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1. District:
2. Name of the group:
3. Year of Establishment of the group:
4. When did you first become a member?
1. Who motivated to start the group?
a) NGO
b) Financial Institutions
c) Self
2. Factors which influence to start the group. (Give Ranks)
a) To develop savings thrift
b) Financial independence
c) To improve self independence
d) To develop good relations
e) Easy loan facilities
3. Does the group conduct weekly meetings regularly?
a) Weekly
b) Fortnightly
4. Whether the members do actively participate in the weekly
a) Full participation
b) Majority Participation
5. How are the decisions taken in the weekly meeting?
a) By consensus
b) By voting
c) By group leaders
6. Does the group discuss any problems existing in the locality?
a) Group
b) Common
c) Both

7. How did you utilise the fund raised through the group?
(a) Loans to members
(b) Loans to start small businesses
(c) Both
8. State the types of programmes arranged for the members and
the number of such training held during the last year.
No. Types Arranged Not Arranged
1 Work Skill development
2 Leadership skill
3 Legal and health
4 Entrepreneurial
5 Others

9. What is your opinion about the frequency of the conduction of

training programmes engaged by Kudumbashree for its
(a) Regular
(b) Occasional
(c) Rare
10. Group activities undertaken by the members.
(a) Petty Trading activities
(b) Micro enterprises
(c) Agricultural activities
(d) Livestock farming
11. Factor which influence to select the activity.
(a) Less capital
(b) Stable demand
(c) Less risk
(d) Limited resources
(e) All the above
12. Do you avail funds from other financial institutions?
(a) Availed
(b) Not Availed

13. Purposes for which loans are granted by the Group.
No. Purposes Yes No
1 Education
2 Redemption of jewels
3 Acquiring new assets
4 Meeting medical expenses
5 Acquisition of livestock
6 Renewal of house
7 Family functions
8 Marriage Expenses
9 Meeting day to day expenses
14. Do you maintain proper records and registers of your activity?
(a) Maintaining
(b) Not maintaining
15. Whether the accounts of the group activities are audited?
(a) Regularly
(b) Occasionally
16. Who operates the bank account?
(a) Any member of the group
(b) Authorized representative
17. Savings
(a) Weekly
(b) Fortnightly
(c) Monthly
18. What is the rate of interest on savings offered by banks?
(a) Less than 12%
(b) 12%
(c) Above 12%
19. Did you face any competition from other groups?
(a) Presence of competition
(b) Absence of competition
20. Did you face any difficulties faced while operating the Group?
(a) Feel Difficulty
(b) No Difficulty

21. Problems in the conduct of group activities.(Y/N) (Multiple
(a) Lack of consensus among members
(b) Default in repayment of loan
(c) Attitudinal instability of members
(d) Combination of all
22. Whether any assistance is received from external authority?
(a) Received
(b) Not Received
23. State the nature of assistance received.
No. Type of Assistance Yes No
1 Financial Aid
2 Financial, Marketing and Supervision
3 Supervision and Guidance
4 Marketing

24. Social activities undertaken by the group. (Y/N) (Multiple Choice)

(a) Waste Management
(b) Food security measures
(c) Gender resource centre
(d) Facility management centre
(e) Coastal Volunteers
(f) E-NHGs
25. Do you feel that members of your groups possess entrepreneurial
competence and empowerment traits? Evaluate your responses for
the following parameters in five point scale as: 5: Strongly Agree;
4: Agree; 3:No opinion; 2: Disagree ; 1: Strongly Disagree)
No. Statements 5 4 3 2 1
1 Involvement in women centered issues
2 Maximum participation in the health
promotion and awareness programmes
3 Manage economic activities
4 Improved self-confidence and domination in
decision making process
5 Improved standard of living

No. Statements 5 4 3 2 1
6 Increase knowledge level and freedom of
7 Banking habits and transactional literacy
8 Leadership quality
9 Communication skill and express ideas
10 Free to move and travel in group
11 Ability to organise identical groups
12 Monitoring children’s education
13 Making innovations
14 Knowledge about technical developments
15 Positive attitude towards changes



1. Name of the district:
2. Name of the Member:
3. Name of the Group:
1. Age (Years):
2. Experience:
3. Religion
a. Hindu
b. Christian
c. Muslim
4. Caste
a. General
b. SC
c. ST
5. Educational Qualification
a. Below SSLC
c. Higher Secondary
d. Degree
6. Marital Status
a. Married
b. Widowed
c. Divorced
7. Subsidiary Occupation
a. House Wives
b. Self-employed
1. Status in the group
a. Ordinary member
b. Secretary
c. President

2. Family Size
a. 4 Members
b. 5 Members
c. 6 Members
d. Above 6 Members
3. Number of family members engaged in farming:
4. Please state your annual income? Rs.
5. Do you have access to credit?
a. Yes
b. No
6 .a) Do you maintain a bank account?
a. Yes
b. No
b) Do you have your own savings?
a. Yes
b. No
7. Can you fund your project with your own money?
a. Yes
b. No
8. Do you keep systematic record of your income and expenses?
a. Yes
b. No
9. What motivates you to join the Samagra Project? (Please state your
response in five point scale. 5: Strongly agree; 4: Agree; 3: Moderately
Agree; 2: Low agree; 1: Not at all Agree)
No. Factors influencing 5 4 3 2 1

1 Easy availability of raw material required for

the project
2 Low cost technology involved in the
3 Accessibility of financial assistance from
4 Opportunity for diversified opinions
5 Comparatively low cost of investment
6 Potential demand and emerging market
7 Awareness about the programme

8 Prior experience in the field of operation
9 Advices and inspirations received from
resource persons
10 Provision for better suggestions
11 Considering the groups requirements
12 Availability of concerned training
13 Assured marketability for the product
14 Better bargaining power
15 Acquisition of technical and technological
know how
16 Probabilities for specification
17 Transformation from Unskilled to skilled
18 Maximum support from community
19 Enhanced scientific cultivation pratices

10. Do you benefit from any of the following advantages of joining

Samagra, compared to other groups? (Please mark Yes or No)
No. Benefits Yes No
1 Higher rate of earnings
2 Feeling the sense of empowerment
3 Easier accessibility to finance sources
4 Opportunities for entrepreneurial skill development
5 Improvement in decision making competencies
6 Acquisition of problem solving skills
7 Financial assistance at easier terms
8 Chances for attending training programs
9 Experience in identifying market fluctuations and

11. Do you experience any of the following disadvantages by

joining Samagra?
No. Disadvantages Rank
1 Deficiencies in managing the project
2 Setting annual income limits as entry norm for the

3 Contraction between socio-cultural traits and the
selected occupation
4 Barriers in unifying the collectives
5 Patriarchal system followed in the functioning of units
6 Lack of sufficient knowledge in managing the unit
7 Poor knowledge about sources of financial and technical
8 Difficulties in locating and mobilizing the local
9 Inadequate training program

12. Which kind of crops do you produce? (Please mark Yes/No)

(Multiple Responses)

No. Produce/Crops Yes No

1 Banana Cultivation (Nendran)
2 Vegetable Cultivation
3 Apiculture and Honey Processing (Madhuram)
4 Cow rearing and Value addition (Ksheerasagaram)
5 Pineapple Cultivation and Processing (Pinesree)
6 Pooja Kadali Cultivation and Processing
7 Goat Rearing (Goat Village)
8 Cashew Processing (Saphalam)

13. What are the promotional practices usually floated by members in

the group? (Multiple Responses)
No. Marketing opportunities Yes No
1 Trade Fairs
2 Exhibitions
3 Souvenirs
4 Stalls
5 Special events
6 Expo
7 Melas

14. Production related constraints faced by the members. (Please mark
your responses to the following criterion in five point scale as: 5:
Strongly Agree; 4: Agree; 3: Neutral; 2: Disagree; and 1: Strongly

No. Criterion
5 4 3 2 1
A Basic Inputs
1 Non availability of raw materials
2 High cost of raw materials
3 Non accessibility to multiple sources of raw
4 Problems in identifying raw material supply
5 Constraints in regular supply
Supply of costly materials by governmental
B Technology and Processing
1 Usage of outdated technology
2 Irregular technological updations
3 Non-financial support for technology import
4 Financial constraints prevents adopting modern
5 Lack of skilled labour
6 Lack of technological guidance
1 Non assistance for value addition
2 Absence of continuous training
3 Ineffective training programmes
4 Unaware of the agencies giving training
5 Distance of training centres
D Supportive measures
Absence of periodical assessment of weight and
2 Inadequate market survey

3 Lack of insurance coverage for produce
4 Irregular feedback collection
5 Lack of grants for meeting related expenses
6 Inadequate irrigation facilities
7 Scarce fooder supplies

15. Marketing related constraints faced by the members. (Please mark

your responses to the following criterion in five point scale as 5:
Strongly Agree; 4: Agree; 3: Neutral; 2: Disagree; and 1: Strongly

No. Criterion 5 4 3 2 1
A Demand and Pricing
1 Seasonality of demand
2 Outcome of pricing
3 Low margin on selling price
4 Existence of spurious/inferior products in the
5 Absence of market information/knowledge
Deficiency of marketing support from govt.
and supporting agencies
7 Difficulty in timely marketing of products
B Branding
1 Absence of brand promotion
Lack of advertisement and sales promotion
3 Low publicity for the group products
4 Lack of brand names for the product
5 Lesser market potentialities
15. Lack of warehouse facilities
15. Lack of customer’s awareness about the
3.2 quality/standard of products
15. Unfair transportation facilities
D Supporting Measures
1 Low demand from the local market
2 Poor communication/linkage with big traders

3 Clash within groups
4 Misuse by intermediaries
5 Frequent fluctuations in innovations and
6 Competition from other sectors
7 Lack of exporting facilities
16. How do you react to the following potential strategies for production
technology improvement, if adopted by the Kudumbashree. (Please
indicate your responses in five point scale; (5: Strongly Agree; 4:
Agree; 3: Neutral; 2: Disagree; and 1: Strongly Disagree)

No. Ranking
Description 5 4 3 2 1
1 Introduction of better production technology
2 Technology up-gradation support
3 Eliminate middlemen exploitation
4 Adequate insurance protection
5 Better source of raw material
6 Continuous training on production technology
7 Adequate financial support
8 Sufficient support for value addition
9 Regular feedback from members
10 Timely advice from experts on production

17. State your preference about the strategies for improvement in

marketing technology of Samagra products by Kudumbashree (Please
indicate your responses in five point scale; 5: Strongly Agree; 4: Agree;
3: Neutral; 2: Disagree; and 1: Strongly Disagree)
No. Description
5 4 3 2 1
1 Better price regulations
2 Support to bring to market
3 Improve product positioning
4 Avoid middlemen exploitation
5 Innovative sales outlets and stalls

6 Facility for better transportation
7 Improve value addition
8 Marketing through co-operation
9 Better training on marketing
10 Step into export trade
11 Regular assessment and monitoring

18. Based on the following parameters, state your opinion about the
scope/effectiveness of Samagra program in achieving women
empowerment. (Please indicate your responses in five point scale; 5:
Strongly Agree; 4: Agree; 3: Neutral; 2: Disagree; and 1: Strongly
No. Criteria of effectiveness 5 4 3 2 1
1 Stimulates economic status of the members
2 Encourages social participation by members
3 Healthier co-ordinated effort for development
4 Minimizes conflict among group members
5 Enables unity and teamwork among members
6 Maximizes support from development
7 Emphasizes the role of group dynamics in
8 Ensures effective implementation of state

19. Please specify the degree of empowerment attained through

Samagra Initiatives of Kudumbashree based on the following variables
(Rate them as 5-Very High; 4-High; 3-Moderate; 2- Low; and 1-Very

Before After
A. Economic Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Sufficiency of income
Ability to contribute towards family
Able to reduce poverty

Before After
A. Economic Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Ability to avoid unnecessary expenditure
Regular savings
Decision making with regard to
utilization of money
Competency to meet personal needs and
expenses independently
Capacity to support others
Ability to meet children’s educational
expenses easily
Potentiality to manage the financial
problems smoothly
Ablility to purchase household things and
properties easily
Ability to recognize fake currency notes
B. Social Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Easy mingling with others
Better understanding on immunization
Acquired recognition in family and
Enhanced attention on family planning
Awareness about social problems
Ability to actively participate in cultural
Better understanding and awareness about
health issues
Increased social status
Free movement without restrictions
Easy accessibility to resources and
support for exercising members rights
Developed mutual help and support from
other members
C. Psychological and Personal 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Ability to communicate with higher
Capablility of doing activities
Active involvement in decision making

Before After
A. Economic Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Understanding problems and solving them
without much difficulty
Acquired knowledge about own strength
and weakness
Improved self confidence level
Good feeling of psychological well being
Increased self-esteem and self-efficacy
Capacity to share views freely with others
Ability to go anywhere without fear
Enriched Knowledge and skill for reading
and writing
Expertise in writing minutes book
Ability to know banking operations and
do banking transactions independently
D.Political Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Power to vote according to own choice
and decision
Active participation in development
activities and political meetings
Strengthening political consciousness
Enjoyed freedom to introduce new style
of leadership
1. Agricultural Production and Processing Activities
1. Cost of Production and processing expenses:
2. Income from Production and processing activities:
2. Animal Husbandary Activities
1. Cost of animal expenses:
2. Income:
2.1 Income from Sale of milk (Rs.):
2.2 Income from sale of animal (Rs.):
2.3 Income from sale of waste (Rs.):
Financial Indicators Before joining After joining



1. Name of the district:
2. Name of the Member:
3. Name of the Group:
1. Age (Years):
2. Experience:
3. Religion
a. Hindu
b. Christian
c. Muslim
4. Caste
a. General
b. SC
c. ST
5. Educational Qualification
a. Below SSLC
c. Higher Secondary
d. Degree
6. Marital Status
a. Married
b. Widowed
c. Divorced
7. Subsidiary Occupation
a. House Wives
b. Self-employed
c. Coolie
8. Family Size:
a. 4 Members
b. 5 Members
c. 6 Members
d. Above 6 Members

9. Number of family members engaged in farming:
10. Please specify the degree of empowerment attained through the
Kudumbashree Programme based on the following variables. (Rate
them as 5-Very High; 4-High; 3-Moderate; 2- Low; and 1-Very Low)
A. Economic Empowerment Before After
5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Sufficiency of income
Ability to contribute towards family
Able to reduce poverty
Ability to avoid unnecessary expenditure
Regular savings
Decision making with regard to
utilization of money
Competency to meet personal needs and
expenses independently
Capacity to support others
Ability to meet children’s educational
expenses easily
Potentiality to manage the financial
problems smoothly
Ablility to purchase household things and
properties easily
Ability to recognize fake currency notes
B. Social Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Easy mingling with others
Better understanding on immunization
Acquired recognition in family and
Enhanced attention on family planning
Awareness about social problems
Ability to actively participate in cultural
Better understanding and awareness about
health issues

Increased social status
Free movement without restrictions
Easy accessibility to resources and
support for exercising members rights
Developed mutual help and support from
other members
C. Psychological and Personal 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Ability to communicate with higher
Capablility of doing activities
Active involvement in decision making
Understanding problems and solving them
without much difficulty
Acquired knowledge about own strength
and weakness
Improved self confidence level
Good feeling of psychological well being
Increased self-esteem and self-efficacy
Capacity to share views freely with others
Ability to go anywhere without fear
Enriched Knowledge and skill for reading
and writing
Expertise in writing minutes book
Ability to know banking operations and
do banking transactions independently
D.Political Empowerment 5 4 3 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Power to vote according to own choice
and decision
Active participation in development
activities and political meetings
Strengthening political consciousness
Enjoyed freedom to introduce new style
of leadership



Kukeran Formula

Z 2 pq
n d
1  Z 2 pq 
1  1
N d 2

Z = statistic for a level of confidence (e.g. 1.96 for 95 per cent)

p & q = Expected proportion (0.5 used for sample needed)
n = sample size with definite population
d = precision (0.05 used for sample needed)
N = Whole Statistical population


1.962  0.5 0.5

0.05 2
 360

1 1.96  0.5 0.5

1  1
5703  0.05 2

1.962  0.5 0.5
0.05 2
1 1.96  0.5 0.5
 380
1  
29605  0.05 2

This is to certify that the following research articles and papers were
published and presented by Amutha R, Research Scholar under my
1. Amutha R & Dr.A V Hemalatha (2018) ‘Women Groups and
Changing Socio-economic Status. A Study of Kudumbashree in
Kasaragod District, Kerala State’. International Journal of
Management Studies (IJMS) [ISSN 2249-0302], Volume – V, Issue
– 3(6), P P 10-19.
2. Smt. Amutha R (December, 2017) Commerce and Management in
the Changing Times [ICCMCT’17] organised by the Post Graduate
Department of Commerce, Maharaja’s College, Ernakulam
published proceedings (ISBN: 978-93-5300-371-5), published paper
‘Kudumbashree: A Collective Action for Poverty Alleviation and
Women Empowerment’.
3. Amutha R ( 2017) Presented a paper on International Seminar on
‘Strategies for Tourism Promotion and Marketing in Kerala in
Global Perspective – ISTPM 2K17’ organized by Department of
M.E.S Mampad College (November 13 – 14, 2017).‘ “Tourism” a
means for Empowering Women in Kerala: Opportunities and
4. Smt. Amutha R (2017) Presented a paper on National Seminar on
’Innovation in Business, Management and Accounting’ organized by
E.K.N.M Govt. College Elerithattu (December 2017). “Self Help
Groups and Women Empowerment in Kerala”.
5. Smt. Amutha R (2018) Presented a paper National Seminar on “ICT
as a change agent for Arts and Science Education” organized by
E.K.N.M Govt. College, Elerithattu (February 2018). “Empowering
women in Kozhikode: A study on role of Kudumbashree Projects”.

Dr. Hemalatha A.V.



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