Appropriate in the cool down as they help muscles to relax, realign muscle fibers and
re-establish their normal range of movement.
_________________15. Specifically prepare the muscles for active contraction.
Test IV. Computation (5 pts.Each)

1. Weight - 50 kgs 2. Weight - 43 kgs

Height - 1.69 m Height – 1.55 m

Test V. Essay. Construct 2-3 sentences in one paragraph that tells about the changes in adolescents. Observe
the given criteria. (5 points)
(9-10) Excellent Ideas are thoroughly explained, and highly coherent writing, and almost no grammatical errors
(7-8) Good Ideas are explained, coherent writing, and few grammatical errors
(5-6) Satisfactory Ideas are partially explained, and somewhat coherent writing, and several grammatical errors
4 & below Ideas are poorly explained, incoherent writing, many grammatical errors.
(Needs work)


-End of test-
To God be the glory!

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