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Beauty and the Beast Drama

In Rococo-era France, a witch disguised as a beggar arrives at a party and offers the host, a cold-
hearted prince, a rose in exchange for shelter.

Witch: "Good evening, Your Highness." (coughing)

Prince : "Good evening. What need have you to be here at this time of night?"

Witch : "I don't need anything, Your Highness. I just want to give you this beautiful rose."

Prince : "Forgive me, but I cannot accept any gift from someone I don't know, let alone from
someone like you. Now get out of this palace!"

After being rejected by the prince, she cursed him to become an ugly creature and his servants to
become furniture, and erased the entire palace from the memory of their loved ones.

Witch: "Unexpectedly, I was chased away and rejected so cruelly by you. Well, now and
henceforth I curse you into an ugly creature and your servants into household furniture and I erase
the entire palace from the memory of your loved ones."

She gave the prince a bewitched rose and warned him that if he could not learn to love someone
and be loved back before the last petal fell, he and his servants would never be human again

Witch: "Until the petals of this rose fall and you still can't learn to love someone and have them
love you back, then no one can remove my curse."

Years later, in the village of Villeneuve, Belle dreamed of adventure.

Belle: "Oh, it would be wonderful if adventure could exist every day, even every moment. I can
explore the natural world freely."

While Belle was dreaming, Gaston, an arrogant former soldier was looking for the most beautiful
woman in Villeneuve village.

Gaston: "Excuse me, excuse me. I'm looking for the most beautiful woman in this village." (said

While walking, Gaston accidentally saw Belle who was muttering.

Gaston: "Wow, what an enchanting woman!"

Gaston greeted Belle

Gaston: "Oh hello beautiful woman. I'm Gaston. The strongest and handsomest man in this village.
Do you want to be my partner?" (pretentious romantic)

Belle: "I'm sorry, but I don't want to be a partner with you. I still have dreams that I haven't
achieved and that's more important than finding a partner."

Belle refused Gaston's advances

Belle's father, Maurice, got lost in the forest and eventually sought refuge in the Beast's castle, but
the Beast took him prisoner for picking roses without permission.

Maurice: "Oh, it seems that this castle can be my refuge. Wow, are these roses? I hope no one
finds out that I picked it."

Beast: "Rawr, don't pick that flower. It belongs to this castle, and it's not your right to pick it."

Maurice: "I'm sorry..."

Beast took him straight to the dungeon.

MAURICE: I'm sorry! Please get me out of here! Please

At the same time Maurice's horse returned home alone, Belle saw her father's horse and worried
about her father, so she immediately went with her horse to the castle.

Arriving at the castle, Belle walked into the castle.

Belle: hello? Excuse me? Excuse me? Is anyone here? Hello?

She kept walking, until she found an open door leading to the underground, she entered and went
down. There he saw his imprisoned father

Belle: papa, are you okay, what happened to you?

Maurice: Why are you here, go away?

Suddenly the beast came from the shadows

Beast: Who are you?

Belle: I'm his daughter, please let my father go, sir!

Maurice: Belle, go away, get away from here

Belle: No father, sir, please let my father go! In exchange you can take me! I beg you!

Maurice: No belle, what are you doing, go away.

Beast: Really? You will be here.

Belle: Yes, it's okay dad (sad tone)

Maurice: No Belle, no

Beast: Alright.
Beast lifted Maurice out of the castle and sent him to his village.

After some time, belle was taken to her room and began to befriend the castle servants who treated
her to a spectacular dinner. But in the middle of the banquet, Belle gets curious and leaves the
banquet to wander around the castle. She wandered towards the west wing of the forbidden area,

*Belle walks in.

Belle walked slowly into the dark room and saw a rose.

But at the same time, Beast came and saw Belle in the room.

Beast: "What are you doing here?!" (furious tone)

Belle: "Aaah" (scared), "I'm sorry"

When Belle was outside, she got lost and was chased by a wolf. When she was about to be pounced
by the wolf, Beast suddenly came and immediately saved Belle who was scared. Beast's body was
slightly injured because it was bitten by a wolf. Therefore, Beast was immediately taken to the castle
and Belle took care of him there.

Belle: "Sir, are you alright?"

Beast: "Yes, thank you for helping me heal my wounds."

Belle: "You're welcome sir, it's my duty, I'd like to apologize for coming into that room"

Beast: "Never mind, it's okay"

From then on, Beast grew closer to Belle.

Meanwhile, her father Maurice, who was in the village of Villeneuve, told the villagers that his
daughter was kidnapped by a beast but no one believed him.

Maurice: "Please, help me, my daughter was kidnapped by a beast"

Maurice: "Please, help me find her"

After a few days, the beast got closer to belle, even the beast gave his castle library to belle. one day
belle was just tidying up her books in the library and the beast came...

*beauty & the beast OST

After a few days Maurice, who was in the village of Villeneuve, kept asking the villagers if his
daughter had been kidnapped by a beast, but there was no answer, so he finally came to ask Gaston
for help.

Maurice: "Please, help save my daughter"

Gaston: "What's wrong?"

Maurice: "Gaston, you are my only hope, please, help my daughter who has been kidnapped by a

Gaston: "What do you mean? Beast doesn't exist in the real world"
Maurice: "There is, believe me, please. Belle, my daughter is there with that beast"

Gaston: "All right, but on one condition, marry your daughter to me."

Maurice: (hesitating) "All right, as long as you really help".

Gaston: "Alright, where is she?"

Maurice: "She's in the old castle at the end of the forest, come on!".

Maurice went with Gaston to the castle. Gaston carried a complete arsenal. After being in front of
the castle gate, Gaston immediately broke through the gate and entered the palace, while his father
waited outside full of worry.

*The gate breaks and gaston go into the castle

Belle: What are you doing here, Gaston?

Gaston: Where is that big creature?!

Belle: What do you want to do with him?

Gaston: I'm going to kill that thing!

Belle: He's not an evil creature, don't kill him!

Hearing that Belle had fallen in love with the beast, Gaston was angry.

Gaston: What?! Move aside, I'll kill him!!!


Gaston walked gallantly

*Gaston attacked the beast from behind

*The beast fought back and they got physical.

Hearing the sound, Belle came

Belle: No! Stop!


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