ApHusys Support Portal User Manual

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Pre-requisites to raise a ticket by the user:.........................................................................................3

ApHusys Support Service Level Agreement:........................................................................................3

1. Support Services include:.............................................................................................................3

2. Support:.........................................................................................................................................3

3. Different levels of Errors:..............................................................................................................4

4. Support Process:...........................................................................................................................5

5. Availability of Support:..................................................................................................................5

6. Remote Access and Onsite Support:............................................................................................5

7. Condition to be able to call upon Support Services:....................................................................5

8. Steps to Login Into ApHusys Support Portal:................................................................................6

8.1 Login with the client credentials:.................................................................................................6

8.2 Log in details:................................................................................................................................7

9. Menus displayed on the Screen:..................................................................................................8

9.1 Support Center Home:.................................................................................................................8

9.2 Knowledge base:..........................................................................................................................8

9.3 Open a new ticket:.......................................................................................................................8

9.4 Tickets:.........................................................................................................................................8

10. Open a New Ticket:......................................................................................................................8

11. Response to the ticket:...............................................................................................................12

12. Reopen a ticket:..........................................................................................................................13

13. Ticket status:...............................................................................................................................15

14. Search for a Ticket:.....................................................................................................................16

15. Knowledge Base:.........................................................................................................................16

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
This manual is intended for the users who are having the basic knowledge on ApHusys Application
and the goal of this document is to provide information on ApHusys support services and process
of availing the services by the clients. Also, this document contains the steps to be followed to
raise the support tickets related to ApHusys HRIS cloud-based application.

ApHusys Support Portal is handled by the ApHusys Support Team to respond to the support tickets
created by the clients as per the ApHusys Support Service Level Agreement as a scope and
reference to the support services.

ApHusys Support Portal is used only for creating the support ticket of ApHusys HRIS Cloud
Application. Assuming that the user creating support ticket is having the basic knowledge on
ApHusys about the issue they are facing.

Assuming that the user is creating a support ticket after going through the training material and
FAQ document provided by ApHusys Team and still unable to find the appropriate solution for the

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
Pre-requisites to raise a ticket by the user:
1. User should have the basic knowledge on ApHusys application to understand the issue they
are facing, identify the issue and elaborate the same while creating the support ticket.
2. User should go through the training material and FAQ document provided by the ApHusys
3. If the user is unable to find the solution after going through training material and FAQ
document then, the user shall create a support ticket in a required format.

ApHusys Support Service Level Agreement:

Husys Consulting Limited ("Husys") develops, markets and licenses ApHusys – Application for
Human Synergies Management System software for use Human Resources Departments. The
ApHusys Software Support Agreement (the “Agreement”) sets out the terms and conditions
under which Husys will provide " Support Services" for the "Software" (as defined in the

This Service Level Agreement Supplement (the "Supplement") is a supplement to and a part of the
Agreement, and sets forth the extent, detail and dependencies of the Support Services to be
provided by Husys to a system integrator (“Customer”) of the ApHusys – Application for Human
Synergies Management System software (the “Software”). The provision of Support Services
under the Agreement is subject to and conditioned on the terms of this Supplement.
Husys only provides Support Services on the Software to a Customer who has obtained a valid user
license to the Software pursuant to the Agreement and will provide application support for in-
scope applications as follows.

1. Support Services include:

1.1.1 Error-fixing ("Support Services"); and
1.1.2 Updating new Releases of the Software.
2. Support
2.1 Support Services are comprised of the analysis and correction of an "Error" in the Software.
2.2 An “Error" is a "Reproducible" malfunction or issue in the Software that causes the Software
to operate in a way that is materially different from what is described in the applicable
2.3 “Reproducible” means that the issue that causes the Error must re-occur when the operation
and configuration of the Customer implemented version of the Software is repeated in
Husys’s support center, indicating that the issue is caused by a bug or other issue inherent
to the software, rather than caused by the specific Customer environment or use.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
2.4 In case of doubt on the Reproducible character of an issue, Husys will normally provide
Services as if the issue was reproducible (i.e. without any additional fee); provided, however,
if, at any time during analysis or resolution, an issue appears to be not Reproducible, Husys's
continued resolution efforts will be subject to Customer agreeing to pay Husys's then current
fees and charges for such efforts.
2.5 If, on initial analysis, an issue appears not be Reproducible, Husys may still choose to assist
the Customer in finding a solution, but Husys does not have any contractual duty to do so,
and Husys is entitled to charge additional fees, and such continued Husys assistance will be
subject to Customer agreeing to pay Husys's then current fees and charges for such efforts.
2.6 If, after final analysis, an issue is found to be Reproducible (even if it appeared as non-
Reproducible at initial logging), Husys will not charge any additional such fees.

3. Different levels of Errors Errors shall be categorized in accordance to their severity as defined in
the following four (4) Severity Levels:
3.1 Severity Level 1 (Critical) An Error is Severity Level 1, when, in the production environment,
the Software is completely down, System is unavailable.
3.2 Severity Level 2 (Serious) An Error is Severity Level 2, when, in the production environment,
the Software is significantly impaired (e.g. loss or degradation of a substantial functionality),
which causes the Software to perform materially less than as described in the applicable
documentation, or, in a test or back-up environment, the Software is completely down, or a
major function of the Software is not working at all or is inaccessible, and there is no
workaround available.
3.3 Severity Level 3 (Moderate) An Error is Severity Level 3, when, in the production
environment, the Software encounters a technical or functional problem, but a temporary
workaround is available, or, in a test or back-up environment, the Software is significantly
impaired (e.g. loss or degradation of a substantial functionality), which causes the Software
to perform materially less than as described in the applicable documentation.
3.4 Severity Level 4 (Minor) An Error is Severity Level 4, when there is an issue that relates to
improvement of performance or functionality, or there is an issue for which a permanent
workaround has been provided.

Category Responsive Time

Critical Issue 1 day

Serious Issue 2-3days

Moderate Issue 3-4 days

Minor Issue NA

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
4. Support Process
4.1 Errors must be logged by Customer through the ApHusys Support Portal, with the credentials
provided by ApHusys Support Team.
• In case the client doesn’t get any response through support portal within 24 hours then they
can email us on ”ApHusys Support Email: aphusyssupport@husys.net” to check the status of the
query with Support Ticket Number as a reference.
• In case the client doesn’t get any response after sending email to ApHusys Support Team then
they can call us on “ApHusys Support Number: +91 – 9666999526”.
• In case the client the client doesn’t get any response after calling to ApHusys Support Number
they can send email to Karteek (Manager – Technology Implementation)
4.2 Point of Contact:
a) ApHusys Support - aphusyssupport@husys.net (Email) - +91-9666999526 (Call)
4.3 Husys will use its reasonable efforts to provide customer with a solution to the query.
4.4 In case of no response from the POC, Escalation as below,
a) First level escalation – ApHusys Support Team - aphusyssupport@husys.net - +91-9666999526
b) Second level escalation – Karteek (Manager -Technology Implementation) -
karteek.d@husys.net - +91-9553500083(Call).
5. Availability of Support
5.1 Support is available through online during normal business hours of Husys, excluding
weekends and Husys declared holidays.
5.2 Husys offers 8 * 5 ApHusys support as one of the major offerings
5.3 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (IST) Monday – Friday
6. Remote Access and On-Site Support
6.1 It is an essential condition of Support Services that Customer provides on-line remote access
to the production environment of the Software. If no such remote access is provided, the
level of Service may be severely impacted, and the response times will be delayed as a result.
6.2 The standard Support Services do not include On-Site Support. Upon Customer written
request, and subject to Customer's agreement to pay Husys's then current fees and charges
therefor, Husys may (but is under no obligation to) agree to provide On-Site support. In such
case, all travel and accommodation costs shall be charged in addition to Husys's then current
fees and charges.

7. Conditions to be able to call upon Support Services:

7.1 To be able to call upon Support Services, the Customer must:

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
7.1.1 Have a valid user license to the Software, and not be in breach of any of the terms of
the Software license, have effectively paid all due and owing license, maintenance, and
other fees owed to Husys.
7.1.2 Use the Software strictly in accordance with the applicable documentation and the
Husys instructions.
7.1.3 Comply with the instructions on installment of the latest Software release as set out
in this document or as instructed by Husys from time to time.
7.1.4 Ensure that the Software is only used by Customer's personnel that is properly
qualified and trained in the use of the Software.
7.2 Husys is entitled to request Customer to impose certain minimum training and certification
requirements to the staff using the Software, to comply with the latest condition above.
7.3 This is applicable to the customers who are subscribed for the support.
7.4 If at the time Customer Contacts Support, it appears that Customer does not comply with
one or more of the above conditions, Husys will be entitled (but is not obligated) to make
the provision of Support Services subject to payment of additional fees and charges.
7.5 The following are not included in Software Support Services (“Out-of-Scope Services”):
7.5.1 Data retrieval.
7.5.2 Data deletion/Loss by the customer end action.
7.5.3 Support of issues that are not Reproducible, or that otherwise fail to be qualified as
7.5.4 Support of the technological environment in which the Software is using.
7.5.5 Support of hardware, interfaces and third-party software.
7.6 Upon Customer’s request, Husys may (but has no obligation to) accept to provide Out-of-
Scope Services, subject to Customer agreeing to pay Husys's then current fees and charges
therefor for time and materials. Any such Out-of-Scope Services will be provided on a
reasonable effort basis, without any commitment as to Response or Solution times.
7.7 In case an issue cannot be resolved over the phone or internet then the Husys team will take
the remote access to solve / coordinate the issue based on the severity.
8. Steps to Login Into ApHusys Support Portal:
8.1 Login with the client credentials:
Credentials (username and password) to access ApHusys Support Portal will be provided by
only ApHusys Support Team.

URL of Support Portal: helpdesk.aphusys.com

You will be able to see the Support Home Screen after entering the URL in the web browser.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
Click on the “Sign In” option highlighted in the below screenshot, to open the Sign In page.

8.2 Log in details:

For Example:

Username or Email: abcd@husys.net

Password: abcd123

You will be able to see the Sign In screen after clicking the Sign In option. The user will be
able to sign in by entering the credentials (Username/Email and Password) provided by the
ApHusys Support Team.

Note: Please ignore the I’m an agent -sign in here option shown in the login screen.

After sign in with the login credentials you will be able to see the screen as shown in the below

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
9. Menus displayed on the screen:
9.1 Support Center Home:
In this menu you can see the Featured Knowledge Base Articles.

You can also search our knowledge base.

9.2 Knowledgebase:
In this menu it displays all the FAQs related to ApHusys HRIS cloud Application FAQs and
ApHusys Support portal FAQs, by clicking on the respective question you can see the

Users can also have the Browse by Topic option by clicking on the dropdown you can search

9.3 Open a New Ticket:

In this menu, you can open a ticket of your query.

9.4 Tickets:
By using the Search option, you can search for the previously created tickets.

You can also have the Help Topic search option; you can search by selecting the options from
the dropdown list.

By selecting the Help Topic name, you can see the status of the tickets either it is opened or

If you have any queries, please use the Knowledgebase FAQs and the ApHusys training
material before raising a ticket.

This ticketing tool is meant for only queries not for implementation.

10. Open a New Ticket:

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
To open a new ticket, click on the “Open a New Ticket” option, the screen will open as shown

Select an appropriate option from the list of Help Topic.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
10.1 Format to be followed to create the ticket in ApHusys Support Portal:
• Issue Summary: Name of the Module - Short description of query/issue being faced.
• On what Action: Based on what action you are facing the issue
• Expected Resolution: What solution/resolution you are expecting from the support team on
the query/issue raised.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
You can change the text styles and insert an attachment with the options highlighted in below
screen shot.

When you have completed filling out your ticket, make sure to click the “Create Ticket” button.

Once you have successfully created the ticket, you will be directed to a confirmation of ticket
created with Ticket Number for reference and email notification will received by the user with link
provided which redirects to the respective ticket. The user will receive emails based on update of
the ticket created.

You will be able to reset the text using the reset option from the screen.

After creating a ticket, you will be able to find the ticket created details as highlighted in the below

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
11. Response to the ticket:
ApHusys Support Team response on the created Support Ticket can be viewed, as highlighted in
the below screenshot.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
12. Reopen a ticket:
The user can re-open the ticket, if the issue still exists after provided solution (Closed Ticket) by
the support team.

To re-open a ticket which is in Closed status, click on the Closed Tickets (option) in the screen, as
highlighted in the below screenshot.

Select the respective closed ticket, which is to be re-open.

Enter the required information and click on “Post a Reply” button on the screen to re-open the
closed ticket.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
The message will be displayed on message posted, as shown in below screenshot.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
The ticket reopened details can be seen once the message is posted, as highlighted in the below

13. Ticket Status:

The ticket’s list can be seen either in Closed or Open screens based on the ticket’s status.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
14. Search a Ticket:
User can search the ticket created with the “Ticket Number” as reference, shown in the below

Enter the Ticket Number in the search box and click on Search button, the ticket will be
displayed in either Closed or Open screen according to the ticket status.

Note: - Click on the clear all filters and sort button to come out from the searched ticket.

15. Knowledge Base:

User can search for FAQs by clicking on the Knowledgebase Option which is highlighted in the
below screenshot.

Here we have two types of FAQs,

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
15.1 ApHusys HRIS Cloud Application FAQs:
This section contains ApHusys HRIS Application related FAQs.
15.2 ApHusys Support Portal FAQs
This section contains ApHusys Support Portal related FAQs.

User can use the “Search our knowledge base” option to search the required FAQ, as shown in
the below screenshot.

ApHusys Support Portal User Manual
By clicking on the required question user can see the Question and Answer for the respective
Question, as shown in the below screenshot.

This document is intended only for the person or entity to which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
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ApHusys Support Portal User Manual

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