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The concept of

Holistic health
• “Health is defined as the state of complete
physical, mental, and social well-being, and
not merely the absence of disease or
infirmity.” – 1946 preamble to the
constitution of the World Health
Organization (WHO)
• The term “holistic” comes from the Greek
word holos, which means “whole.”
Dimensions of Holistic Health
• The physical health dimension
includes the body’s physical
characteristics such as body size,
shape, sensory skills, functionality,
physical fitness, resistance against
diseases and disorders, and period of
• To achieve optimal physical health,
you must eat well, perform regular
exercise, get enough rest and sleep,
and avoid harmful habits.
• The mental/intellectual health
dimension refers to your ability to
think clearly, question and analyze
critically, and reason logically.
• It also involves the use of the mind to
cope with life’s challenges, learn from
mistakes, and make sound and
responsible decisions.
• The emotional health dimension
involves the ability to express
appropriate feelings and exert
control when necessary. Self-esteem,
self-confidence, self-control, trust,
and love are just some aspects of
emotional health.
• The spiritual health dimension
pertains to the person’s sense of
purpose and meaning in life. This
aspect is set by guided principles,
beliefs, or values that give meaning
to a person’s life.
• Spiritual health helps the person live
in harmony with other people.
• His or her beliefs and values will
guide his or her actions and words,
make him or her accept the views
and opinions of others, and make
him or her give time for prayer or
or Social
• Interpersonal or social health is your
ability to interact and communicate
with other people in different social
• People with high social health are
the ones who live in harmony with
others and their environment.
• Environmental health involves the
place where the person lives, works,
or plays. The environment plays a
significant impact on the person’
health, whether in a positive or a
negative way.
Achieving holistic health
requires the balance and
integration of all your health

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