Research Reviewer

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Introduction to Research
The Nature and Importance of Research
Humans are naturally curious!

- Searching for knowledge
- The formal and disciplined application of scientific inquiry to the study of
o Discovering medical breakthroughs
o Advancing technological developments
o Understanding and solving problems in education, business, economy,
and society.
Importance of Research
1. Gather Relevant Information
2. Improve Quality of Life
3. Understand History
4. Personal and Professional Development
Personal Benefits of Research
1. Good decision maker
2. Good problem solver
3. Good critical and creative thinker
4. Good contributor of knowledge

Research Process
Define your Write your
Make an
topic. problem

Document Write and Evaluate Develop a

your revise your your Research
sources. paper. Sources. Strategy

1. Define your topic

▪ The very first step in conducting research is choosing and defining
your topic.
▪ You have to choose your topic wisely.
2. Write your problem statement
▪ Your problem statement describes what is to be tested during the
entire research process.
3. Make an outline
▪ An outline serves as the first draft of your paper.
4. Develop a research strategy.
▪ This minimizes the time and effort you will be putting on your paper.
5. Evaluate your sources.
▪ You must check the quality and credibility of the sources you will
6. Write and revise your paper.
▪ Check the contents of your paper.
7. Document your sources.
▪ This is important in any research for it shows the credibility of the

Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Quantitative Approach
- Based on numbers and mathematical calculations
Qualitative Approach
- Based on written or spoken narratives
Comparison Chart
Qualitative Quantitative
Purpose The purpose is to explain and The purpose is to explain,
to gain insight and predict, and/or control
understanding of phenomena phenomena through focused
through intensive collection of collection of numerical data.
narrative data.
Sample Usually a smaller number of Usually a large number of cases
respondents. representing the population of
Setting Natural, familiar Unfamiliar, artificial
Mode of Inductive Deductive
Type of Data Words and Images Number and statistics
Form of Data Qualitative data are based on Quantitative data are based on
Collected open-ended responses, precise measurements using
interviews, participant structured and validated data-
observations, field notes and collection instruments.
• Develops theory • Test theory
• Interpretive • Measurable
• Researcher is part of the • Researcher is separate
process • Subjects
• Participants • Numbers
• Words • Establishes relationships
• Describes meaning,

Kinds of Qualitative Research

Ethics in Research
ETHICS – are norms for conduct that distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable
Ethical Principles
1. Honesty
2. Objectivity
3. Integrity
4. Carefulness
5. Openness
6. Respect for Intellectual Property
7. Confidentiality
8. Social Responsibility
9. Competence
10. Legality
Types of Qualitative Research
1. Case Study
• Involves a long-time study of a person, group, organization or situation.
• Has an in-depth data collection involving multiple sources of information
which are rich in context.
2. Ethnography
• Is a study of a particular cultural group to get a clear understanding of its
organizational set-up, internal operation and lifestyle.
3. Phenomenology
• Is the study of how people find their experiences meaningful.
• Describes the meaning of the lived experience.
4. Grounded Theory
• The intent of grounded theory is to generate or discover a theory that relates
to a particular situation. If little is known about a topic, grounded theory is
especially useful.
5. Historical Analysis
• A process of critical inquiry into past events in order to produce an accurate
description and interpretation of those events.
6. Content and Discourse Analysis
• Is a study of language structures used in the medium of communication to
discover the effects of sociological, cultural, institutional, and ideological
factors on the content.

Steps in doing Qualitative Research

1. Identification of the phenomenon to be studied
• Selecting a topic can be the most challenging part of a research assignment.
2. Identification of the participants of the study
• The participants of the study are to be observed or interviewed by the
3. Generation of hypothesis
• Hypothesis emerges from the data collected.
4. Data Collection
• Manipulation of data is not observed in qualitative research.
5. Data Analysis
• Data analysis in qualitative research involves more of descriptions.
6. Interpretations and Conclusions
• Interpretations is crucial in this process and this is done continuously all
throughout the study.

Choosing a Research Topic

Guidelines in Choosing a Research Topic
1. Interest in the subject matter
2. Availability of information
3. Timeliness and relevance of the topic
4. Limitations on the subject
5. Personal Resources
Topics to Avoid
1. Controversial topics
2. Highly technical topics
3. Hard-to-investigate subjects
4. Too broad subjects
5. Too narrow subjects
6. Vague subjects
Choosing a good research topic has two main steps:
Step #1
Select a broad topic of interest.
Step #2
Narrow it down to an effective research topic.
Sources of Research Topics
1. Mass media communication
2. Books, Internet, peer – viewed journals, government publications
3. Professional periodicals
4. General periodicals
5. Previous reading assignments
6. Work experience
Questions to Ask When Browsing
Who? What? Where? When? Why?
Narrowing down the focus of your study
1. Narrow down the focus
2. Connect your topic to existing studies
3. Justify the focus of your study
4. Better understand the topic
5. Identify a gap
6. Decide on an appropriate research method

Goodluck on the exam! <3

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