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Oral Communication



ACTIVITY NO. 3 "Observe and Resolve"

●Environment 1 : Online Classroom

BARRIER 1 : Poor internet connection

SCENARIO : During our presentation in research last school year , I have experienced

lagness and slow booting or transition of presentation.

SOLUTION : I brought my laptop near the router , also I use the internet connection

that is available in my phone .

BARRIER 2 : Dysfunctional Feedback

SCENARIO : I have not received a full explanation for the procedure that we will do

during the event . During that time things went disoriented.

SOLUTION : I observed the presentors before me so that I could do better with my

●Environment 2 : In School

BARRIER 1 : Dysfunctional Feedback

SCENARIO : Me and my classmates are talking about the talent we're going to show,

and I said that we will do a cheerdance , Keno enter the conversation and point a

finger toward Lance Barniso . My other classmate said Barrios.

SOLUTION : I elaborated to my classmate what I really wanted to say .

BARRIER 2 : Physical Barriers

SCENARIO : Renz Barrios is meters away from me , so I wave to him to write our

report in world religion . I don't know if he really understand since he just nodded.

SOULUTION : I chatted the group again to write their report in world religion so they

can study it early .

ENVIRONMENT 3 : Phone Conversation

BARRIER 1 : Static
SCENARIO : My tita is called my uncle but the conversation was glitching , so she

hang up the call.

SOLUTION : She went outside of the house hoping to get a better reception.

BARRIER 2 : Sound Rebound (Concert)

SCENARIO : So I got lost in Naliyagan Festival so I called my tita if they're still there

, but I can't hear them talking because of too much noise and sound echoes.

SOLUTION : I don't have any load so I had loan and texted them where they are.

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