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6th 2022

To whom it may concern,

My name is Vicki Umhoefer.  I have been an occupational therapist for 33 years in varying
positions.  I am self employed and own my own LLC, to which I contract myself out to the
Germantown School District as one of my clients.  Haleigh Rehrauer contacted me in March of
this year to do some "shadowing" of my work day at County Line Elementary School where I
provide OT services for a pediatric population of 5 to 9 year old students.  Haleigh shadowed
me for two days on March 14th and 16th for approx. 6.5 hours each day.  Although she was
only there for a limited time, Haleigh appeared to be a hard worker and have a good work ethic. 
She was pleasant with the students and clearly has the desire, drive, and intellect, to be
considered for acceptance into an OT program.  If I can be of any further assistance, or provide
you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me

Best regards,
Vicki Umhoefer, MS OT         OTC, Therapy, LLC

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