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CALCULUS, WINTER 2020 (FE-62) Midterm Exam 1, No.4 4 ind the limit limy-.400(e* + 3x)*. Find y" ifarctan(xy) = 1+ 4xty, ' Qn the local and absolute extreme values of the nates Fon the interval [-2.1). f(a) =3-2x+e7*, find (f7*)'(4). S ve) An epidemiologist determines that pidemic spreads in such a way that f week after the outbreak, N a ill be reported, where N(t) = 3. a - at + ., ., a) At what time XN hic at its worst? What is the maximum number of report new cases? x b) E Xba fs declare the epidemic to be under control when the rate of repor n es is minimized. When does this occur? What number of new cases wil reported at that time? CALCULUS, WINTER 2020 Solve It is estimated that ¢ weeks from be increasing at the rate of 18¢2 How many w: Suppose that the consumers” de the initial value problem 2 Midterm Exam 2, No.4 ie Fv Where y = 5 when x now, the number of. = Rew subway Tine will + 500 per week. Cu 10 commuters use the subway, ill be using it 5 weeks from now? Jemand function foh Aerts commodity is D(q) = 150 — 29 — 39? dollars per unit. Compute the way Evaluate the improper integral f*° 4-5 Evaluate the definite ee! x9 FF Tx, on es] Scanned with Cam lus when the market Price is $30 per unit. fx or show that it diverges, Scanner “NIMSEL 2G ARGaTION aw mane SANUS & ALcrnna, SD Tent PASULRL OF MATHEAIATION nCONONL end Walwen Of A ind 40 that f(a) in contimious everywhere y A*— B41 ite DW)- Geert SS VIN > cae =[(e- s)edx. C= ‘5: points) Use the definit Ce partial derivatives f£(0,0), fy (0.0) of the ax(x'-2y') am f(x,y) = ' ° x+y 0 khi following function: Note: - Test questions and your answers are’ Fest N* 07] In the following questions, the value of the parameter ais (7) 2 “\; Question 1; (4.5. points) Given two the following matrices: wo 2-3 -1 7 A=|-5 1 -2 -al; Ba -1 -5 4 m @ a) Find all the elements belong to the first aes ~2AB7 (where BF is denoted by the transpose matrix of the matrix N 7 b) Evaluate the determinant of matrix c) Determine the values of m @ 0" B is invertible, then find ig to third row, secon matrix (—3B)-1 | (3.5 points) Cor Coie linear demand function p= ie price of thé goo. Qis its quantity. The monopolist’ 5Q°-Sa74 179 4.25. the clement ‘Question 2) =42~040, 's total cost function is of demand at price p = 4 and explain the economic meaning of output at which the monopolist should produce in order to it is the optimal price that corresponds with this quantity? 0} points) Find the integral: T= J (?-ax)eax. ote: ~- Cell phones and documents are forbidden, - Test questions and your answers are submitted together. AL ECONOMICS UNIVERSI TY OF FUNDAMENTAL MATH EMATICS ENT AL MA Recommended Test of number OL ecommecnded “Test of number 01) In the following questions, the value of the parameter a is 1 Exercise 1. (6.5 marks) Given two the follo 3-1 7 -2, -m |; -1 -5 4 10 c) Find the values of m to my third column of matrix 4B oxercise 2. (2.0 marks) Suppgse/ invertible, and spppo! ainwhy B is b) Solvé€quation ( MINISTRY OP BUCA TION AN NATIONA, cXAM. ‘lewis far Teoncmtes ram, Untnke 48) TRAINING SUTY 7 co lan Halling Aa Duration ef test; 90 minures School of Advanced Edueation Progeams Duration aftest: 90 1WO pages SS 2 Exercise 1 (20 points) Given two the following matyices: ! 2 -3 -1 77 , a dales 1 -2 -6/; fu|~> -Il -5 4 om 4) Find the elements belong to the first row of matrix ie ey transpose matrix of the matrix X), b) Evaluate the determinant of matrix B. ‘Exercise 2 (2.0 points) Consider the followin qhitre 1" is denoted by the nesiinh macroeconomic model Y= 0.8 ¥ — 1000R, a 1000 —2000 R witere the endogenous variables in ional income (¥), consumption (C), and investment (), and the exogenous variab| government spending (G) and the interest rate (R). oe Use ‘Cramer’s rile to sol pliopal income in ae model, and Qs its quantity. The monopolist’s total cost function is 1-70 So +170+25. ne see ate: - Document and mobile phone are not allowed to use. - Exam questions and student answers must be submitted together. FINAL EXAM. Subject: Algebra and Cal Advanced Education Program, Intake 60 Date: 16122019 Location: Building A2 Duration of test: 90 minutes slus for Economies School of Advanced Education Programs jis exay of two pages Page 2/2 result, b) Determine the level of output at which the monopolist should produce in wa What is the optimal price that corresponds with this quantity 5 points) Find the relative maximum and minimum vali¥{ of Yhe following a) Find the elasticity of demand at price P = 4 and explain the economic meaning x = ==(2x-*)@y-y*) 5 points) Use the Lagrange multiplier method she maximum and minimum function: == xy subject to the given constraint |.0 point) Determine whether the foll proper integral is convergent of calculate its value if it is conv ‘ Pours a. | < ede. le: = Document and mobile phone are not allowed to use. - Exam questions and student answers must be s' NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY THE FINAL EXAMINATION OF COURSE OF MATHEMATICS BASIC Advanced Education Program (a Subject: Algebra and Calculus for business \ & Date: 19/12/2013 ‘Location; Lecture Hall D2, Room: Duradion of test: #0 minutes TEST N°2 y -2 1 2% { =? =2) im 3 Exercise | (2.5 marks) Given two the following matrices ey As =o 1 412 4 i 7 4) Detenmine the elements of third column of pi BY is the transpose matrix of the matrix B), b) Find the values of im to matrix B is | 7 of matrix -28" equals 4, mark) Given the D=9P-—P'. Find the elasticity of demand for (GS diark) Lot P at price level P’ the cconomi¢ meaning obtained result, Exercise 4 (1 mark) Find, th ce surplus. (PS) for the demand function and supply function given by Sx, Xp)=Vil3—p, @, =S(p)=Jp—. ies ee and Q.with the linear demand —3p, +2p,, 2, =304 p,—p,,where p and Wuanti eas 1 Pa! By See Pe aa gies “s rule (0 find the inverse demand fimctions (with p, and p, ag fuinetion d the element of third row, fourth a) U pxamenaTiqnorcedis: a education PO WTIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSIPY DEPARIMENT OF FUNDAMENTAL MATHESENTICS janis (with: yp, and 8) Assume (hist Whe Mie OO a: C=100)+ ; a ect to pI xO g of the & N oniprablem: SY ing) Sgive the constrained maxima a max {U= \s i \ 4 - Documentare not allowed, ~ Recommended exam und your test are submitted togetleer. i (Gi) Given that the line y = / Problem2! Find x such that —¢ W Problem) Sketch the graph of y= 1. Problem 4. The equation of a curve is a Problem 5. The parametric equations of a curve are x = a(20 —sin| iga constant. Show that [4 = cot.

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