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Karmela Kaye Alabat BTLED HE2

Introduction to ICT 1


1. After you watched the video, make a comparison

between “What you already know about the internet and what you learned in the
- When I heard the word internet, the first thing that comes to my mind is
connection. In the video, I learned that internet is just simply a line that connects
or access you from any networks or websites.

2.  Using the process being discussed on the video,

make a scenario about you using the internet. Indicate how the information from the
internet was transferred to your device.
- We have our activity that is needed to submit to our teacher’s gmail. In order to
submit it, I need to use the internet and the gmail account of our teacher. So I went
to my gmail account preparing to send my output. After I click send, my output
will be transmit to the server and ISP then later on will be received by my
teacher’s gmaill account.

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